177 is an odd number
177 is a composite number
177 is a deficient number, as 63 is less than 177
177 is a Leyland number since it can be expressed as 27 + 72
177 is a square-free number
177 is a Ulam number
177 is a 60-gonal number
Divisors of 177: 1, 3, 59, 177
177 is a semiprime: a product of two prime numbers (3 and 59)
Since the prime factors (3 and 59) are Gaussian primes, 177 is a Blum integer
177 is a digitally balanced number: in its binary numeral system representation, it has the same number of zeros as ones (10110001)
177 is the magic constant of a magic square using only Chen primes
177 is the smallest magic constant for a 3 x 3 prime magic square
Source: wikipedia