Author Topic: construction  (Read 7154 times)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
« on: January 01, 2014, 08:52:59 AM »
Happy New Year everyone! And with the new year I bring a new map, construction_b1.

Unfortunately, this map didn’t turn out how I expected, I over estimated the power of the engine and made this map too open, the r_speeds too high and subsequently the compile has failed, giving the expansion overflow error. After getting the numportals down to 9500 with detail brushes (knowing I was further increasing the lag) and experimenting with hint brushes, the compile took longer and had another expansion overflow crash.

This map was not made in the mind of how a map should be made, however it was my first map, so it has proved as a great learning tool. I thought I would release an unlit version as b1 anyway so I can redesign the structure of the map for b2 and decrease the amount of brushes used in one line of sight. This map is my entry for the sPec Mapping Contest:

An industrial themed construction site with moving cranes and skyscrapers!
Designed for 3v3 gameplay
Many jumps and speeds, the main speed being hard to pull off
Detailed aesthetics in an original theme

Variation of the CTF gamemode:
The objective of the gamemode is to score by running to the enemies base and jumping in their ‘hole’. By jumping in the enemies hole you gain 5 points for your team and get teleported back to your own base to try again. In essence you run to the enemy and sacrifice yourself for 5 points.

Current version:
Beta 1
Next beta I plan to:
Completely redesign this map to make it less open and less laggy.
Make a new name as construction is already taken.

Players are rewarded for attacking as they will find barrels in mid. There are multiple speeds using ramps. Players spawn with a low quality guns but can pick up carbines and even an automag. Players spawn with unloaded CO2 to make it harder to spawn and kill the attacker trying to score.


IMPORTANT: If textures don’t automatically download and show the unknown texture you will need to download the CTP texture pack or put it on your server:
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 02:13:08 AM by Mission »


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Re: construction_b1
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2014, 09:00:44 AM »
LOL! This looks very similar to my first attempt at New York, one huge rectangle with skyscrapers. Maybe you can do something like what I ended up doing to NY and design it so that a "mid" or multiple "mid" skyscrapers block vision to the other side by literally scraping the sky.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
Re: construction_b1
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2014, 09:23:30 AM »
Can someone move this thread to the beta/inprogress sections, I forgot to put it there.


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Re: construction_b1
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2014, 09:43:08 AM »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 370
Re: construction
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2014, 12:55:18 PM »
run a final compile or if you did
make sure no errors occur


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 182
Re: construction
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2014, 01:42:17 PM »
Map is ok and good but i found a bug that could be maybe only on my paintball but ill tell you anyway!

If you start the map the moving pillar over the flag is standing still until you move onto it... Just make sure that the entity that you used there is moving from the beginning!

Its in the Entitieswindow on the checkboxes... Look for "start_on" and turn it on! It will appear as "spawnflags" in the list of properties!

I would also like to see some marking on the jumps (speed) because i couldnt figure those out without your help!


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Re: construction
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2014, 12:20:55 AM »

As mentioned there, it's cool that you tried a new gameplay concept, but I really don't think it plays well.  I think standard CTF would be better and allow people to take advantage of exploring the jumps in the maps and learning ways to cut off flag carriers.

Also, you really need to fully compile your map.  It looks really bad without lighting, and the r_speeds are too high.  You might have to rethink the layout a bit to provide better visibility blocking, especially with all of that detail.  Normally, I wouldn't even upload a map like this to the beta server until it was fully compiled, and I think it should have probably scored a lot lower, but I was grading it according to the guidelines of the people running the mapping competition.

It's up on the beta server, if you want to play test it.  I'll send you a PM with the details.

Name already exists
Also, this.  You'll need to come up with a new name for it if you continue.


  • Map Committee
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Re: construction
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2014, 02:19:51 AM »
My Judging:
This is MY opinion. I'm sorry if everyone does not agree with me. If you feel I have marked wrong or anything, please PM me with DETAILS.

Also, I may leave some text the exact same as used in judging other maps, as it may be relevant to yours

Detail - 60/100

Brushes in the map that are primarly there to make it look nice.

  Relevance - How does the detail compare to the rest of the map? Is it relevant to the theme and style? Or is it random? (20/25)
Followed the theme pretty well.

   Appearance - Is it visually appealing? Does it make you want to play the map? (5/25)
If it was lit, it would look very good. Though, as it's not lit, it's very dull and a bit of an eye sore.

   Suitability to Gameplay - How does the detail collaborate with gameplay? (20/25)
Most of the detail is very functional, either making jumps or adding to paths.

   Quantity - Is there too little? Is there too much? Or is there enough? (15/25)
There is a bit much considering how open the map is. If the layout was changed, as Jitspoe pointed out, it'd be good.

Jumps - 85/100

Judge based on the jumps of the map

  Quanity - Are they too rare? Are they too common? (22/25)
A good amount of jumps with different appearances that relate to the theme, pretty cool.

   Suitablity - Are the jumps randomly placed? Are they needed? Do they work well? (23/25)
The jumps have been placed to work with gameplay but also fit in with the theme without making 'weird scenarios'. Appear to work well.

   Relevance - Are the jumps relevantly placed? Are they Leading to places of importance? (15/25)
The jumps seem to link the different paths a little and lead to a bit of gear.

  Range - Are there jumps for people of all skill level? Some easy jumps and some hard? (25/25)
The paths are very friendly; either having a jump for the more skilled players or a path for newbies. It's really good.

Gameplay - 58/100

Judge based on how fun the map is to play

  Flow - Do you get stuck anywhere? Can you get from place to place without any fuss? (10/15)
I get caught on a few things, low speed is a bit awkward.. Not too bad.

  Items (placed) - Are the items placed in convienient locations? Will they affect gameplay negatively? Are they present at all? (8/10)
Finally, a map that doesn't spawn you with carbines! Start with low-tier and work your way up. I like that there is only a few more weapons to pick up, forces the team to actually choose who picks up the guns (like renoir).

  Spawns - Will you get spawn killed? Are the spawns varied enough? Are they fair? (5/10)
Spawns are separated from gameplay. It's a shame you spawn with carbines at all, bit too much of a difference between different spawns guns.

  Lines - Do the lines look interesting? Are they used for the sake of being used or do they serve a purpose? Is the Visibility of the map good? Can players see other players at certain points only? And does this help or hinder gameplay?(10/15)
The whole map is a bit too open, obviously the reason you couldn't compile it. Lines should be fine.

  Capping + Grabbing - Is it too easy/ hard to grab? Is it too easy/ hard to cap? Are the flags worth too much or too little? (10/30)
Eh, very different from anything I've played but I feel like you were trying to copy COD's new game mode, which didn't work out too well when we played. Jitspoe says it real nice..
Code: [Select]
If you go on the offense, and your defense is eliminated (or nobody is defending), nothing stops the enemy from getting capture points.  There's no way to chase down and cut off carriers.  No real room for crazy clutch plays.  I think this would work much better with standard CTF.
  Layout - Are all the paths equal in terms of speed? Is the scale of the map good? (15/20)
The layout feels alright, paths are a bit different but not too bad. Though, it will need to be restructured to actually be playable.

Technical Skill - 17/50

The quality of the mapping techniques used.

  R_Speeds - Are the r_speeds low enough for play? Has the mapper done a good job at keeping them low? Will it be laggy for some players? (0/25)
Not vis'd. 8.5k+ r_speeds.

  Alignments - Are the textures aligned correctly? (5/10)
There was a lot of misalignment's.

  Brush + Grid work - Is there technique good? Is the grid size appropriate? Have they used clipping planes (if they are relevant)? etc. (12/15)
Seems pretty good.

Innovation - 30/50

Is this map NEW and EXCITING or have we seen it before?

  Innovation/ Unique - Have we seen this all before? Or were you impressed by the fresh look of the map? (30/50)  
Have never seen a map like this in Paintball, if it was lit it would have been a much higher mark.

Overall - 250/400


  • Map Committee
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Re: construction
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2014, 08:45:13 PM »
Rick is a boss and his templates are also boss.

My Judging:
This is MY opinion. I'm sorry if everyone does not agree with me. If you feel I have marked wrong or anything, please PM me with DETAILS.

Also, I may leave some text the exact same as used in judging other maps, as it may be relevant to yours

Detail - 75/100

Brushes in the map that are primarly there to make it look nice.

   Relevance - How does the detail compare to the rest of the map? Is it relevant to the theme and style? Or is it random? (20/25)
All relevant construction detail.

   Appearance - Is it visually appealing? Does it make you want to play the map? (20/25)
Yeah, very nice map, although it isn't lit, so -5 points.

   Suitability to Gameplay - How does the detail collaborate with gameplay? (20/25)
Mainly stays out of the way or provides jumps. Good.

   Quantity - Is there too little? Is there too much? Or is there enough? (15/25)
Too much if anything, way too much for the wpoly really.

Jumps - 80/100

Judge based on the jumps of the map

   Quantity - Are they too rare? Are they too common? (20/25)
Quite a lot scattered a round, some obvious, some less so. I think it's inevitable given the size of the map.

   Suitability - Are the jumps randomly placed? Are they needed? Do they work well? (15/25)
Some areas could do with a few more access routes, and there aren't any jumps nearby. Most work acceptably.

   Relevance - Are the jumps relevantly placed? Are they Leading to places of importance? (20/25)
The automag in the pipe is a really nice touch. Otherwise, they're mainly for speed, which is fine.

   Range - Are there jumps for people of all skill level? Some easy jumps and some hard? (25/25)

Gameplay - 43/100

Judge based on how fun the map is to play

   Flow - Do you get stuck anywhere? Can you get from place to place without any fuss? (10/15)
Acceptable flow, although the variation in obstacles by path is a bit high, the mid high path is just totally empty most of the way.

   Items (placed) - Are the items placed in convienient locations? Will they affect gameplay negatively? Are they present at all? (5/10)
As mentioned, I liked the automag placement. The barrels in the low path seem a bit oddly placed; at least put them in the carts?

   Spawns - Will you get spawn killed? Are the spawns varied enough? Are they fair? (1/10)
I would really prefer if you spawned with your co2 loaded. The map is big enough you can rush and still load co2 before needing to fire. Also, they're all in one tiny room, and not even facing forwards.

   Lines - Do the lines look interesting? Are they used for the sake of being used or do they serve a purpose? Is the Visibility of the map good? Can players see other players at certain points only? And does this help or hinder gameplay?(7/15)
The low paths are a nice break from visibility from the high ones, but there are still very long lines of sight overall.

   Capping + Grabbing - Is it too easy/ hard to grab? Is it too easy/ hard to cap? Are the flags worth too much or too little? (10/30)
As jitspoe mentioned, the gamemode is imaginative, but a bit bizarre, and doesn't really suit the design of the map I don't think.

   Layout - Are all the paths equal in terms of speed? Is the scale of the map good? (10/20)
Why is there a bridge, with ammo in it, almost entirely walled off? What? And the mid high path is still faster than any of the side path combinations.

Technical Skill - 18/50

The quality of the mapping techniques used.

   R_Speeds - Are the r_speeds low enough for play? Has the mapper done a good job at keeping them low? Will it be laggy for some players? (0/25)
I can't speak for the wpoly after you properly compiled this, but for now it's basically unplayable. I suspect the only reason I wasn't lagging is because I have a brand new PC, 8k wpoly is unacceptable even on relatively new PCs due to where the engine bottlenecks are. Even after full VIS, I can't see this being anywhere lower than 4k at points, so no points here.

   Alignments - Are the textures aligned correctly? (8/10)
There will always be some missed in a map of this size, but you seem to have managed to get all of the most obvious ones right, barrels/crates etc. so well done.

   Brush + Grid work - Is their technique good? Is the grid size appropriate? Have they used clipping planes (if they are relevant)? etc. (10/15)
Very nice brushwork although a few dodgy overlaps, such as the skyscraper buildings edging into the concrete walls of the ditch. Terrain is relatively basic but looks nice where it has been used.

Innovation - 20/50

Is this map NEW and EXCITING or have we seen it before?

   Innovation/ Unique - Have we seen this all before? Or were you impressed by the fresh look of the map? (20/50) 
Kudos for dreaming big with this one, and attempting a new gameplay method, but it doesn't really work, and the theme is actually relatively well tread (see other map called construction, coi etc).

Overall - 236/400

I agree with jitspoe in that the judging criteria sort of allowed this one to get more marks than it might deserve in its current state, although it could definitely score a lot higher with a fair amount of optimisations. A lot of potential.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
Re: construction
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2014, 04:34:46 PM »
Thank you all for your feedback! As my first map I think I gave it a good go and now I can act on this feedback to get higher marks on my project (you may have heard me mentioning the project).


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Re: construction
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2019, 02:30:01 AM »
This ended up turning into "framework", right?