Hey guys,
I'm not sure if this works with previous builds and windows (it probably does) but this is the version I did my server on, so that's why it's up there. Ignoring the words in the brackets, the title shows what I will be explaining.
Anyways, here's your guide to making a new server! [correct me in areas that I am wrong in, because although I have a server up and running, I may not be the best at running it/teaching it to you guys]
For those of you who would rather not read this, Paintball2 has a special page for you, which is about just as long as this.
Click here to view this page.
Server ConfigThis part explains the details you would want your server to have when it is played on. So, first, go to your C:/Games/Paintball2/pball/configs folder and click on the server.cfg file (should be labeled "server" and file type should be ".CFG file") This is where you edit all your basic settings. In the hostname, you can change what's inside the quotation marks on the right of it to whatever you would like your server to be called on the server list.
Then, there's the public setting. Keep it at 1 if you want your server to appear on the server list, and put it to 0 if you want your server off the server list.
And leave the password one blank if you don't want a password for your server, if you do, put your password inside the quotation marks.
Then, scroll down to your general settings and edit the settings you would want for your server. To add a setting, type in set <command> in the next space.
And lastly, scroll all the way down to your Operator Settings. Here's a paragraph explaining what this does:
Paintball2 has a handy way of controlling who can use what commands: Operator levels. You can have as many as you want, just type a different number than the default one in the quotation marks (instead of setnumpasses 5, you can have setnumpasses 10, or higher, or lower). These are set toward the end of the server config file.
For example:
set oppass1 "dog"
set oppass1level 50
set oppass2 "king"
set oppass2level 150
Once the server is up, you can type "login dog" and it will give you an op level of 50, or "login king" and get an op level of 150. The op levels required for each command can be set in pball\configs\commands.txt, but you shouldn't need to edit those.
A few other files you can take a look at are your commands, which restricts a command you can type in the console to a specific operator level. The motd (Message of the Day) file can be edited so players entering your server see the message you have for them, and the rotation, which are basically the maps you would want for your server.
Executing the ServerNow, you go to C:/Games/ and find the Paintball 2 folder. Right click it and click "Create Shortcut" and an identical Paintball 2 folder should appear. Right-click the shortcut folder and click "Properties". Inside there, go to the "Target" box and type in this code:
C:\Games\Paintball2\paintball2.exe +set dedicated 1 +set public 1 +exec myserver.cfg +map propaint1
Obviously, that's an example, and the only things you can change in that are the +exec (type in the server.cfg file name you were editing before) and the +map (put your favorite map .bsp file there) and, if you're adding multiple servers, at the end of that text you put in the target box, add "+set port 27910" without the quotations and the added space in front of it.
Exit out of that (but save!) and copy the shortcut file you just made (should have a Paintball 2 Splat Logo on it now) and move it to somewhere noticeable (i.e. your desktop). Open that and go on Paintball, go on the server list, and your server should be there!
Port-Forwarding The ServerPort-forwarding may be a little tricky, but this community has prepared you a
Port-Forwarding Guide for you just for this situation!
Click here to get to the guide.
Follow that exactly and you should have forwarded a port! Good luck port-forwarding!
Some Helpful Links>>
Port-Forward.com Website>>
Starting A Linux Server>>
Server Admin Remote Control Panel>>
DP Match Reserve Tool>>
Paintball2 Server Guide For Any Extra HelpVideo Tutorials>>
How To Make A Paintball2 Server - DerryBoy09>>
How To Make A Paintball2 Server - DerryBoy09 [HD]>>
How To Make A Paintball2 Server - LaZeRs [Shorter Version]>>
How To Make A Paintball2 Server - LaZeRs [Detailed Version]Good luck in making your server!