Its been kills for 15+ years why would we change it?
We'd only change it if it were the better option.
What other games have "caps" dictate scoreboard rank? Its always about K/D for every game, keep it that way.
"With its high-value team objectives... Paintball2 offers a very unique experience." ~from Jitspoe's quick summary of the game on the home page
Paintball2 is not like other games. That is why we all play Paintball2 rather than other games. There are many instances on the forums when change is being debated where a person will use "other games have this" as an argument to validate his/her point. I don't like it when that happens.
There are about 100000000 things Jitspoe could be working on besides this to improve the game, this is a complete waste.
"It should be easy to change the sorting." ~jitspoe
I think caps sorted first would make the game go alot faster.
Not if a server admin decides to increase the game-winning caps to above 50.
Everyone would be rushing to get the flag and sit and wait until the person with the flags captures it to get their turn.
There is an option for "flag cap ends round."
If both of the things you mentioned above come true if this is ever implemented and become a problem, we could use my two "quick" solutions above, or if it was better
before, just revert back in the next build.
I like the current system because you can either be MVP by getting the most kills (you will be at the top of the list) or the most caps (you will have the most points scored for your team - most of the time).
That's actually a valid argument. Obviously there are pros and cons with either decision.
[edited to remove the unpopular grammar nazi trollish content]