Introduction:After seeing a post by "Ranger" on how to enjoy this game more. I decided to post my own opinion on this matter.
This guide is aimed at players who do not match often and would like to enjoy this game more.I will keep each part as brief as a I can. I do plan to update this thread more though.
About me:I have been rather inactive on these forums for a few months. I have just completed all my exams though. I have ran various tournaments throughout my time and have competed in countless matches. Ever since I started playing this, the whole idea of competing against other teams with my teammates just got me hooked.
Part 1 - Matching:Let me just first emphasize, I would not play this game if there was no match scene. I just cannot seem to grasp the fun of constantly winning thousands of public server rounds. It's only fun for a short while. Lets face it, many new players start off with public and speed servers and to be honest, they are not a challenge. If you really want to enjoy this game more, get yourself some true competition.
This game is all about having fun. For me, fun isn't winning thousands of rounds easily. For me, fun is playing often with my teammates, improving and thus competing, challenging ourselves almost every match.
Sure, public servers can be fun in between matches, but for me, not what makes this game enjoyable.
Playing matches but finding them boring? You need a team. Cannot find a team? Start your own, I'm pretty sure there are others in the same boat. Find them, make friends with them.
Communication as a team is crucial, if you or your teammates have no microphone, I recommend using IRC to meet up with each other and communicate. If you and your teammates do have a microphone, you should idle on a teamspeak3 server. The one me and my clan use often is
Once you have your team up and rolling, it's time to turn it into an official clan. Come up with a sensible clan name and tag.
Now you are ready to truly compete with other teams. Keep an active record of your wins and losses. After a match, think about where you and your teammates went wrong and work on it. It's all part of the fun.
The most fun experience comes from tournaments. I am planning to hold a few this summer! So try to get a team ready by then. I heard quite a few clans are joining back for this summer!
Part 2 - Improving:Another point that adds to the fun of this game is i
There's nothing more satisfying than beating a team in a match who you thought you once could never beat.
The key is to start small and then challenge yourself more and more from there. If you lose against a team that has been really active and has been practicing a lot, do not take it hard, instead, make it your motivation to win next time.
Practice is the best way to improve. But public/speed servers do not do justice compared to matching often.
If you need to improve your movement, I recommend opening some maps on a local server and just jumping around. Jump servers help a lot too.
On a very important note, it is much easier to improve if you have teammates to help you. Maybe your teammates may know a map/jump that you do not know. When you improve together, the fun increases.
On a final note to improving,
watching demos of some of the top teams will help you not only learn jumps, but specific tactics and jukes that will give you that extra nudge.
Part 3 - Community:This community is far too small for any trash talk to be taken seriously.
(ironic me saying this, right?)If someone tries to insult you, the best thing to do is just to not respond.
Find it fun insulting players? It makes no sense to troll someone on a community this small. Everyone almost knows eachother, so trolling only makes you look bad as a person. Countless people get caught up in useless flame wars.
"I insulted him because he thought he was good..." doesn't make you any better.
Maintain activity in the forums as best as you can and try to participate in events as much as possible.
That's all for now. This guide will be updated, I am writing this half asleep.