Hi guys,
first of all, i don't need any flame here, so if you want to troll do it somewhere else. I ONLY need your opinion and arguments. No offtopic etc . Okay? Thanks.
History begins like a month ago: I was developing my anticheat, and i decided to give to Jitspoe demo of it to add it to paintball. Jitspoe told me that he can get source to improve his anticheat, but i decided to not give it to him, because i thought that he won't do anything because of lack of time.
I think that Jitspoe is just too closed for new development so i want to know your opinion about my anticheat (I can't really tell how it does work, but i think it will be better than existing one. Why? I've checked how actual anticheat works, i was able to crack it easily.).
If you guys want to know anything about my anticheat, ask, but i can't tell much about it. I think i would add it as DLL and detect suspicious tools , look for file modifications (Checksum), check for loaded DLL files (and block it), also it would check for WinApi injections (not present in old one). Those are just some features which i would include to fight against cheaters. So i guess cheating wouldn't be that easy anymore (many tools use just DLL injection which i simply block).
Also, if you want to help me in development of anticheat, you might give me some cheats, which i will decompile to look for modifications to make protection and include hash in anticheat database. (I will give you my mail to send it as attachment - I take responsibility for sending it to me).
How would adding my anticheat result? Cheating would become harder and really hard to not get detected. Also i would try to make automatic ban system for known cheats, so those would get banned in minutes = Many cheats doesn't work anymore; Jitspoe lose less development time; bans might get reduced back to 64 days.
Do you think that new anticheat is needed? Give me arguments both for yes and for no. Maybe if you support me, Jitspoe would agree on my help. Discuss!
Edit #1: Removed infos about old anticheat as joonas requested