It's nice that you keep blaming the server owners / hosters. But I just want to tell you that every server has an admin and an email cvar. If you really wanted to help, you could send them an email containing some suggestions about good maps that should be put in the rotation or the bad maps that should be removed. Also, probably every admin reads all topics in this server sections, so you could also propose maps here.
One thing I want to generally say about the rotation on the servers: Everytime I hear something from the players on the servers where I can change the rotation, the only thing they say is: "remove XYZ, everytime its loaded everyone disconnects.". And thats true. After every mapchange some players disconnect, either because they dont like the new map or because they just want to take a break. Let's say that then there are <10 players left - some of them then also start disconnecting, because the server is starting to get empty. And in the end, everybody disconnects.
So, at the next day, some players tell me that the maps emties the servers.
So what can I do? When there are like 10 maps in the rotation, I can remove that one from the rotation. 10 day later, theres only one map left - and again, everybody just complains that there are no maps.
So my plan for now is: I'll put in 10 maps and whenever someone comlains about a map, he / she has to give me another map to replace it with. Hope that this works.