Author Topic: Promoting paintball  (Read 6428 times)


  • Autococker
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Re: Promoting paintball
« Reply #20 on: January 20, 2014, 09:43:11 PM »
The only things the tutorial is missing:
-a nice speed jump. Basically have another thing with arrows like the metal hallway but have it end with a ramp jumping over a wall to move on.
-a double jump section.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 10:12:50 PM by BASEBALLDUDE »


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Promoting paintball
« Reply #21 on: January 20, 2014, 11:10:31 PM »
I think only one way is here for now... just tell it to all your friends, show them game and play with them. Learn them how to jump, line, shoot... play jumping servers via ts3, skype for fun... it's how most of players who still play now "grew up". My school friend learnt me how to jump, shoot, how to play more effective, how to play matches, what locs are, how to make them... etc, He showed me this game. That's why I was better and better,... better player/friend was learning me how to do all of this things. I think, for now it can work just in this way. Maybe in the close future will be better "singleplayer" training or some new ideas.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2014, 12:54:33 AM by ChrisBrown »


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Promoting paintball
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2014, 06:55:37 AM »
-polish or remove login system as unrated suggests
I don't like that you even suggest removing it. Jitspoe invested lots of dev time into it, it might not be flawless, but with few tweaks it will work as charm (and btw. make possible friend list, global ban list etc. which many of you doesn't seem to understand). Even without polishing it shouldn't be removed.
-first-start menu with _optional_ button to play the tutorial and a fullscreen/resolution checkbox
Agreed, but don't stop at making options visible, automatically detect what should be set (like: set native resolution, detect if hr4 is present and go fullscreen). Also installer should have option to download and activate hr4 textures. Same should go for map packs, other texture packs, menus etc etc. We have so many things developed through years, but we don't make download easier (only option for newbie is to dig on forum search and hope links aren't dead).
-basic server filter checkbox to not display jump maps or non sv_certified servers maybe
I think a bit different way: display all servers but note which are which and when using ingame browser display information about type of server.
-option to download/install hr4 textures as part of the game installer
Oh, noted that before, agreed.
-release build 41, succeed at things
Agreed, don't waste too much time on developing endless stream of things, just release new build after one bigger thing was done fully. One means one, fully means fully.

-add an easier way to find how many people alive are remaining on each team (like how the scores, time, etc. are)
Newbs doesn't need that and smart players can look it up. I think you haven't found it on your HUD yet.
-make a video for newer players to see and learn from
There are already few. I would see it as making videos cooperating with jitspoe and putting them somewhere visible.
-a tutorial with a practice room for fighting the upcoming new bots
Those bots will be upcoming in few next years.
-be able to have a singleplayer mode (one with bots, so you can play this game even without wi-fi)
I love how many people doesn't realize it's already possible. This is not singleplayer mode, singleplayer mode means maps designed especially for singleplayer and options for that (like menus, campaign system etc. - this is singleplayer).
-add a home page to DPLogin
-advertise DP2 in other ways (like we have on Facebook)
Can't agree, game is well known.

Forced map pool; if I had just started playing paintball and saw banlieue/nonturno/ccc/wobluda etc, I'd close the game immediately. They're ugly as intercourse.
I would say remove stupid servers from serverbrowser. Just ban IP:ports on global server list and update it sometimes (or note them as "other" servers). Then admins will think about smart servers that won't waste everyones bandwidth.


  • Map Committee
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Re: Promoting paintball
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2014, 08:47:37 AM »
I think I will make some professional, clean, paintball tutorial basic videos. How to strafe, double jumps, joining clans, types of guns, mapguides Etc. :) keep an eye out for these @

I will probably use voice, but I'm not sure, I'll try to keep it as professional as possible,


  • Autococker
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Re: Promoting paintball
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2014, 09:56:34 AM »
could you emphasis please? I know you were busy.

well, I personally like the GLS, but it is not completely integrated into the client. The accessibility of the online list from the client is very limited. This is a problem since theres essentially 2 parts to the GLS, the client part, and the browser part. These parts are so unconnected however, that it makes the whole structure difficult to use, especially for new players. Most client based games do not have a browser side system on their global login, and neither should DP2. It needs to be integrated into the client, for ease of use and to make the whole thing crisper.


  • Autococker
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Re: Promoting paintball
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2014, 10:07:18 AM »
I think only one way is here for now... just tell it to all your friends, show them game and play with them. Learn them how to jump, line, shoot... play jumping servers via ts3, skype for fun... it's how most of players who still play now "grew up". My school friend learnt me how to jump, shoot, ....
I tried showing it to my friends, even sent them link when streaming. All they said was basically "omg, you playing tetris again", they are correct i guess. The idea of new players joining is less likely to happen the longer time we mess around. Because there are so many new games, with much better visuals, which compared to PB are just on the next level. Altho i agree, pb provides unique style, still... visuals > style. People will always prefer playing game, where they can see every single water drop, instead of playing PB, where they die in 2 secs if they dont invest enough time into it (referring to the 2nd paragraph).

Also, what they didnt like, was that there was probably no way to play for fun. If you join speed server or any other except jump server, you just die in 2 secs. Even on jump servers, its pretty hard to actually do anything, because of constant blocking (its hard even for me to enjoy jump server, NOT talking about q2jump mod). And jump servers are much more challenging than speed servers IMO.

So, basically you need to invest ton of time to at least enjoy the game, that isnt good. What i take from all this, is that we need some way to play the game, even for unexperienced players, who just picked up the game. We need some singeplayer maps, with easy jumps, fun things to do (i guess sth like tutorial map, but better ^^), obviously making playing vs bots fun/challenging gonna help too.

soccer target shooting map, just a thought, not full idea, basically making a map where you are behind some obstacle and you need to shoot the ball in diferent positions or you have to nade some place which is far away. That would teach new players how physic works here, maybe adding some targets where you would need to get speed through DJin crate would be fun too. (nadewars or w/e is that map called, just for singleplayer)

making soccer NORMAL again, srsly, new physics just fcked up soccer, ball now bounces 100000x times before stopping its movement, pls, just fix this, it isnt that hard is it? Just put some exception for soccer mode, which would force old physics only in soccer mode :(, i started playing DP ONLY because of soccer!

labyrinth map (eg: cratewh, but with some good goal and not a secret way to flag), its fun to play and try to get to goal before others.

interactive jump map, maybe a jump map with elevator (or 2 elevators, to bypass the requirement to travel to dif levels with dif buttons, basically you would have 2 elevators for each level, each trvaleing to lower/higher level), that way, newbies could just jump through a level and when you get bored with it, just move to the next one.


  • Autococker
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Re: Promoting paintball
« Reply #26 on: January 23, 2014, 11:16:17 PM »
i think shazam just intimidates you
There is nothing intimidating about a map that has one path that is clearly faster than its only other path and one other path to the side that just leads into the two main ones. It's just stupid and I'm sick of it always being played.

Same thing with napalm. It looks horrible with its misaligned barrel textures and everything way overbright. It is also not fun to play. It is tiny but often played in huge pubs. That map needs to be tossed into the trash can and stay there.

I also have a problem with London. Despite the fact that it has very good visuals and good, balanced gameplay in general, it has way too many powerful camping spots. This encourages noobs who are too scared to go for the flag and selfish players concerned only with their name at the top of the leaderboard to find one of the good camping spots and just hang out there for a while.

Finally, duck_fix. Spawnkilling is incredibly easy on that map. At the end of the game, the people who top the leaderboards are often the dishonorable spawnkillers who just sit there all day murdering the helpless victims who have nowhere else to spawn.


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Re: Promoting paintball
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2014, 08:43:46 AM »
Same thing with napalm. It looks horrible with its misaligned barrel textures and everything way overbright. It is also not fun to play. It is tiny but often played in huge pubs. That map needs to be tossed into the trash can and stay there.

Finally, duck_fix. Spawnkilling is incredibly easy on that map. At the end of the game, the people who top the leaderboards are often the dishonorable spawnkillers who just sit there all day murdering the helpless victims who have nowhere else to spawn.

Those maps are on my servers rotations so I will chime in.  Napalm was one of the most requested maps to be on the rotation for Supermans Speed 2, so it is staying.  Out of the 20ish maps on the my servers rotations there may be a few that you don't like.  I can't please everyone 100%.

As for duck_fix I agree the spawns are horrible.  Once I get some time (maybe this weekend) I will create some .ent files to fix all the maps spawn points that make spawn killing very easy.

I will create a topic in the mapping section later where people can suggest maps that need improved spawn points.