Great work on the status bar, it makes functions very quick, especially changing volume which was made complicated with your previous menu compared to default ones. I found a possible issue or two;
-Please make it so that the bind for statusbar (in my case, q) as well as bringing it up, takes it down, would be way more efficient and handy than using esc, or even, make it so that you have to hold down the bind to bring it up, when you let go, it goes away?
-I love the server browser thingy on the status bar, but sometimes when i clicked a server on it it would just say getting net package or something along those lines and not join the server, idk maybe i typed in the I.P. wrong.
Also, this would be useful maybe for the next update:
can you make a menu under "Remote Admin" specifically for botcommands? For example, addbot and botcommand alljoin red or whatever it is. I always forget the bot commands and this would be really useful.