So i'm chillin, and I suddenly thought " hey why don't we grab whoever is on in dp and do a 1v1 or a 2v2 tournament". So, whoever is interested in doing this message me on irc ( username: shk) or on here. I'm looking to get atleast 8 players to do this by roughly 6-7pm EST
or whenever we get enough people to start. Website: ( i'll make a season on there and sign up whoever wants in ) We can either choose teams randomly or not.
1.) Shockwave
2.) Luckmore
3.) PaRaDeaD
4.) l3vi
5.) Phenix
6.) rockitude
7.) lukip
8.) 3rni
9.) Shinoogie
10.) Chemical
11.) fstyle
12.) lumixan
13.) Marshal
14.) kakarot
15.) infuze
16.) Ond
So I know for sure who to sign up, tell me to " sign up [NAME] "