Well, it won't let me upload the file since its a cfg file but I found what the problem was with the file while trying to upload it.
Turns out I named the file "myserver.cfg" when its a cfg file. So now the actual file name was "myserver.cfg.cfg".
So when I tried to put that in the black server thing, it didn't work because the file was named "myserver.cfg.cfg" at that time I tried to put it in the black server thing. Sorry guys
>>EDIT: Now my server works! Wow, what a mistake I made. But thanks for the support!
Oh good, glad to hear.
Also, to change how many people the server can have at max, where do you change it? In the myserver.cfg file?
Just going to put this here..
"There is a modify button at the top right of your post:.
Anyway, like Cameron said, the command is sv_maxclients <integer>.
oh ok thanks
>>EDIT: Where does that go?
In your config file.
"set sv_maxclients <integer>"
At least, that's what I would do. Give it a shot
Also, for future reference...
Here is a list of settingsEdit: Missed Cameron's second post, I'm not sure if it's sv_maxclients or just maxclients. So just give them both a go, but Cameron is most likely correct.
Actually, just checking back on that site. Cameron is definelty corect.
"set maxclients <integer>".