Author Topic: Favorite Quotes  (Read 40918 times)


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 370
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #100 on: February 25, 2014, 08:55:33 AM »
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself
-Winston Churchill


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 875
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #101 on: February 25, 2014, 08:58:16 AM »
Added quote from reply number 100.


  • Autococker
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Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #102 on: February 25, 2014, 09:06:12 AM »
Added quotes from reply numbers 97, 98.
You made a mistake with FusSioN's quote. It's actually from the Dalai Lama, not from FusSioN himself.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 370
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #103 on: February 25, 2014, 09:14:08 AM »
davai, davai!


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 51
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #104 on: February 25, 2014, 02:21:24 PM »
« Last Edit: June 21, 2020, 01:28:55 PM by ascraeus »


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 748
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #105 on: February 25, 2014, 02:27:15 PM »
"Holla holla get dolla C.R.E.A.M."
- Martin Luther King
HE NVA SAID DAT! HE SAID " Cash rules everything around me C.R.E.A.M"

"You'd better watch who you're calling a child, Lois. Because if I'm a child, you know what that makes you? A Pedophile. And I'll be darned if I'm gonna be lectured by a pervert." - Peter Griffin


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 319
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #106 on: February 25, 2014, 03:10:23 PM »
"Jim'll fix it" - Jimmy Savile
"Can you tell what it is yet?" - Rolf Harris
"I swear to god, I dont know how those images got there" - Garry Glitter

That last one may be false, but i'm 90% certain its not.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 875
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #107 on: February 25, 2014, 05:18:06 PM »
You made a mistake with FusSioN's quote. It's actually from the Dalai Lama, not from FusSioN himself.

davai, davai!

"Imma pop a cap in yo' ass n1gga."
- Abraham Lincoln

"Holla holla get dolla C.R.E.A.M."
- Martin Luther King

"I never said half of the bullexcrement written on the internet."
- Archimedes
Because I highly think those quotes were not said by those people, I'm not adding those.

"You'd better watch who you're calling a child, Lois. Because if I'm a child, you know what that makes you? A Pedophile. And I'll be darned if I'm gonna be lectured by a pervert." - Peter Griffin

"Jim'll fix it" - Jimmy Savile
"Can you tell what it is yet?" - Rolf Harris
"I swear to god, I dont know how those images got there" - Garry Glitter

That last one may be false, but i'm 90% certain its not.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 703
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #108 on: February 25, 2014, 07:55:02 PM »
"Sorry cap0ne, but school is a place of education, and knowledge=light. Although I heard that the American education system is excrement. Now to get on topic, dajjal simply means deceiver, and that is what most people are under, a decisive reality. Reality as we speak can be altered by the people's thought, speech, and power. It is a means of false reality, a fabric of time that is turned into a reality. That reality is then used to implement a system where people start to be deceived by it. A reality where people start to question themselves "to be or not to be", this false system is known as the NWO. What is the New World Order? Was the world never in order when this concept came about? Of course that is what people were starting to believe. But how did this system come about? Well that is were the "illuminati" comes in play, a society within a society, a society where only a few men are chosen. Illuminati is real; it exist, but it is dajjal itself. Illuminati's first appearance came when there was the French Revolution, the French Revolution was perceived to be a "good thing" by most people; exactly what illuminati wanted to illuminate, but that is when the world saw the deadliest form of control which was totalirisim First time to appear in the history of humanity. People where spying on each other; if they are against the system or with it, without even realizing that this is exactly what was wanted by the leaders of the French revolution, and because of this an endless genocide onslaught was occurring, in order to permanently implement a system. The leader of this revolution started drowning in this power, and eventually made his own religion, and made people worship him, people were deceived in to thinking they were getting democracy, but only got the opposite. That is what illuminati is...

Further on, the thematic conclusion of such a society is the every essence of perception of reality becoming the deception, twisting and tempering with history and knowledge, an inevitable event that has been protraited by such an demoralizing history of the illuminati. So how do we know that we are living is reality and not some fake system implement by the illuminati? This question has been asked for decades and will be asked for decades as well. The only way to answer such a question is by question reality itself, for example: is the color red the same as perceived by someone else? Questions like these will allow humans to evolve, and allow us to obtain evolutionary usage of our brain, tha we only use the lowest capacity, it will allow humans to quantize the definition of reality and separate it from the false terminology. The illuminati has found a flaw. The flaw is that if you can control the definition of terms, then you can control how people think, read, and write. This complexion has allowed alot of people confused, there even has been movies about presiving reality. Lucky for us there is a law in nature which states: an force that is acted will have an opposing force that will act on it. From this natural law we can conclude an other law had been created from that previous law called the law of equilibrium. These laws that exist in nature can have the same effect on everything, so if the illuminati does create an false reality then a opposing force will act on it, so the universe can stay in equalilbrium, almost like a "auto-correct" design for equality, and pure justice that in unbiased done by a natural process.

The illuminate has reached in influencing power across the globe, the idea of "money talks" has overpowered the idea of "sharing is caring". Societies are more and more willing to be overwhlemed by such ideas so easily, which had been used for decades? No, it is the illuminati that had illuminated reality and control. An illusion that has been placed down upon our society, where people's greed is more intrusive then sharing. One of modern illuminati followers was walt desiney. He was a man who loved altering reality, he was a conspired man, his bloodlines has yet to be discovered, and theories are that he was related to a known man, bush. The era that we livening has and is going to be altered to better meet the illuminati's standards, but how can one define standards? It is by the means of total control, without even knowing. It has also said that illuminati has irdicated the original history and made it "his-story", one day historian's will be talking about Cinderella, and unfortunatly that will be labeled as history. Illmuminati, will become the source, the eye of the world, and will become the only one eye, because illuminati wants a total control. One eye that represents a "one sided" view; which is the view of illuminati. Dramatically inducement of such an effect will cause an exponentional amount of questioning done by people, where people are just purely seeking the truth. That is the power of illuminati.

How can one even define reality when all it is just based on a atomic scale, we are all under the illusion of the illuminati and how they have places it upon us. The illuminati has to get across hidden messages from time to time, they do this through rappers. Rapping use to be about politics and life, and now all it is about is money, power. See how illuminati are illusionists? The have completely iridicated the sense of "ture rap" from society. Of course there are people who find a way out of this illusion placed upon the victim, an example of this was Micheal Jackson, how can someone like him that dances, which requires a alot of physical fitness die from a heart attack? That is what I questioned myself, and later on society found out that it was his doctors fault that caused the death of Micheal Jackson. There are many examples of this situation, Tupac was one of them as well, when a member of illuminati try's back out, he/she is simplely "removed". That is how the illuminati works, because of one goal they have the means of economic power. Most members of scoiety can't coupe these fact and try not to comprehend such comprehensive "facts", or maybe people just don't get it. Illuminati exist, their existence is corrupt. They corrupt what is known to be reality into false reality, through these means they have the ability to bribe people.

Concluding these illusionist aka illuminati, that had illuminated society to comprehend what they want society to comprehend, all by the means of "true power", they will not stop till they have achieved this power, and they will do this without most to all people not knowing that they are thinking, reading , believeing, and writing the way that was wanted by the illuminati. That will become reality, all false and this may lead to a society that is ferocious. Almost hypnotic, as if these leaders of illuminati are hypnotherapists, such hypocrisy done by such idiosyncrasy. The illuminati will spread like and epidemic and will attack those who are immunodeficient, and the next think they know, there under the illusion of the illuminati, this will be an incessant situation. This is how the illuminati works and operates within society, they have been doing this for years. Illuminati has made the every essence of reality into fake and fake into real, and people will continue to ask themselves "to be or not to be" and continue to have an infinite amount of questions, in a finite capacity of the human brain."



  • Map Committee
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Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #109 on: February 25, 2014, 08:36:49 PM »


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 703
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #110 on: February 25, 2014, 09:52:23 PM »

link please?

EDIT: I never said that. Try searching it; VZ's post is the only one that comes up.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 08:14:29 AM by BASEBALLDUDE »


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 748
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #111 on: February 25, 2014, 09:58:37 PM »
cricket is better than baseball
Indeed. Can't state it any clearer then that.

"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my grandfather did–in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car." ~ Bob Monkhouse


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 875
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #112 on: February 25, 2014, 10:17:31 PM »
"Sorry cap0ne, but school is a place of education, and knowledge=light. Although I heard that the American education system is excrement. Now to get on topic, dajjal simply means deceiver, and that is what most people are under, a decisive reality. Reality as we speak can be altered by the people's thought, speech, and power. It is a means of false reality, a fabric of time that is turned into a reality. That reality is then used to implement a system where people start to be deceived by it. A reality where people start to question themselves "to be or not to be", this false system is known as the NWO. What is the New World Order? Was the world never in order when this concept came about? Of course that is what people were starting to believe. But how did this system come about? Well that is were the "illuminati" comes in play, a society within a society, a society where only a few men are chosen. Illuminati is real; it exist, but it is dajjal itself. Illuminati's first appearance came when there was the French Revolution, the French Revolution was perceived to be a "good thing" by most people; exactly what illuminati wanted to illuminate, but that is when the world saw the deadliest form of control which was totalirisim First time to appear in the history of humanity. People where spying on each other; if they are against the system or with it, without even realizing that this is exactly what was wanted by the leaders of the French revolution, and because of this an endless genocide onslaught was occurring, in order to permanently implement a system. The leader of this revolution started drowning in this power, and eventually made his own religion, and made people worship him, people were deceived in to thinking they were getting democracy, but only got the opposite. That is what illuminati is...

Further on, the thematic conclusion of such a society is the every essence of perception of reality becoming the deception, twisting and tempering with history and knowledge, an inevitable event that has been protraited by such an demoralizing history of the illuminati. So how do we know that we are living is reality and not some fake system implement by the illuminati? This question has been asked for decades and will be asked for decades as well. The only way to answer such a question is by question reality itself, for example: is the color red the same as perceived by someone else? Questions like these will allow humans to evolve, and allow us to obtain evolutionary usage of our brain, tha we only use the lowest capacity, it will allow humans to quantize the definition of reality and separate it from the false terminology. The illuminati has found a flaw. The flaw is that if you can control the definition of terms, then you can control how people think, read, and write. This complexion has allowed alot of people confused, there even has been movies about presiving reality. Lucky for us there is a law in nature which states: an force that is acted will have an opposing force that will act on it. From this natural law we can conclude an other law had been created from that previous law called the law of equilibrium. These laws that exist in nature can have the same effect on everything, so if the illuminati does create an false reality then a opposing force will act on it, so the universe can stay in equalilbrium, almost like a "auto-correct" design for equality, and pure justice that in unbiased done by a natural process.

The illuminate has reached in influencing power across the globe, the idea of "money talks" has overpowered the idea of "sharing is caring". Societies are more and more willing to be overwhlemed by such ideas so easily, which had been used for decades? No, it is the illuminati that had illuminated reality and control. An illusion that has been placed down upon our society, where people's greed is more intrusive then sharing. One of modern illuminati followers was walt desiney. He was a man who loved altering reality, he was a conspired man, his bloodlines has yet to be discovered, and theories are that he was related to a known man, bush. The era that we livening has and is going to be altered to better meet the illuminati's standards, but how can one define standards? It is by the means of total control, without even knowing. It has also said that illuminati has irdicated the original history and made it "his-story", one day historian's will be talking about Cinderella, and unfortunatly that will be labeled as history. Illmuminati, will become the source, the eye of the world, and will become the only one eye, because illuminati wants a total control. One eye that represents a "one sided" view; which is the view of illuminati. Dramatically inducement of such an effect will cause an exponentional amount of questioning done by people, where people are just purely seeking the truth. That is the power of illuminati.

How can one even define reality when all it is just based on a atomic scale, we are all under the illusion of the illuminati and how they have places it upon us. The illuminati has to get across hidden messages from time to time, they do this through rappers. Rapping use to be about politics and life, and now all it is about is money, power. See how illuminati are illusionists? The have completely iridicated the sense of "ture rap" from society. Of course there are people who find a way out of this illusion placed upon the victim, an example of this was Micheal Jackson, how can someone like him that dances, which requires a alot of physical fitness die from a heart attack? That is what I questioned myself, and later on society found out that it was his doctors fault that caused the death of Micheal Jackson. There are many examples of this situation, Tupac was one of them as well, when a member of illuminati try's back out, he/she is simplely "removed". That is how the illuminati works, because of one goal they have the means of economic power. Most members of scoiety can't coupe these fact and try not to comprehend such comprehensive "facts", or maybe people just don't get it. Illuminati exist, their existence is corrupt. They corrupt what is known to be reality into false reality, through these means they have the ability to bribe people.

Concluding these illusionist aka illuminati, that had illuminated society to comprehend what they want society to comprehend, all by the means of "true power", they will not stop till they have achieved this power, and they will do this without most to all people not knowing that they are thinking, reading , believeing, and writing the way that was wanted by the illuminati. That will become reality, all false and this may lead to a society that is ferocious. Almost hypnotic, as if these leaders of illuminati are hypnotherapists, such hypocrisy done by such idiosyncrasy. The illuminati will spread like and epidemic and will attack those who are immunodeficient, and the next think they know, there under the illusion of the illuminati, this will be an incessant situation. This is how the illuminati works and operates within society, they have been doing this for years. Illuminati has made the every essence of reality into fake and fake into real, and people will continue to ask themselves "to be or not to be" and continue to have an infinite amount of questions, in a finite capacity of the human brain."

Nice essay? :-\

Umm... Not adding that.

"When I die, I want to go peacefully like my grandfather did–in his sleep. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car." ~ Bob Monkhouse


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 748
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #113 on: February 25, 2014, 10:29:01 PM »
Nice essay? :-\
Sorry cap0ne, but school is a place of education, and knowledge=light. Although I heard that the American education system is excrement. Now to get on topic, dajjal simply means deceiver, and that is what most people are under, a decisive reality. Reality as we speak can be altered by the people's thought, speech, and power. It is a means of false reality, a fabric of time that is turned into a reality. That reality is then used to implement a system where people start to be deceived by it. A reality where people start to question themselves "to be or not to be", this false system is known as the NWO. What is the New World Order? Was the world never in order when this concept came about? Of course that is what people were starting to believe. But how did this system come about? Well that is were the "illuminati" comes in play, a society within a society, a society where only a few men are chosen. Illuminati is real; it exist, but it is dajjal itself. Illuminati's first appearance came when there was the French Revolution, the French Revolution was perceived to be a "good thing" by most people; exactly what illuminati wanted to illuminate, but that is when the world saw the deadliest form of control which was totalirisim First time to appear in the history of humanity. People where spying on each other; if they are against the system or with it, without even realizing that this is exactly what was wanted by the leaders of the French revolution, and because of this an endless genocide onslaught was occurring, in order to permanently implement a system. The leader of this revolution started drowning in this power, and eventually made his own religion, and made people worship him, people were deceived in to thinking they were getting democracy, but only got the opposite. That is what illuminati is...

Further on, the thematic conclusion of such a society is the every essence of perception of reality becoming the deception, twisting and tempering with history and knowledge, an inevitable event that has been protraited by such an demoralizing history of the illuminati. So how do we know that we are living is reality and not some fake system implement by the illuminati? This question has been asked for decades and will be asked for decades as well. The only way to answer such a question is by question reality itself, for example: is the color red the same as perceived by someone else? Questions like these will allow humans to evolve, and allow us to obtain evolutionary usage of our brain, tha we only use the lowest capacity, it will allow humans to quantize the definition of reality and separate it from the false terminology. The illuminati has found a flaw. The flaw is that if you can control the definition of terms, then you can control how people think, read, and write. This complexion has allowed alot of people confused, there even has been movies about presiving reality. Lucky for us there is a law in nature which states: an force that is acted will have an opposing force that will act on it. From this natural law we can conclude an other law had been created from that previous law called the law of equilibrium. These laws that exist in nature can have the same effect on everything, so if the illuminati does create an false reality then a opposing force will act on it, so the universe can stay in equalilbrium, almost like a "auto-correct" design for equality, and pure justice that in unbiased done by a natural process.

The illuminate has reached in influencing power across the globe, the idea of "money talks" has overpowered the idea of "sharing is caring". Societies are more and more willing to be overwhlemed by such ideas so easily, which had been used for decades? No, it is the illuminati that had illuminated reality and control. An illusion that has been placed down upon our society, where people's greed is more intrusive then sharing. One of modern illuminati followers was walt desiney. He was a man who loved altering reality, he was a conspired man, his bloodlines has yet to be discovered, and theories are that he was related to a known man, bush. The era that we livening has and is going to be altered to better meet the illuminati's standards, but how can one define standards? It is by the means of total control, without even knowing. It has also said that illuminati has irdicated the original history and made it "his-story", one day historian's will be talking about Cinderella, and unfortunatly that will be labeled as history. Illmuminati, will become the source, the eye of the world, and will become the only one eye, because illuminati wants a total control. One eye that represents a "one sided" view; which is the view of illuminati. Dramatically inducement of such an effect will cause an exponentional amount of questioning done by people, where people are just purely seeking the truth. That is the power of illuminati.

How can one even define reality when all it is just based on a atomic scale, we are all under the illusion of the illuminati and how they have places it upon us. The illuminati has to get across hidden messages from time to time, they do this through rappers. Rapping use to be about politics and life, and now all it is about is money, power. See how illuminati are illusionists? The have completely iridicated the sense of "ture rap" from society. Of course there are people who find a way out of this illusion placed upon the victim, an example of this was Micheal Jackson, how can someone like him that dances, which requires a alot of physical fitness die from a heart attack? That is what I questioned myself, and later on society found out that it was his doctors fault that caused the death of Micheal Jackson. There are many examples of this situation, Tupac was one of them as well, when a member of illuminati try's back out, he/she is simplely "removed". That is how the illuminati works, because of one goal they have the means of economic power. Most members of scoiety can't coupe these fact and try not to comprehend such comprehensive "facts", or maybe people just don't get it. Illuminati exist, their existence is corrupt. They corrupt what is known to be reality into false reality, through these means they have the ability to bribe people.

Concluding these illusionist aka illuminati, that had illuminated society to comprehend what they want society to comprehend, all by the means of "true power", they will not stop till they have achieved this power, and they will do this without most to all people not knowing that they are thinking, reading , believeing, and writing the way that was wanted by the illuminati. That will become reality, all false and this may lead to a society that is ferocious. Almost hypnotic, as if these leaders of illuminati are hypnotherapists, such hypocrisy done by such idiosyncrasy. The illuminati will spread like and epidemic and will attack those who are immunodeficient, and the next think they know, there under the illusion of the illuminati, this will be an incessant situation. This is how the illuminati works and operates within society, they have been doing this for years. Illuminati has made the every essence of reality into fake and fake into real, and people will continue to ask themselves "to be or not to be" and continue to have an infinite amount of questions, in a finite capacity of the human brain.
Its a good eassy. Has a lot of amusing things in it. Like this:
'' how can someone like him that dances, which requires a alot of physical fitness die from a heart attack?''

I lol'd


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 875
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #114 on: February 25, 2014, 10:33:47 PM »
Its a good eassy. Has a lot of amusing things in it. Like this:
Yes, but the point I'm trying to make is that "quote" is a little too long.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 51
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #115 on: February 26, 2014, 12:23:26 PM »
o darn
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 10:35:00 AM by ascraeus »


  • Autococker
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Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #116 on: February 26, 2014, 12:36:02 PM »
"Ascra win a flagfight" - Everyone whos ever matched against Ascra


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 51
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #117 on: February 26, 2014, 12:43:28 PM »
"Ascra win a flagfight" - Everyone whos ever matched against Ascra

thats why you didnt win against eX last time? aw


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 415
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #118 on: February 26, 2014, 01:46:52 PM »
Nice essay? :-\
"Sorry cap0ne, but school is a place of education, and knowledge=light. Although I heard that the American education system is excrement. Now to get on topic, dajjal simply means deceiver, and that is what most people are under, a decisive reality. Reality as we speak can be altered by the people's thought, speech, and power. It is a means of false reality, a fabric of time that is turned into a reality. That reality is then used to implement a system where people start to be deceived by it. A reality where people start to question themselves "to be or not to be", this false system is known as the NWO. What is the New World Order? Was the world never in order when this concept came about? Of course that is what people were starting to believe. But how did this system come about? Well that is were the "illuminati" comes in play, a society within a society, a society where only a few men are chosen. Illuminati is real; it exist, but it is dajjal itself. Illuminati's first appearance came when there was the French Revolution, the French Revolution was perceived to be a "good thing" by most people; exactly what illuminati wanted to illuminate, but that is when the world saw the deadliest form of control which was totalirisim First time to appear in the history of humanity. People where spying on each other; if they are against the system or with it, without even realizing that this is exactly what was wanted by the leaders of the French revolution, and because of this an endless genocide onslaught was occurring, in order to permanently implement a system. The leader of this revolution started drowning in this power, and eventually made his own religion, and made people worship him, people were deceived in to thinking they were getting democracy, but only got the opposite. That is what illuminati is...

Further on, the thematic conclusion of such a society is the every essence of perception of reality becoming the deception, twisting and tempering with history and knowledge, an inevitable event that has been protraited by such an demoralizing history of the illuminati. So how do we know that we are living is reality and not some fake system implement by the illuminati? This question has been asked for decades and will be asked for decades as well. The only way to answer such a question is by question reality itself, for example: is the color red the same as perceived by someone else? Questions like these will allow humans to evolve, and allow us to obtain evolutionary usage of our brain, tha we only use the lowest capacity, it will allow humans to quantize the definition of reality and separate it from the false terminology. The illuminati has found a flaw. The flaw is that if you can control the definition of terms, then you can control how people think, read, and write. This complexion has allowed alot of people confused, there even has been movies about presiving reality. Lucky for us there is a law in nature which states: an force that is acted will have an opposing force that will act on it. From this natural law we can conclude an other law had been created from that previous law called the law of equilibrium. These laws that exist in nature can have the same effect on everything, so if the illuminati does create an false reality then a opposing force will act on it, so the universe can stay in equalilbrium, almost like a "auto-correct" design for equality, and pure justice that in unbiased done by a natural process.

The illuminate has reached in influencing power across the globe, the idea of "money talks" has overpowered the idea of "sharing is caring". Societies are more and more willing to be overwhlemed by such ideas so easily, which had been used for decades? No, it is the illuminati that had illuminated reality and control. An illusion that has been placed down upon our society, where people's greed is more intrusive then sharing. One of modern illuminati followers was walt desiney. He was a man who loved altering reality, he was a conspired man, his bloodlines has yet to be discovered, and theories are that he was related to a known man, bush. The era that we livening has and is going to be altered to better meet the illuminati's standards, but how can one define standards? It is by the means of total control, without even knowing. It has also said that illuminati has irdicated the original history and made it "his-story", one day historian's will be talking about Cinderella, and unfortunatly that will be labeled as history. Illmuminati, will become the source, the eye of the world, and will become the only one eye, because illuminati wants a total control. One eye that represents a "one sided" view; which is the view of illuminati. Dramatically inducement of such an effect will cause an exponentional amount of questioning done by people, where people are just purely seeking the truth. That is the power of illuminati.

How can one even define reality when all it is just based on a atomic scale, we are all under the illusion of the illuminati and how they have places it upon us. The illuminati has to get across hidden messages from time to time, they do this through rappers. Rapping use to be about politics and life, and now all it is about is money, power. See how illuminati are illusionists? The have completely iridicated the sense of "ture rap" from society. Of course there are people who find a way out of this illusion placed upon the victim, an example of this was Micheal Jackson, how can someone like him that dances, which requires a alot of physical fitness die from a heart attack? That is what I questioned myself, and later on society found out that it was his doctors fault that caused the death of Micheal Jackson. There are many examples of this situation, Tupac was one of them as well, when a member of illuminati try's back out, he/she is simplely "removed". That is how the illuminati works, because of one goal they have the means of economic power. Most members of scoiety can't coupe these fact and try not to comprehend such comprehensive "facts", or maybe people just don't get it. Illuminati exist, their existence is corrupt. They corrupt what is known to be reality into false reality, through these means they have the ability to bribe people.

Concluding these illusionist aka illuminati, that had illuminated society to comprehend what they want society to comprehend, all by the means of "true power", they will not stop till they have achieved this power, and they will do this without most to all people not knowing that they are thinking, reading , believeing, and writing the way that was wanted by the illuminati. That will become reality, all false and this may lead to a society that is ferocious. Almost hypnotic, as if these leaders of illuminati are hypnotherapists, such hypocrisy done by such idiosyncrasy. The illuminati will spread like and epidemic and will attack those who are immunodeficient, and the next think they know, there under the illusion of the illuminati, this will be an incessant situation. This is how the illuminati works and operates within society, they have been doing this for years. Illuminati has made the every essence of reality into fake and fake into real, and people will continue to ask themselves "to be or not to be" and continue to have an infinite amount of questions, in a finite capacity of the human brain."

Shorter version:
I heard that [...] illuminati [...] is [...] fake [...] .


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 875
Re: Favorite Quotes
« Reply #119 on: February 26, 2014, 06:44:34 PM »
these quotes are 100% legit you dirty black big lipped tree swinging banana eating kool aid drinking marathon running cotton picking jobless chicken eating grape soda drinking purse stealing watermelon eating television stealing n1gger
Instead of calling me names, how about finding some sources to prove it? ;)