lol you've been playing for less than a year. i've played since build 18 19?, we know how to get people to play. more than you deadfroggy or anyone that has only played since build 30 or so. Don't come on here and say that the newer players know whats best and know how to get people to play lmao, if it was up to you every server would be italy and shock 24/7 with 3 second revive.
I'd agree. But I think what the other newer players are saying is, just because something worked 7 years ago, doesn't mean it would work now. Things move on, culture changes. Basically, don't ignore newer players and don't ignore older players.
'Old school' isn't that best. I can make that claim for sure. I played a few maps against older players that look sooo bad. I got told it was 'old school'. I can just imagine a new player joining and saying 'this doesn't look like paintball'.
Of course, what do I know, only been playing since last October, BUT, think it this way, I know what I was looking for when joining this game, I can REMEMBER what my first impressions of it were as well as my friends from other games and why they didn't want to play it.