I think he basically means, the ability to make some sort of 'script' to trigger functions/commands based off of some variables.
only problem is, the scripts may get advanced... like aimbots. but it would be nice for logic and a console prompt command (for text input into the scripts so instead of this:
alias crs13 "crosshair 13;bind 9 crs1;echo 13"
alias crs12 "crosshair 12;bind 9 crs13;echo 12"
alias crs11 "crosshair 11;bind 9 crs12;echo 11"
alias crs10 "crosshair 10;bind 9 crs11;echo 10"
alias crs9 "crosshair 9;bind 9 crs10;echo 9"
alias crs8 "crosshair 8;bind 9 crs9;echo 8"
alias crs7 "crosshair 7;bind 9 crs8;echo 7"
alias crs6 "crosshair 6;bind 9 crs7;echo 6"
alias crs5 "crosshair 5;bind 9 crs6;echo 5"
alias crs4 "crosshair 4;bind 9 crs5;echo 4"
alias crs3 "crosshair 3;bind 9 crs4;echo 3"
alias crs2 "crosshair 2;bind 9 crs3;echo 2"
alias crs1 "crosshair 1;bind 9 crs2;echo 1"
we could have:
bind 9 "echo crosshair #?;prompt crosshair"
and you just type which one you want, and it sets the crosshair to that value. just to cut the amount of typing in the script and even the console.