Author Topic: Congrats to current players  (Read 5798 times)


  • Autococker
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Congrats to current players
« on: March 21, 2014, 06:30:51 PM »
Even though a lot of people admit the scene is pretty bad right now, and there's no competition.... the game has evolved drastically. Not even in matching, but mapping too. Mappers today are 100x better than mappers 10 years ago, and same with people matching. People can say it's hard to compare as the game has changed, people now have better connection, better setups, sure - but the reality is, just like in real sports/olympics etc.., the players today are much more skilled than previous players were - in the same amount of years of playing.

I was super bored, and browsing at some old demo's - the movement/jumps/speed that "weak" teams get today, are better than the majority of good teams years ago. A good example is on a map like Pbcup_Pforest and Carpathian - jumps that only "good" teams were doing then, lesser teams do now with ease - and they do even harder ones. Would these teams be able to win on the "old" maps that were played back then? Well, it's much easier to learn a 1 path map, sit back and line, than it is to learn bigger maps that involve more to play.

This game takes a long time to get good at - most other games you're able to compete with the average person after a few months, but in DP really it takes over a year for most to even play their first real match - and another few years to be considered "ok" - and get some respect. So congrats to those who stuck around, and in reality - you're better than all the previous generations of the game, you do have skill at the game. (Sure, some may say "who gives a fck about skill in a game, but we all waste hours playing so being good is an accomplishment, just like doing well in every aspect of life).

So anyways, congrats to all the people who stick around the game and improve at it. Just the movement alone is better than last time I actively played for a long period of time (which was before I left to university, so 3 years ago). And it's even more drastic the more years we go back. You may not be the best out of who plays now, but you're better than most people ever were at the game - so just keep it up and try to improve. It was really cool seeing sPec's attitude towards the game, seeing that there are people who truly want to improve. If more teams were like that, it'd be fun to actually help people. But regardless, you're all actually good at the game when compared to the history of the game.

EDIT: Another example of this type of thing is in League of Legends, and that's over a lower time period. People who were the best a year ago, get surpassed and forced into retirement. They're remembered for their skill at the time, but they were only the best for a time. New players always come out of nowhere and change the game. PS: PLS NO KOREANS IN DP, I WANNA STAY THE BEST.

EDIT: Also congrats to JMR/Prozajik and anyone else who streams. It just shows some people taking it a little more seriously.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 485
Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2014, 06:21:32 AM »
heartbreaking topic <3


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2014, 09:18:37 AM »
THC are being revived with 3 old(?) players incoming back. I think the scene should be good enough in the summer for the next set of tournaments atleast :)


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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2014, 09:18:59 AM »
THC are being revived with 4 old players incoming back. I think the scene should be good enough in the summer for the next set of tournaments atleast :)


Thanks for the kind words myers.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 415
Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2014, 12:11:48 PM »
I love you MyeRs <3 .

But on honest side, I have no idea why we need this topic. I kinda agree on people taking game better, not just more serious. It's a game, you don't take it serious, but involvement into matches is impressing, I got excited myself watching JMR. Still, there is no need for such topic, we rather need to address future which is still very uncertain, due to jitspoe not being able to do easiest things (like finishing wiki and hr4).


  • Autococker
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #5 on: March 22, 2014, 01:10:30 PM »
Still, there is no need for such topic, we rather need to address future which is still very uncertain, due to jitspoe not being able to do easiest things (like finishing wiki and hr4).
Sorry for getting off topic, but I want to address this comment. Jitspoe is not able to do everything at once, and right now he's focused on the difficult stuff. What he should do is let someone else finish the wiki and hr4.

On topic: well said MyeRs.


  • Autococker
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #6 on: March 22, 2014, 05:57:49 PM »
Payl, it's a forum - there's no guideline of what topics are needed. In fact, I would say this topic is useful to the forum as a positive message is something this game and forum is often lacking. People should make new threads more often, with relevant content. Sometimes it can go weeks without any new topic/posts - everything is raging and trolling. But in fact, everyone actually has improved - mapping and game wise - so a topic from someone whos been around 7-8years can help be a slight motivator to the newer people.

I don't think posting raging that jitspoe does nothing is worth a thread. We all know he's busy, and that stuff gets posted enough everywhere. This is just a change of pace, telling the new people that even though they're told their noobs and bad, they are actually good and are better than top players used to be.


  • Autococker
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #7 on: March 22, 2014, 11:15:01 PM »
Thanks MyeRs


EDIT: Am I an exception for this?


  • Autococker
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2014, 10:31:43 AM »
Thanks MyeRs


EDIT: Am I an exception for this?

It's not saying EVERY player now is better than EVERY player before, or even every player is better at mapping than every old player. Some people today can't make a map, some people today can't do PP1 speed. It's saying generally, the amount of overall talent in the game has continually increased in all aspects over time.

Just because people can beat old Olympic records with ease nowadays, doesn't mean every fat kid of today will beat them too.


  • Autococker
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2014, 10:59:39 AM »
It's not saying EVERY player now is better than EVERY player before, or even every player is better at mapping than every old player. Some people today can't make a map, some people today can't do PP1 speed. It's saying generally, the amount of overall talent in the game has continually increased in all aspects over time.

Just because people can beat old Olympic records with ease nowadays, doesn't mean every fat kid of today will beat them too.
You just crushed the dreams of all fat kids in PB :(.

More related, i guess its how it is in every game. Just in PB its more noticable because the game is freaking old. I never actually got the idea of people saying "If XX clan would still play, you wouldnt have a chance". I think its pure bull, only if they played more time than current communty does, then it would be possible. I am pretty sure none of the "old school" players played that long (aight there are exceptions, few people still play today), but even so we were able to beat them and never ever felt like we were getting outmatched, just matched.

If you have a look at LoL, there is the exactly same thing. People are comming up with strategies on how to beat the best teams so the teams have to adapt and make sth new up, thats how every "sport" works. Even in real-life sports people are trying to think of new way how to get advantage over others.
Just little note back to LoL, if you take for example spell with cast time + flash, nobody found that its possible up until recently after insec introduced it to the world (i believe it was him with leesin ult + flash? Not sure but i think it was). And now everyone is trying to do it, hell they even used it on other champs like xerath, karma etc. Same goes for DJs/circles in PB.

And i totally agree with you, when i look at the old teams, they couldnt even make a simple DJ and everyone who could make triples was a god of jumping. Nowadays, if you fail a jump you just suck. And it goes same for aim, they werent perfoming any cool looking shots, they just had a mediocore aim and were considered the killing machines. Thats why everyone says that XX clan would beat our asses, because people who are saying this never got on their level and were just looking up to them. I honestly dont think old clans would have a fair shot of beating any of the current active clans (not all obv).

I dont wanna disrespect the old players tho, i respect them as players. I was just putting out my opinions that i believe are facts. They kept this game alive while didnt even know it existed. I agree that community might have been larger than it is now, but the skill nowadays is on a whole another level.

BTW, if koreans joined DP, it would be much more fun because it would get competitive finally and DP would become an official sport in Korea, yaya the dream! ^^

And thanks for the shoutout, honestly didnt see this one comming. I will try to keep streaming and commentating as long as this game is alive :p


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 319
Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2014, 02:05:10 PM »

BTW, if koreans joined DP, it would be much more fun because it would get competitive finally and DP would become an official sport in Korea, yaya the dream! ^^

For two weeks until you are surpassed


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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2014, 02:13:53 PM »
If Koreans joined DP the ping difference would be even worse... What American would want to play with a 300 ping?


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2014, 02:31:24 PM »
Im sure they would still win


  • Autococker
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #13 on: March 23, 2014, 03:12:47 PM »
For two weeks until you are surpassed
In Korea, League of Legends is already considered official sport afaik. Thats what i meant, PB would become official and there would be huge community, idc about where i stand in that imaginary world, pb would be the best :P


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #14 on: March 23, 2014, 03:29:05 PM »
I see what you mean now, cant deny it though


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #15 on: March 23, 2014, 03:57:59 PM »
In Korea, League of Legends is already considered official sport afaik. Thats what i meant, PB would become official and there would be huge community, idc about where i stand in that imaginary world, pb would be the best :P
Well, everybody would soon switch to something that has active support, since one man army can't provide new content to a game (and I don't believe jitspoe will allow anyone to really help him more, he will rather sell/abandon this game).
I really prefer small community, I dunno why you guys want DP to be something big. I think it's good as it is, I can go on pub and know many people (and be known despite being not-really-good), own some newbs and possibly get owned on pgp-only by some pros.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2014, 04:58:47 PM »
Well, everybody would soon switch to something that has active support, since one man army can't provide new content to a game (and I don't believe jitspoe will allow anyone to really help him more, he will rather sell/abandon this game).
I really prefer small community, I dunno why you guys want DP to be something big. I think it's good as it is, I can go on pub and know many people (and be known despite being not-really-good), own some newbs and possibly get owned on pgp-only by some pros.
Pub side isn't that fun for most players. Matching against a team you really want to beat and are the same level as you is absolute bliss on this game.
Edit: and who doesn't dream of going to a dp world championships with team jerseys and sound proof booths and...*drifts in to dream*


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 415
Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #17 on: March 23, 2014, 05:35:33 PM »
Pub side isn't that fun for most players. Matching against a team you really want to beat and are the same level as you is absolute bliss on this game.
Well, then be quiet and enjoy pub. For most part, you don't really want to beat a team, it isn't hard to find a team that is fairly close to your skill for most part of DP. I'm really not into matching, as most of game, so this is why you have those problems. People like to enjoy this game, not be all annoyed, because much better team wants to get easy victory on match.
I remember being few times in such a fun "match" that everyone was fairly good, and we just enjoyed playing, just like on pub, except no newbs. Matches like those I can play, because there is hardly any pressure, and everyone is just nice.
If you change formula of matching, then I would assume more players would match.

Edit: and who doesn't dream of going to a dp world championships with team jerseys and sound proof booths and...
... and me selling hacks? Yeah, would be so rich. I can then sell PAC to jitspoe and then buy this game so there will be nothing but awesome cheat detection.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 603
Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2014, 02:34:36 AM »
It's not saying EVERY player now is better than EVERY player before, or even every player is better at mapping than every old player. Some people today can't make a map, some people today can't do PP1 speed. It's saying generally, the amount of overall talent in the game has continually increased in all aspects over time.

Just because people can beat old Olympic records with ease nowadays, doesn't mean every fat kid of today will beat them too.

Again, thanks for clearing this to me, MyeRs.


  • PGP
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Re: Congrats to current players
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2014, 04:23:03 AM »
Thank you Myers for this heartwarming post though until now I'm having hard time playing DP.