Author Topic: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?  (Read 43787 times)


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I just wanted to start a simple discussion on why people aren't that active, and what we can do to make people more active.

I'll start:

It seems every time I want to play, everybody is on speed servers, jump servers, and on the rare occasion they're on normal servers, it's playing a map I don't care for or it's a bunch of new players that aren't really fun to play with.  I also have a ton of other games I'm playing, and time spent related to Paintball2 is usually doing development.

What would make me play more:
More people playing with standard settings on good maps.  Adding a feature to the server browser that would notify me when this happens would mean I could just jump in if I have time.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 254
Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2012, 02:59:32 PM »
It seems every time I want to play, everybody is on speed servers, jump servers, and on the rare occasion they're on normal servers, it's playing a map I don't care for or it's a bunch of new players that aren't really fun to play with. 


What would make me play more:

Delete the bans. I know everyone was spamming this on every topic and its actually not fair to all the other players who didnt hack.. but i dont believe that another feature would make all the people play again...

And this is not meant as support for all the cheaters around.. but to be honest its the only way to get the old players back to game..


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2012, 03:24:40 PM »
I just think all of us old players are getting "older". Some having family's, Full Time Jobs or just don't game anymore. The time to sit on the computer is minimal now compared to 24/7 as a kid.


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2012, 04:00:18 PM »
I always find myself more engaged when I'm making a new map.  As it draws near completion, I get people to test it out, and then when its released I stalk the serverbrowser waiting for people to match on it (or pub on it)

I have introduced the game to many people over the last few years, and the order of their interest/timeline of playing is almost always something similar to the following:

-Only play on speed servers-
-Discover Jumping-
-Have Cuso Teach Jumping-
-Pwn Speedservers-
-Get frustrated by speedservers (too many n00bs)-
-Try playing in real pubs/some pugs or maybe I drag them into a match-
-Get bored because they are so behind the curve in terms of gameplay/jumping/map knowledge they quit-
-When they want to play (very randomly) we only pub, because they don't wanna just get rolled by people who know how to play-
-Eventually stop playing all together-
-One or two stuck around just to jump, but do not enjoy matching or applying jumping to maps they have never seen-

I am unsure how to facilitate the transition from n00b to moderately decent, because once you are aware of the "larger dp playstylez," it takes a remarkable amount of effort to learn everything.  People can just play COD: limited number of maps, very easy, thousands of people and friends playing all the time.

I think the tutorial map is a step in the right direction.  The primary problem is still the division between IRC DP and PubStaR DP.  Bridge this gap, and you might find people are willing to tough out the sucky period and get good :D

- Cusoman


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2012, 04:17:22 PM »
I only enjoy matching, and there's just not enough talent or activity for that to work out. Plus, there's no tournaments or even enough teams to consider having a tournament. I only really pub if I'm waiting to get a match, which isn't often anymore. I guess pubs would be more fun if they had more talent in them too. So pretty much the lack of other talented players is why I don't play much anymore.

Other games just allow for competitive play much easier.

To improve this? I don't think it's possible. Maybe changing the ball speed since the biggest difference between good/average/bad players is curving bullets and consistent far/close range aiming. I don't think learning to jump is a problem, most players catch on to that pretty fast.

There's also way to many maps in this game. Most of which are excrement (not just my opinion, visually they are excrement, this is ignoring gameplay). I don't understand how people complain about "playing the same maps over and over" when DP2 has one of the largest amounts of different maps played in comparison to other games.

I think the only way to improve the competitive scene is for it to grow. It wont fix itself within, it needs new people. So the way to make people play more, would be to draw in more players - while finding a way to lower the learning curve and getting them on mIRC (or maybe a in-game chat created instead of having to get mIRC).

-- Less maps = lower learning curve as its less to learn --- but, "lesser talented teams" usually play 'random' maps vs better teams since it gives them a better chance to win. So not sure if that helps or hurts by having less maps?


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2012, 04:21:02 PM »
I got tired of playing wobluda/airtime/daylight against senix and other mexicans.

also, it takes 20 seconds to find an enthralling match on league, the game a lot us DPers are on now, so its more enjoyable at this point in time, rather than wait 10 minutes to play the same people over and over again on the same maps.

id play more if we had newer people to play with. or if ricks online.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 160
Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2012, 05:13:00 PM »
Public servers are empty... No active matching scene.

More cups and good matches. The matches against myers/shk/cc,..,.always were fun but unfortunately that doesnt happen that often :(


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2012, 06:10:23 PM »
There's also way to many maps in this game. Most of which are excrement (not just my opinion, visually they are excrement, this is ignoring gameplay). I don't understand how people complain about "playing the same maps over and over" when DP2 has one of the largest amounts of different maps played in comparison to other games.

I agree!

-A variety of maps.

-Most are poor unfinished maps with misaligned textures and brushes. (At least 3/4 if not more).
-New people have a hard time finding their way around on one map, let alone thousands.
-People pick random unheard of maps in matches so they can beat the other team.

I've missed quite a few points but I think the ones I listed are the main ones. I really do think we need to either;

a) New Engine that supports a new map format and start fresh with maps.
b) 50? maps (that are fully completed) come with download and can't be added to? Something like that.
c) Seriously just clean up the maps, delete thousands of those poor ones and just focus on a select few so new players can actually get a hang of it.

Tbh, I'd really like it if there was say 10? maps, and every release of a new build, like 3 or 4 more maps that are completely finished are released with it.

ANYWAY, that probably didn't make any sense, so please feel free to correct me.


  • Map Committee
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2012, 06:10:34 PM »
Also, I love Unrated.


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2012, 06:25:20 PM »
+1 to Rick's idea of releasing new maps every so often with new builds. Having 10ish maps, then every few builds a few nice - well made maps are released. (Maybe in a form of a mapping competition where the community ends up voting? Everyone can continue releasing maps all day, but only 1 map for each build gets chosen based off community voting). It would get mappers to put more effort in theirs maps, and their efforts get rewarded. No more idiots releasing random ugly maps.

That would give people a reason to map, it would lower the skill gap between players (maps being more known), and it would give the players something to look forward to with new builds.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 251
Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2012, 06:29:18 PM »
1) When you try to match you have teams like ThC that pick maps you've never seen just so they can win 1 map.
2) i dont have a team.
3) your models arent as sexy as lux. i want to play as a girl with big tits.


  • VM-68
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2012, 06:31:08 PM »
Compare LoL to dp, LoL wait time for a 5v5 match: about 10 seconds, Dp: Hourssssss, the games dead, give up.


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2012, 06:34:29 PM »
First of all, Lack of talent/people avoiding. Honestly unbanning everyone besides toxiic is the best "quick" fix to getting this game active again. I mean it's not the best idea, but what do we have to lose?


  • Map Committee
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2012, 06:38:11 PM »
Maybe not a mapping Competition but more like just a vote at the end of the month for which maps should be added? Basically the same though :P I really think server admins shouldn't have a choice of which maps to upload to their servers, the Mapping Committee/Jitspoe/etc should.

I never make much sense.

The only maps we've chosen recently have been macabre and destiny, which in my opinion, have great gameplay. Destiny looks nice too! Didn't even know you still played. I haven't matched ya in years!

I'd love to fix macabre if anyone has the .map? :P


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 251
Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2012, 06:38:40 PM »
@Jitspoe- im fully aware that you hate me but this game is full of retards that get into your committee based on their popularity. nothing more.

Your best bet is to UNBAN EVERYONE and change the rules to ONE AND DONE.

Oh and you have people like Clipz who act like they're trying to help the game but hold grudges from things that happened years ago and not letting you integrate back into the community. #DOUCHE


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2012, 06:59:42 PM »
I get tired of a lot of games once I've unlocked and tried everything out, I'm only still playing BF3 because I'm trying to get all the achievements/medals/dogtags/weapon unlocks and all that. Some form of XP or unlockable progression might get people to stay for longer.

Other than that, the same as everybody else; I try to play and there's always one 30 person speed server on oth.bsp and getting lined 5 times makes me ragequit.


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2012, 07:16:20 PM »
I think that alot of new players leave because i see people every now and then spamming ur a noob and stuff in pubs.


  • Map Committee
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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2012, 07:20:06 PM »
I think that alot of new players leave because i see people every now and then spamming ur a noob and stuff in pubs.

That's on most games. TBH, that'd make me want to rape them.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 219
Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2012, 07:39:35 PM »
And why not to get on irc: you'll be banned from butthurt clipz. Games dead, nothing will improve, quit it. thx.


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Re: Why haven't YOU played much recently? What would make you play more?
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2012, 08:03:13 PM »
1) When you try to match you have teams like ThC that pick maps you've never seen just so they can win 1 map.
2) i dont have a team.
3) your models arent as sexy as lux. i want to play as a girl with big tits.
when have you even played us Riddick? you've been gone for multiple months.

second off its the brazilians that pick the beta maps against us, we just play the ones we like.

third off, play some new maps? i dont know what you consider to be a weird map that we play because all the maps we play like summer mystique and propaint2 which have allll ben around forever.

Ill just say it, shut the intercourse up Riddick thank you. go back into hiding.

now on topic, I have recently uninstalled for good due to the community and lack there of, i think unrated said he got tired of playing senix, well i think we all feel that way.

i dont see the maps being the problem, no one pubs anyway so the servers and their map rotation shouldnt eb the problem. All american servers speed or other wise are owned by superman or clipz which they will gladly take suggestions to changing things. So the problem isnt the servers, Its that you havent asked.

As for maps in matches, it is what you chose, again no one can complain there.

all in all, people are moving on to different games, and none of the new players are sticking around or creating clans, that's all it comes down too. there have been multiple "get newbies into the clan seen/irc" but nothing really happens.