lol that entire escape was clutch. It doesnt matter how many hes submitted, which as far as im aware is just one, the play was still really good on its own merit.
Also, if lots of people submit lots of plays, and his made #3, surely that means the play is really good. And when you have LoL recorder, as a lot of people do including myself, everything auto records. So effort isnt required in capturing gameplay from previous matches.
Also, hes rather high elo, which is further credit to his play since the players in that bracket are regarded as top 12% in the game. For those that say elo doesnt matter, it does usually.
On a side note, the fact that the lee sin, karthus and singed should have had him, yet he still managed to escape just shows the play was well thought out.
All in all, i love you fox/cam, but your points are invalid, the play was IMO as good as the ziggs play. And saying tihngs like 'I once ladeeda..' is a moot point, its like telling someone who climbs K2 that its not impressive since people have climbed everest. No, its still impressive in its own regard.
Thank you, good day.