Author Topic: match scene diminishing  (Read 11337 times)


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match scene diminishing
« on: May 01, 2012, 04:27:29 PM »
The topic explains it, I've never seen this game so dead in fourteen years. Its slowed down but a new generation has always come after. I don't see this happening again unless their is some major changes to the game to make an attempt to get more people involved.

 I don't even know if it is possible but to have a lobby when you first login to when opening paintball. Players could choose to idle it like mIRC. League of legends if I remember has something very similar. It could only help the clan scene. Its just a suggestion and should have probably been added to the suggestions section.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2012, 05:59:17 PM »


  • VM-68
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2012, 11:37:14 AM »
The problem is:

The feature votes. They never get touched and just sit there. Our opinions are ignored. I personally think jitspoe should have more than just him working on this game if there's ever going to be anything great coming from it.


  • PGP
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2012, 03:50:45 PM »
It's unfortunate, considering jitspoe dedicated so much time for develeoping this game and how much time we spend playing it, having great fun in our teen ages. But the truth is, the scene is dimishing for years now, ultimately passing it's half-life.
The game itself isn't the issue I guess. Sure, it lacks standarts other games provide, but those games are written by more than a single guy who spends his heart blood in what was once his youth project.
Implementing these standarts wouldn't change much at all. It woudln't attract newer players, nor pull those who quit years ago. In the best case szenario it'd keep the established player base, though this base is thinner than it ever was.
The reasons for PB's slow death aren't that plain. I personally believe, the current generation of fps-shooters had an incredibly large imapct on pb's lifespan. If you want to play some rounds of fps nowadays, you just turn on your steam/ps3/360, play Modern Warfare or BF;BC with TDm or FFA. You'll get easy rewards, graphics, full servers and a feeling of accomplishment when you constantly pwn some pubnoobs (which I never felt when playing DB, there wasn't any competition pub, ever) and you can leave anytime, since you don't know anybody (which is very unpersonal and, from my pov, boring).
Back then, in the 2005s, for example, there wasn't a game like CODMW. Also, not every 12 years old had a 360 + xboxlive. PB seemed like a good alternative from other games such as CS or CC. Playing a little more actively almost always ended in joining clans and matches, which were so much fun playing because we knew each other.
Unfortunately, jitspoe couldn't  really capitalize on the game, having an established, big player base. The lack of money, volunteers, promotion and time slowly killed paintball. The game changed since then, but it made almost no progression.
Another important fact: the players grew up. I started this game when I was 13. It was my first online game, it was free, it reminded me of q3 arena, there were other germans to talk and troll and people I admired in a way, which led me to exessive play, in order to surpass them.
3 months from now on, I'll celebrate my 20th birthday. I changed as a person, developed my interessts, going to join university soon. For me, it's no fun to play pub because seriously, even after 2 years of pause, I still beat the crap out of these newbies. But I can't spend my whole time on IRC, either, just to get a match started. There are other things i could do. And even tough one could say I should play matches occasionaly I refuse to, because of a simple reason: the less you practice, the worse you are. It wouldn't be fun to match and getting rolfstomped all day long.
I pity jitspoe, for he has spend so much time and money on this game. And I have a strange feel of pain, anytime I remember the good old pb time. It's been a part of my childhood but it can#t be helped. I really do think nothing can help this game surviving


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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2012, 04:49:23 PM »
Heh you put it well.... I've just been around forever and don't want to see something I spent my child hood on die just yet.

Jitspoe: There absolutely needs to be something done if you want to see this game have success like it once did. If not I see this being the end of the matching days with a majority of the clans dying and becoming inactive.


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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #5 on: May 03, 2012, 12:24:12 AM »
 This time of the year again? intercourse off bundles of twigs, just because you are in your nostalgic moment and think 'OH ITS NOT THE SAME ANYMORE', doesn't mean that the game is dieing. Sure, the times are changed. Czechs/polaks don't idle irc, they get their matches from facebook/servers/icq/whatever. Open the serverbrowser on some evening. I did that the other night and I counted 130 people in servers. Imo, it has always been around 120-150.



  • Map Committee
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2012, 02:04:39 AM »
Clipz brought back DyingJackal and a few others. Then they shortly left again.


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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2012, 05:46:08 AM »
that was touching time2chill =( biggest reason for me why i liked the game was cos of the people i played with.. now basically none of  them play anymore so it sucks.. and yea ofcourse i had more time when i was 13-15. now u have work and girlfriend and other excrement to worry about


  • PGP
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2012, 08:58:35 AM »
This time of the year again? intercourse off bundles of twigs, just because you are in your nostalgic moment and think 'OH ITS NOT THE SAME ANYMORE', doesn't mean that the game is dieing. Sure, the times are changed. Czechs/polaks don't idle irc, they get their matches from facebook/servers/icq/whatever. Open the serverbrowser on some evening. I did that the other night and I counted 130 people in servers. Imo, it has always been around 120-150.


Chill, don't go full pb-community-member on me.
We all know these constant "dp is going down guys, kkthxbye" predictions, coming up pretty frequently by those who never managed to keep with the small match making scene. Those who needed an excuse for their own decline as players.
Nonetheless, one cannot deny how extremly thin the community got. Just look at IRC; it's darn empty there, compared to what he had 2 years or so ago. Sure, Pub's still somewhat "full", though pretty much unenjoyable. That might be my my opinion, but I'm sure as hell, you don't like Speed Server, either. Sometimes Arctic Pub is filled, which is quite nice to see, but unfortunately, it only happens sometimes. Supermans Pub is pretty good, I admit, but it's simple no fun playing with such a latency.
The sheer number of pub players don't draw a picture of the comm. all too well. They simple pub, never get involved into anything. Pretty contraproductive, if you ask me, considering we want the game to grow. Very few players make the transition into the more established area (like in every other game, but at least they're bigger). In fact, there is no player on IRC (except for the mappers) who I never heard of, and I haven't played for 2 years. Doesn't that bother you?

Nostalgia is what those feel, who spend a big chunk of their childhood with DP. I believe every single one of us is glad having made that experience. That doesn't necessarily mean, we want to "feel the time" again. No, I, for me, think nothing can bring back these days. Yeah even if my friends and opponents would play actively, it wouldn't be the same. One match here and there, nothing more. Like i said, we grew up, changed as person, have different preferences now etc.
I won't bring anybody back to play, because I believe they feel the same way. Plus: Nobody wants a community consisting of the same members for 20 years. The community needs progression not stalemate.

And don't get me wrong. I never accused Jitspoe of being the root of all evil. Those who do/did so, simply needed someone to blame, but when they actually thought a minute about it, they'd all realize he can't be blamed. DP cannot be handeld by a single person.

I don't want the game to die. I'm not here to tell you "face it, it's over". I'm not here to blame anybody of us. I'm only stating my concerns and beliefs on why the game is slowly dying and why I think, that nothing can really keep it alive this time


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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2012, 09:14:54 AM »
dont give a intercourse, go away


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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2012, 09:38:04 AM »
blaa with the typical dp2 response. LiKe u R CoOl BrO, Oh Shet u MaKe TuRniEzzzzzzzzzz. U MuSt B TOP ShEt BruH. You're "I don't give a intercourse about everything" attitude is so annoying, and never adds anything to threads. You do nothing for this community, little 5minute tournaments that pretty much organize itself, and you just come on forums to put down all other posters.

Clipz actually brought about 10 people back, which made a new team for the NA matching scene, made a few maps since he returned, created the pug channel etc... etc...  So he's actually done more for the competitive scene then just about anyone in the last few years.

The game needs a lot done to it in order to grow, but with 1 person developing it, it wont happen. Especially when he's got a full-time job, and this is just his side project. But do you really thing he expected it to last this long anyways? And it's not like it's dead now, it's just dying. Every year these threads come up, because every year it dies more and more. There's maybe 4 NA clans that play, it's never been that low since I started this game. I counted 12 people online at 10pm EST last night. The EU scene isn't bad, but it's still dying. The IRC community is dead. In all, the NA scene (match and pub) is just about gone. If you look in NA pubs at night, the 6-10 people online are all BR's.


  • Autococker
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2012, 10:00:01 AM »
Blaa is a great member of the community, wtfuonabout.

Jits needs help developing it, I think if the game looked nicer more would play. The gameplays all there, its a great game, but I just dont think its hawt enough.


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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2012, 10:29:10 AM »
 I have this attitude because these threads help nothing. Like you said, every year these are made. OHH JITSSPOE GET MORE DEVULPEOERS, WE GET DAUSANDS MEMBRUZZZ THEN.

who the intercourse unbanned you?

and who's stopping you to recruit more members, actually do something about it, rather than create a thread, pour your heart out and expect that somebody else will do anything? I've never said that i am the perfect community member, but thanks for your thoughts on my tournaments.


  • PGP
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #13 on: May 03, 2012, 10:43:35 AM »
I understand what you mean, but still: this is a forum: People meet online to discuss their concerns and MAYBE find a solution. Joining the thread with an immature troll attempt doesn't contribute anything. If you don't care about anything said here, why don't you just stay out, like you told me to do? You already stated your opinion. If you can't stand other opinions, don't get personal, but stay away.


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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #14 on: May 03, 2012, 11:19:56 AM »

I agree with most what time said. But with my trolling i tried to say that ideas and talk lead to nowhere.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2012, 02:38:20 PM »
I know this game isnt same like 3-4 years before, but every day we play some funny 3v3/4v4/5v5 match. Today really good 3v3 vs DaRk. Game is still good and funny but dying :(


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #16 on: May 03, 2012, 06:04:57 PM »
I don't know how many times I can say this.  You can't blame jitspoe for the community base dwindling.  He's doing all that he can.  A big part of the reason is that its hard for new people to learn.  Another big part of the reason is the attitude of many of the players.  Your former clan was one of the worst in regards of negative attitude.

What have you done to bring in new players?


  • Autococker
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #17 on: May 03, 2012, 06:46:28 PM »
I don't know how many times I can say this.  You can't blame jitspoe for the community base dwindling.  He's doing all that he can.  A big part of the reason is that its hard for new people to learn.  Another big part of the reason is the attitude of many of the players.  Your former clan was one of the worst in regards of negative attitude.

What have you done to bring in new players?
ive trained manyy players. and people really, stop with the blame game, jits has a life and once he is done with stuff he comes to work on this game. like really if you want to help out this game soo bad, why not train new players, and bring them to the matching. itz not jits fault


  • VM-68
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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #18 on: May 03, 2012, 06:48:23 PM »
What have YOU done? Why is it OUR job to bring players in? I've done so for 7+ years.

That's what I've done to help.

It's not jitspoes fault, but wasn't help offered MANY times? Why is it turned down? Dp's gameplay is unique, something different. I always come back to this game.


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Re: match scene diminishing
« Reply #19 on: May 03, 2012, 07:51:33 PM »
Who is blaa? Thanks myerz for sticking up for me. I've done what I could. Once again whos blaa?