Pretty simple scenario:
Linux executable, running in debian 6.0.9 as a dedicated server.
Whenever this server receives a connectionless rcon packet, it prints its content to the console, which is ok. But it seems like the string is not being '\0'-terminated when it is received which causes the server to print out more information until there is a terminating zero in RAM. This can be pretty harmless, e.g. when it produces this:
[11:06:54] Rcon from
rcon PASSWORD mapname~(*]--'*[-g'*W[>[=<U[<79be9a831f22a73ea4458
(still, this can be very annoying, for example if you want to read through the logs to find an error)
but it can also print out information that probably should remain hidden:
[11:07:36] Rcon from
rcon PASSWORD mapname[@-K<@@-l>>-[@-`@gi@tU0\password\REALPASSWORDHERE\hand\2\name\NoN4Me\skin\male/null\rate\16000\msg\0\fov\120\gender\male"
7f7b63dbb99116e6dd12c6fb8e2e105dee389752a0c3b71e3978ce72260529f45b57c7b81f1365ff6d93831bdef5d2be29d24cc701c0ca1539764fca1dd4bb02ecf88017c3dd418596a260cd8c5e2622fd078eb419d3806d426bba70cf7ac83860ee491c9668a66de4b73d2a1ce22f1b299ab69da09ee45e14b20d06a177ec33e2f770c9737c99e4fefbb2990760ba9cb3f86e50d 43770
this is much more annoying because it prints out much more rubbish, but it also shows data of a random player on the server, including his password, hand and fov setting. I dont exactly know why the server has to have the player's fov, hand and even password in RAM a long time after he connected but that is another problem.