This is a tutorial on how to create a crosshair using Gimp.
Step 1: Download Gimp; 2: Open Gimp and file -> new change the width and height to 64 x 64.
Step 3: If you know how to draw/make the crosshair. Skip to step 6. If not continue.
we are going to grab the box tool and draw a line in the middle but off to the side abit. then choose a colour in the foreground or background colour in the toolbox. then right click the selected area and go to edit->fill with FG or BG Color.
Step 4: copy and paste the square on the opposite side.
Step 5: get the circle tool. and do the exact same thing but in the middle.
Step 6: Go to Layer->Transparency->Add Alpha Channel. After that go to Layer->Transparency-> color to Alpha. Just press ok. But make sure the part other than the crosshair itself is white.
Step 7: Go to File->Export... name it ch# (#= any number you want you will need the number later.)
Export as tga file. export it to Where your
Paintball2/Pball/pics folder is.
Default for the installer is c:/Games/Paintball2/Pball/Pics
Step 8: Open Paintball 2 client. Press ~ key and it will open the console type "crosshair #" (The number after ch you did before) press enter.
Congrats you made a crosshair now go make one that suits you. Couldnt figure out how to set pictures out properly for this tutorial to have pictures to the step.(sorry)
In the end your crosshair should look like this.