He isn't good enough to be accused of hacking.
^ OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHETS GOING DOWN! Insta call your mom for backup!
Leave my son alone!
Kinda like you?
If he's your son then can you resolve the case on if he's a test tube baby or not cuz it intrigues everyone
unrated: lets be honest, you're not very witty. )trollolololol1!!!11!one!1!1!SnooD: i'll help you find your mother. When was the last time you seen her? what was she wearing? probably something trashy because she's a prostitute. how old is she? what does she look like?
ummm lolok?? trololhahahaahhahh wtf is the point of this lol
For you last one, nothing it's just Chemical. He is upset about his sad life because he weighs 300 pounds and is about 5 8. When his mom tells him he cant eat anything else for the day because their family is running low on food stamps he throws a female dog fit and tries to put others down. Key word "tries" doesn't succeed. Get used to it :/ .iG|instinkz "are to eat as much as possible"
i do succeed because you wouldn't go through the trouble to try to rage me on forums or go to your friends house to use a different name and not have people make fun of you. sorry that you have insecuritys :/