Sorry for the late feedback
The map looks very interesting.
I'd use a nice sun lighting for this map. Would look a lot better than the current lighting. This post will help you, it's not that hard. barrels, you just forgot to align two top textures. Btw. it's less effort to align stuff while creating the brush/es than doing it afterwards
And the screenshots...
Red: Rotate textures.
Yellow: There's a small edge.
Red: Misaligned top textures.
Red: Rotate textures.
Blue: Add clip brushes there.
Yellow: I'd fill such corners with a gras brush. Would look better in my opinion. The clipping planes will help you to create triangle brushes.
Red: Rotate textures.
Blue: Add clip brushes there.
Red: Here's a vis issue because of the rotated brushes. I'd try to avoid the rotation or make it more properly. Might be something for advanced mappers.
Blue: Some of the brushes doesn't fit because of the rotated brushes. I'd try to avoid the rotation or make it more properly. Might be something for advanced mappers.
Red: Scale down the textures for small boxes.
Red: Here're more edges/holes. I think it's that what T3RR0R15T meant.
Red: Rotate textures.
Blue: Add clip brushes there.
Yellow: Scale down the textures for smaller boxes.
Red: I'd fill such corners with a gras brush. Would look better in my opinion. The clipping planes will help you to create triangle brushes.
Red: I'd fill such corners with a gras brush. Would look better in my opinion. The clipping planes will help you to create triangle brushes.
Red: I'd fill such corners with a gras brush. Would look better in my opinion. The clipping planes will help you to create triangle brushes.
Blue: Scale down the textures for small boxes.
Red: Rotate textures.
Blue: Add clip brushes there.
Red: Rotate textures.
Blue: Add clip brushes there.
Red: Scale down the textures for small boxes.
Red: Rotate textures.
Blue: Add clip brushes there.
Red: Rotate textures.
Blue: Add clip brushes there.
Red: I'd extend these brushes down.
Yellow: In my opinion is this brush very annoying. Might be better to make it more flat that the brush doesn't block players.
Let me know if you need some help.
Map is online @ [OTB] Beta!