How to post:
1. Locate .map file from (bsp\pball2\quake2\pball\mapfiles).
2. Name it something appropriate! If it's a wooden box, name it something like "wooden_box".
3. Come here, press the 'Preview' button.
4. Next to "Attach:" click "Choose File".
5. Choose your file.
6. Repeat steps 3-5 but attach a screenshot of your creation! (Paintball2\pball\scrnshot).
7. Add any information you like about your brushes.
8. Post!
Name: Colored Boxes!
Author: Rick
Info: Just a few cool colored boxes I created! They're 64*64, the exact same size as normal boxes. As the game does not come with plain colored textures, I have attached my boxes with the 'ltwhite' texture on them! Enjoy!