Looks good so far.
I'd add some more players spawns. At the moment all players spawn next to the flag. Maybe add a player spawn on top of the boxes and one backdoor, that it's a bit more variable.
The map is very small. I'm not sure if steel barrel and carbine is the best choice for the size of this map. But I didn't test the gameplay with other players, maybe an idea you could think about.
It would be cool to add some team indicators. It's not really necessary for the gameplay, but it would add some more color to the map. At the moment there only 3 textures (rock, sand, box) for the whole map.
And 2 screenshots...
EDIT: The text of the second sreenshot: this corner/wall loos very empty, maybe add a few small boxes there, that you also can go onto the small wall with the window...