Author Topic: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.  (Read 11848 times)


  • VM-68
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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #20 on: August 09, 2012, 04:35:56 PM »
So should i send cheating instructions to people privately? No problem. </joke>
Well, Jitspoe doesn't really seem to be interested in those information so why can't i publish those. I understand your point, but it depends if I'm still in interested in helping or maybe i want to ruin. No clear idea now.

(NVM my special nick, trolling is fun. Sorry Jitspoe if you thought that range ban stop me).

If the current you is capable of being driven into ruining jitspoe's game on purpose, can you blame him for not trusting you with taking care of the cheat detection? I mean, if the dealbreaker was a lack of trust, you can't say he had the wrong image of (the current) you.

Let's say you were cloned.. Would you trust your clone with taking care of stuff like cheat detection? Is he the dependable guy who you know wouldn't get back at you by sabotaging his work even if he felt momentary anger towards you for some happening in the future?

If nobody wanted to learn about cheating, there would not be any use for PAC. Think about it...

If you're referring to that as a tactic used to force someone into doing what you say, I'm well aware :( . In one game that I was recently playing, there was a guy who thought it would quicken the process of developers fixing a huge glitch if he made EVERYONE know how to use the glitch to their advantage. So he went around from server to server, instructing everyone on how to duplicate in-game items. The economy went down the drain, finding rare items didn't feel as awesome anymore which was the main point of the game, and lots of people quit as a result. It's the most ignorant and harmful way I can think of to get things done.


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #21 on: August 10, 2012, 03:05:24 PM »
If the current you is capable of being driven into ruining jitspoe's game on purpose, can you blame him for not trusting you with taking care of the cheat detection? I mean, if the dealbreaker was a lack of trust, you can't say he had the wrong image of (the current) you.

Let's say you were cloned.. Would you trust your clone with taking care of stuff like cheat detection? Is he the dependable guy who you know wouldn't get back at you by sabotaging his work even if he felt momentary anger towards you for some happening in the future?
That's smart question.

If i meet my clone, i wouldn't obviously believe him fully, but i would accept his help when he gives me his source or tools (i made that to Jitspoe few times), of course checking them first. I see no reason to not do this. But maybe i'm not as busy as he. But i assume it's lie because he found time to ban me somehow. Oh well.
I tried many ways, also "one way help".

If you're referring to that as a tactic used to force someone into doing what you say, I'm well aware :( . In one game that I was recently playing, there was a guy who thought it would quicken the process of developers fixing a huge glitch if he made EVERYONE know how to use the glitch to their advantage. So he went around from server to server, instructing everyone on how to duplicate in-game items. The economy went down the drain, finding rare items didn't feel as awesome anymore which was the main point of the game, and lots of people quit as a result. It's the most ignorant and harmful way I can think of to get things done.
In "hackers" community it's usually done this way: Give developers time to fix and then show glitch, and if developers are too lazy to fix bug in acceptable time then show glitch anyway. Of course white hat guys do it like so. Can you spot similarity to mine behavior? I don't see way of cooperating with Jitspoe. But i do see way of cooperating with hackers. I'm usually against cheats, but if i can't help it then maybe have fun?

If nobody wanted to learn about cheating, there would not be any use for PAC. Think about it...
If i release my hack/cheat then i wouldn't see way of getting back in contact with Jitspoe. And i can already see that isn't very likely to happen. So what i can lose? It isn't just mater of what i can't lose but what i can get. And i can get awesome environment to test my hack systems in real situations. I do not care about this too much anyway as you can see from my posts.
Thinking it's all way to make others using PAC is bad thinking. If i would like to do so i would release my hack that is detectable by PAC and not Jits anticheat without telling everyone "Hey, i got hax i'm going to use to get PAC going!". Now it's too obvious and i also ruin my reputation by saying that i might release cheats. Not much i lose anyway.

Anyway, don't consider anything i say as being done. Those are just ideas.

@Jitspoe, please don't waste your time improving your ban methods, i can still avoid them. I don't want you to waste your time, i don't spam this forum or so. I'll bypass it anyway, we know this. So don't waste your time, i don't want you to do so. Thanks.


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #22 on: August 10, 2012, 03:28:02 PM »
Seriously Payl, everybody knows how cool you are already, you do not need to prove this over and over.

You are not banned from the forums to show us your magic ban avoiding skills, you're probably banned because the forum admins decided it's time for a time-out after derailing every thread with your ironic comments. You could show some respect and leave this forum until your ban is removed.

- yes I know this should have been a PM, but considering he's currently banned, he wouldn't be able to read it. Feel free to delete this comment. -


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 157
Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #23 on: August 10, 2012, 05:17:36 PM »
The example in my reply to jimmy's comment was pretty off topic. You're guilty of trying to force jitspoe into a corner by publicly talking badly about his current cheat detection, and by partially exposing some of the holes you've found so that other people with your skills could do the same thing unless jitspoe changes his schedule and does what you wish him to.

You might think that it's for the best if jitspoe just took time to work on his cheat detection, but it really isn't if he doesn't feel up to it. He might lose his motivation on the game in general if he's forced to work on stuff he's not interested in.

The moral behind this all is that you should respect jitspoe's position and the rights that position gives him. He has the right to ultimately choose how he uses his time when dealing with this game, and the only thing anyone of us here can do about that is to express our opinion for him to consider, which he does.

Your situation sucks, but don't look at it as if it's been a wasted effort since you managed to motivate yourself into learning something.
I won't be replying to your posts anymore until you're unbanned, to make it easier for you to respect the ban.

(edit: If you're wondering why I didn't mention the fact that you've tried to do the improvements for him, it's because I already mentioned the lack of trust in my previous post.)


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #24 on: August 11, 2012, 09:52:57 AM »
Seriously Payl, everybody knows how cool you are already, you do not need to prove this over and over.
Oh, really?

You are not banned from the forums to show us your magic ban avoiding skills, you're probably banned because the forum admins decided it's time for a time-out after derailing every thread with your ironic comments. You could show some respect and leave this forum until your ban is removed.
I wouldn't be capable of derailing threads myself. It's thanks to community. So i can't really agree that it's my fault derailing threads. I can only say that i make ironic comments as usual that i don't consider banworth. Community response isn't my problem.
But that's not why i avoid ban. I avoid ban because i like to stay tuned. If this ban would be hard to bypass then i maybe would do it for "being cool" but it's too easy...

- yes I know this should have been a PM, but considering he's currently banned, he wouldn't be able to read it. Feel free to delete this comment. -
Maybe you remember me saying that I'll criticize publicly. That also applies to me. I have nothing against public criticism.

The example in my reply to jimmy's comment was pretty off topic. You're guilty of trying to force jitspoe into a corner by publicly talking badly about his current cheat detection, and by partially exposing some of the holes you've found so that other people with your skills could do the same thing unless jitspoe changes his schedule and does what you wish him to.
Well, i wasn't trying to force Jitspoe into corner. But i wanted to get it going. And i do understand how it might look.
I've never really said anything really related to holes in his anticheat. I don't think that there are other people with my skills, maybe except jitspoe and i wanted him to understand it.

You might think that it's for the best if jitspoe just took time to work on his cheat detection, but it really isn't if he doesn't feel up to it. He might lose his motivation on the game in general if he's forced to work on stuff he's not interested in.
I was also talking about helping him. I offered my help, not only by getting and modifying source, but also ready tools etc. Wouldn't take much of his time, even if he isn't really interested.

The moral behind this all is that you should respect jitspoe's position and the rights that position gives him. He has the right to ultimately choose how he uses his time when dealing with this game, and the only thing anyone of us here can do about that is to express our opinion for him to consider, which he does.
Everyone here threats Jitspoe like god. I don't really think so. I still respect him for creating this game, but i don't threat him like god, that know what to do always.

Your situation sucks, but don't look at it as if it's been a wasted effort since you managed to motivate yourself into learning something.
It depend what you mean by "Your situation sucks". It really depend what i want to do. I found that it's senseless to help Jitspoe. I found it out when talking with him about PAC. So i knew about it for long time. If i wanted to help Jitspoe, my situation would suck, but I've been aware of things that gonna happen some time ago. Therefore i don't really think that my situation sucks. When I've stopped trying to help Jitspoe, it opened new ways i think I'll use.
I've made PAC mainly to learn things, not just to put it into DP. I don't threat it as wasted effort, because i learned much new stuff. I've been saying so for long time.

I won't be replying to your posts anymore until you're unbanned, to make it easier for you to respect the ban.
Thanks. But it doesn't really change much.

(edit: If you're wondering why I didn't mention the fact that you've tried to do the improvements for him, it's because I already mentioned the lack of trust in my previous post.)
I've said that i have given almost done tools to him so even if he doesn't trust me my help can't ruin anything.

EDIT: I just found by inspecting jitspoe anticheat that he changed his code a little bit to follow my instructions. While it's very basic protection, i can see improvement. Better than nothing, stopped me for ~3 minutes mostly by confusing "i remember that it worked".
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 01:28:41 PM by pa_yl »


  • Autococker
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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #25 on: August 11, 2012, 05:17:24 PM »
Payl dont you get it.How about you shut the hell up?So it will actually help with making the game better & better..Instead ur sitting on the forums on ur fat lazy arse and thinking of comebacks to all these people and blowing away all the new people.Think about it if you run a company right, and the company didnt really make anything to sell/do whatever, would you like people that work for you scaring away ur customers(Because of attitude and whatever else).Bet you wouldnt, so how about you actually go back to the second sentence i wrote. Thanks


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 370
Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #26 on: August 12, 2012, 02:29:03 AM »
it seems that the hole community read this but nobody answers couse ur banned ...
Well in fact I don't get why payl is flamed here, he tries to put effort in this game but no one accepts this. Maybe it is because he is "payl", idk hard to explain, but I don't see anything negative about him. But really, I think if you want to get accepted here, but I don't think so, you should really work on a very popular and useful feature vote. I guess u don't want to get the respect of the community because u don't give a excrement, but if u want to do something that opens a door, then this would be the only intelligent and maybe succesful way. Maybe their would still be flamers but id
think u care much about that fact ;)

I hope i could give some useful advice, maybe the only in this hole topic :P
EDIT: I just found by inspecting jitspoe anticheat that he changed his code a little bit to follow my instructions. While it's very basic protection, i can see improvement. Better than nothing, stopped me for ~3 minutes mostly by confusing "i remember that it worked".

Well see it as at least a small advance, maybe it just takes Jitspoe some time to think about including ur work. We all know that Jit is a busy man, so why do u wonder? Just give him some time, i think its a better idea than developing stuff that isnt accepted couse Jit doesnt include it. If you work for u and some friends well, thats your own business. We all know how valuable u could be if you only wanted.


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #27 on: August 12, 2012, 06:06:33 AM »
Payl dont you get it.How about you shut the hell up?So it will actually help with making the game better & better..Instead ur sitting on the forums on ur fat lazy arse and thinking of comebacks to all these people and blowing away all the new people.Think about it if you run a company right, and the company didnt really make anything to sell/do whatever, would you like people that work for you scaring away ur customers(Because of attitude and whatever else).Bet you wouldnt, so how about you actually go back to the second sentence i wrote. Thanks

it seems that the hole community read this but nobody answers couse ur banned ...
Or cause they don't have anything relevant to say. Better than speaking about my lazy arse.

Well in fact I don't get why payl is flamed here, he tries to put effort in this game but no one accepts this. Maybe it is because he is "payl", idk hard to explain, but I don't see anything negative about him.
I never said i'm not negative at all. I know some of my posts are negative or sth. But this community doesn't care what you done positive, but what you done negative. Or maybe it isn't whole community, but most that is leaded by hatters.

But really, I think if you want to get accepted here, but I don't think so, you should really work on a very popular and useful feature vote. I guess u don't want to get the respect of the community because u don't give a excrement, but if u want to do something that opens a door, then this would be the only intelligent and maybe succesful way. Maybe their would still be flamers but id
think u care much about that fact ;)
Being accepted here? Why do i need this. I don't really care.

I hope i could give some useful advice, maybe the only in this hole topic :P
I'm sorry but you couldn't. You still think that i want to go back to Jitspoe. I have said many many times that Jitspoe doesn't trust anyone, and so on, and so on. If he would like me to stay, he would contact me before. Now it seems like it's fight between Jitspoe preventing me from evading and me evading. It's fun anyway. @Jitspoe, you can expect more than just this.

Well see it as at least a small advance, maybe it just takes Jitspoe some time to think about including ur work. We all know that Jit is a busy man, so why do u wonder? Just give him some time, i think its a better idea than developing stuff that isnt accepted couse Jit doesnt include it. If you work for u and some friends well, thats your own business. We all know how valuable u could be if you only wanted.
Jitspoe include it but doesn't really tell anyone what he did. So he is smart enough to listen to my advices but stupid enough to not ask for more, deny anything i done etc.
It's not because of lack of time. Somehow he found time to install plugins to try to prevent me from evading ban.
Everyone can be valuable, if he know stuff. But if he know stuff, it also change his mind. I'm not stupid little Jitspoe kid like most of you, that believes in anything that Jitspoe said. And everyone says that i should pay so much respect for him just because he is Jitspoe. And then when i deny that, they say that i insult him. And this is next reason to hate Payl - because he have his own mind.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 370
Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #28 on: August 12, 2012, 01:12:11 PM »
so do whatever u like ^^
well infact I AM a very opptimistic person.
But i see this topic won't bring any advance nor does it make sense at all. And btw, I don't know what u think about the fallowing, but I think you should just stop answering to the flamers, it won't bring any progress because than they will answer again ...

And no, as positive i may thinking, i didn't say ur a perfect person. How could I, id even know u very good...
I say there would be a theorethical chance for a cooperation with Jitspoe, i don't say it is probable but still possible. But well, this chance is only possible if you make a little pause and stop complain about Jitspoe isn't accepting your help. I think he is a bit annoyed about you, but this won't get any better if you keep on posting.

But well i think you won't even read this. I must say i don't really understand you, but we are two different types of persons so...
Just one last question.

If you don't want this game to develope, and if you don't want to help the community that isn't accepting why are you still here??
I think i'm not the only person here who thinks like this. We all know(although i hope the opposite) that there won't be a cooperation with Jitspoe in near future. So make a pause, and if you still want to come back, do so. But this posts just give me the feeling that this all could habe had a much more positive end, and you u remind me of all problems in this community. Well maybe this sounds good to u but in fact only people who already see the problem will feel like this, and the others will ignore it.

I can only repeat me. Take a pause, if u still want to come back, do so. In the moment what your doing here does not make any sense you could do better things in this time. Gz another five mins for reading this post.


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2012, 03:17:20 PM »
Please, somebody, lock this pointless waste of everyone's time.


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #30 on: August 13, 2012, 01:10:00 AM »
I think he is flaming himself, to be honest.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2012, 03:37:50 PM »
LOLing at Payl calling developers lazy.

So ignorant.


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2012, 05:50:09 PM »
Please, somebody, lock this pointless waste of everyone's time.
Better to have him stay focused here than derailing every other thread on the forum.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2012, 02:46:39 PM »
Better to have him stay focused here than derailing every other thread on the forum.


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2012, 12:21:14 PM »
Payl, your not a pro evader, u know nothing of it, evading a forums ban on Internet is not hard, all your doing now is losing your trust and rep with everyone and jitspoe. Tell me this, since you brought up white hat and black hats, white hats are accuatly WORKING for the company that hires them, they don't exploit anything, company pays them to find glitchs, but mostly hacks, so that the company can patch or update their games, and I believe they also make solutions to those hacks. Since your said what ever you said on white hats, it shows you have no clue what "hackers" are.

This game is based on quake 2 engine, it's is not hard to make hacks on the quake engine, I believe all/most hackers/programers say "it's a disgrace to make hacks on quake, and therfore those who create hacks on quake engines are/shoudnt be called "hackers""

Now you talk about devlopment team, most those guys are 30+ and have other jobs so they can make money and feed their family's. They created this game as a hobbie, not as a profession. So for them, when they are done their jobs, their time with their girlfriends/wifes, their time with their kids or for some who still have their mom's and dad's because they gotta take care of them too, and their time with thier  friends, then whatever time is left over they put in to this game. Ummmm I wonder if that's a lot of time??

Payl, you want to be heard by jitspoe, but you think that he's not listening to you, but in fact he is, all those P.Ms you send he takes HIS time to read them, all of them, including the spambot P.Ms, but it's his choice to respond back. I assure you he does read them.

Payl how old are you? I'm going to take a guess of 16-20 years old, jitspoe is 30 years old, he's worked for quake and created this game, and has done other things as well, in other words he's experienced, he has much more exp. then you. It's like a engineer, if he's experienced then the other guyhe can give easier or better solutions to a problem then a guy who is pretty new. I gave this example because it holds true to what jitspoe has to say compared to what you say, if he doesnt take or implement an idea it's because he knows some flaws in it, so don't expect your self to be "better answer" because it may not be the case.

BTW jitspoe is not the only one that can give you a ban on forums, other committee members can too



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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2012, 01:02:28 PM »
Just after having read the last sentence I decided to post this.


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2012, 08:26:00 PM »
so do whatever u like ^^
well infact I AM a very opptimistic person.
I can only repeat me. Take a pause, if u still want to come back, do so. In the moment what your doing here does not make any sense you could do better things in this time. Gz another five mins for reading this post.
Why wouldn't i read this. I read this when you posted it.
Anyway, you are actually right. You are only people posting useful in here.

LOLing at Payl calling developers lazy. So ignorant.
I know that Jitspoe have job all this stuff and i said many times before what he can do about it. You can search if you wonder what i said. Otherwise just ST/FU.

Better to have him stay focused here than derailing every other thread on the forum.
If you thought that i could derail threads you wouldn't post like that. Nice try flaming me. Next time simply don't post. No problem, you don't need to pay for this tip.

Payl, your not a pro evader, u know nothing of it, evading a forums ban on Internet is not hard, all your doing now is losing your trust and rep with everyone and jitspoe. Tell me this, since you brought up white hat and black hats, white hats are accuatly WORKING for the company that hires them, they don't exploit anything, company pays them to find glitchs, but mostly hacks, so that the company can patch or update their games, and I believe they also make solutions to those hacks. Since your said what ever you said on white hats, it shows you have no clue what "hackers" are.
I have no clue what hackers are, but you do? Not all white hat hackers are working for companies etc.
It seems like you say i'm not white hat. And i never said i'm. I think "light grey" if you even can call me hacker (omg, he hacked impossible jits anticheat!).

This game is based on quake 2 engine, it's is not hard to make hacks on the quake engine, I believe all/most hackers/programers say "it's a disgrace to make hacks on quake, and therfore those who create hacks on quake engines are/shoudnt be called "hackers""
I don't call myself hacker at all. And every lamer can do simple hack, and there are hacks that are hardcore and pr0. It doesn't really depend on kind of engine.

Now you talk about devlopment team, most those guys are 30+ and have other jobs so they can make money and feed their family's. They created this game as a hobbie, not as a profession. So for them, when they are done their jobs, their time with their girlfriends/wifes, their time with their kids or for some who still have their mom's and dad's because they gotta take care of them too, and their time with thier  friends, then whatever time is left over they put in to this game. Ummmm I wonder if that's a lot of time??
Once more, i never said that jitspoe doesn't spend time developing because he simply is evil.

Payl, you want to be heard by jitspoe, but you think that he's not listening to you, but in fact he is, all those P.Ms you send he takes HIS time to read them, all of them, including the spambot P.Ms, but it's his choice to respond back. I assure you he does read them.
And so? I can keep posting nonsense like now without any impact.

Payl how old are you? I'm going to take a guess of 16-20 years old, jitspoe is 30 years old, he's worked for quake and created this game, and has done other things as well, in other words he's experienced, he has much more exp. then you. It's like a engineer, if he's experienced then the other guyhe can give easier or better solutions to a problem then a guy who is pretty new. I gave this example because it holds true to what jitspoe has to say compared to what you say, if he doesnt take or implement an idea it's because he knows some flaws in it, so don't expect your self to be "better answer" because it may not be the case.
I'm not pretty new at all. If he doesn't implement an idea it's because of lack of time usually. Also being so closed for help matters here.
Usually you say "i'm older" when you lack better arguments. And it's so true in this case. IT indrustry is so big that you can't really say "i know everything that you". I never met IT people that knew everything i knew and vice versa. I have no clue what is Jitspoe specialization but i believe it's not anticheat design (nor it's mine).
As you probably might see on my profile, i'm -2.

BTW jitspoe is not the only one that can give you a ban on forums, other committee members can too
Didn't know that but doesn't matter at all. Anyway they should change my ban message or maybe i can't simply count to 4. Should i contact Jitspoe cuz my ban failed to lift? (omg i'm so trolling)

Just after having read the last sentence I decided to post this.
I'm so sorry for wasting your time. You should be sorry for wasting mine.

PS. If anybody wonder when hax will come out, i can say it will be posted soon. I'm improving antiRE techniques so Jitspoe can't find out how it works. Maybe at least it will make Jitspoe spend more time on improving anticheat.
PS#2. Don't bother me with replies. Now this thread gone really pointless.


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #37 on: August 15, 2012, 11:33:49 PM »
Sooo he openly admitted that he has the intent on posting hacks soon? can you hardware ban him now please?


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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #38 on: August 16, 2012, 04:13:54 AM »
agreed with foxhound. Ban!.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Paintball2 Patch to remove pinging messages.
« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2012, 01:49:57 PM »
Not quoting your long a$$ post payl, but how about you be quiet?  I believe I speak for nearly everyone on here when I say that.

Even Jitspoe.

Probably your mother too.