1. Best standard PBCTF map - sassult (excellent vert and multi paths)
2. Best siege map - siegecastle (elegant)
3. Best deathmatch map - fff (More fun than you're allowed to have with clothes on)
4. Best whiteflag map - arenaball
5. Worst standard PBCTF map - gorge (someone should have been shot for this)
6. Most spray-and-pray map - fort20 (still fun though)
7. Most hideous use of coloured lighting - f00kc (you would have to try hard to top it)
8. Map most fun to use grenades on - pbcup
9. Map most likely edited and compiled during sleep - oddjob (who needs more than 6 brushes anyway?!)
10. Worst r_speeds - encounter_beta (somehow it lags above and beyond it's r_speed count)
11. Map most likely to get lost in - midnight (first time i played it took me 2 minutes to leave the base)
Woot thanks to mcp for 2 nominations!!
PS: why no "Best new map" category??