It's nice that you try to give a guide for players to enjoy this game and I really appreciate your work, but I'm afraid I don't agree to your first two points. I think good players are able to be fast and still hear sounds, choose the best way and tactic and line efficiently. Of course, you will have to learn that, but I do not agree to the advise "Just go slow". It would be better to tell them "Think about what you do and your reasons to do so but stay fast". A slow player will always be ineffective as this game is about being fast.
Camping destroys a game because camping gives you an advantage (otherwise you wouldn't do it) but if everyone on the server just camped, the game would not go on. So, the players who really want to play the game (and have fun playing it) have to do something to get the game moving again but will always be interrupted by the campers, who do not do anything helpful for the came theirselves but think they are the best according to their kill death ratio. But maybe we have different definitions of camping here. What I talk about is just sitting in an edge where noone would go to for more than 3 minutes, watching a point where sometimes a player passes and just pull the trigger when they pass while they probably don't even have a chance to hit you because they can't see you. I do not talk about jumping around in a base defending a flag, that is just tactical playing but not camping. Of course, when you are good in this game, the camper will be marked after the first shot he missed because you strafed along with like 100mph, but for newbies who dont even know how to strafe jump, where to look for campers or how to aim fast, it can be very frustrating so they either quit or also start camping but learn nothing. Still, map makers have a lot of responisibility here, because on a map that is well designed, camping will be very ineffective or just impossible due to missing camping spots or too many ways that other players can use to just ignore the camper and cap him.
Your third point is totally right in my point of view, too many players play to get a good / better score while in this game, your score as well as your K/D ratio do not have to be good in order for you to be a good player. Mostly on pubs, a game will be won by caps or rounds won after having grabbed the flag. This probably is an illness from other shooters like CoD where most of the time, all that counts are you kills but not your teamplay nor any other things.