I've uploaded the map to the EV1 beta server. I'll send you details in a PM.
Several things:
- Overall, the map did not feel like it flowed very well to me. It mostly consists of flat terrain with large steps that are easy to get hung up on when strafe jumping around. It just didn't feel very fun to maneuver in.
- Lighting is weird. There seem to be point light scattered randomly around the map. Some bridges are casting shadows UP for example.
- Lots of misaligned wood textures, as JMR pointed out.
- Visually, everything is blocky and primitive. Doesn't look like much effort was put into making it look good. You really need to make use of clipping planes to create some more natural terrain/rocks.
- Angled brushes on the tile textures for the low flag looks bad. You should try to shape the brushes to line up with the edge of the tile textures.
- Flags should be accessible without trick jumps.
- Map filenames should always use all lowercase letters.
Not related to the map, but the wood, grass, and crate textures you're using look way brighter than the standard textures. You need to change those as they can offer an unfair advantage.