Author Topic: Reviving the DP Community  (Read 11214 times)


  • PGP
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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2014, 04:20:04 PM »
The maps are what killed this MOD... stop making dumb maps.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2014, 06:05:19 PM »
I vote we increase ban times for cheating.  I think we're too easy on them.


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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2014, 08:57:42 PM »
I vote we increase ban times for cheating.  I think we're too easy on them.

lol this reminded me of "Nerf Ireala".


  • VM-68
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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2014, 03:53:43 AM »
Hey, we have a ton load of players bragging about unbanning people.
Why doesnt anyone make a youtube channel instead regards paintball> we all subcribe to it and wait till we attract bait? i am sure this will work


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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2014, 02:30:11 PM »
Hey, we have a ton load of players bragging about unbanning people.
Why doesnt anyone make a youtube channel instead regards paintball> we all subcribe to it and wait till we attract bait? i am sure this will work
Subscribe to: ChrisJablonSky


  • PGP
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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2014, 02:38:57 PM »
A channel for strictly Digital Paintball 2 game play. I would have no issue setting this up if we think this could increase the population of the community.


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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2014, 04:50:18 AM »
The maps are what killed this MOD... stop making dumb maps.
Nobody even plays the new maps, how could they kill the game?

Anyway, sure setting up youtube channel (of what, 20 subscribers? that might be even too generous) gonna get 1 more people to come to this website, yeeeey, lets blow a champaigne. The only thing that ever made this game more active were tourneys. Unfortunately, there aren't enough people to make it worth organizing tourney anymore, not that anyone here would be even capable of running a decent tourney.

And btw, you are asking what killed this game? You did guys, thats the only truth there is, where were you when there were some big events going on? Idling on forum reading posts and deciding you are not going to participate, because your mommy wants you to go to bed earlier today? What a good boy you are, so what the hell are you doing here on the forums complaining about this game being dead?
Like, use at least some sort of logic, you come here crying about maps, have you ever commented at least on few maps and what you didn't like about them? My guess is no.
There is so many newbies with 0 posts crying about how this game is dead. Hell, i am sure you had to contribute a lot to this community and you want the community to pay you back for all you did for it? Yea it just did, this is whats worth 10 posts mate, 5 people on the serverbrowser on all the servers.
Nobody here has the right to complain about the game being dead, you never did merely enough to be able to make such a complaint. The only guys who actualy did something for this community, wouldn't complain about it, because they feel they could have done more.

The only person, who was able to bring this game back from being death last 6 years was JMR. You can have whatever opinion you want about him, but you can't argue the fact that he actually did it. I have never seen this game being so active past my 6 years of experience, as it was during spec tourney. I doubt there will be another chance like this ever again, mostly because some/most of the active players retired after this. You had one chance to actually bring this game active and you all blew it. If you can't overcome personal issues for the sake of activity of this game then you don't deserve this game to be active, but then again you don't have the right to complain about it. Btw, for all of you that are going to say he shouldn't have left or what not, you needed something FROM him (the tourney, to bring this game back alive), he didn't need anything from you, why shouldn't he leave again?

One more thing, if you wanna know how he actually managed to do it. It was because he didn't just post about doing something on forums, he actually did it.

I have my own opinion about what was the final nail in the coffin, but it surely wasn't the first one. I am not going to explain further what my opinion is, because it would just start another flamefest (even though, this might start one too, but guess what, i don't care).

Well this turned into one hell of a post, i guess i could say this is most likely my last post on these forums, because i got nothing else to say. I am pretty much done with this game AND this community. I am not going to make new post about leaving, because i don't see a reason. I might still play from time to time, but i am certainly not going be active.

Its your fault, nobody elses.
You all blew the one chance.
Think before acting dumb.
Think before posting.


lol this reminded me of "Nerf Ireala".

Toxiic you baka, its irelia ^^


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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #27 on: October 07, 2014, 06:40:24 AM »
Couldnt agree more Proza.

The only thing I don't agree with is that I strongly believe the newer generation of maps has had a negative impact on this game. If people want to come play a paintball game they don't want to see someone like you or myself flying across a map in 5 seconds when it takes them 30. All these two flag maps with 50% ice did a number on this game and DID help it decline. Yeah its what the new active clan scene likes but look at this Active clan scene compared to the one we had before this one.

People can argue and say I'm wrong but the number of clans 6-8 years ago before the maps transitioned from slow paced to fast paced prove it.


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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #28 on: October 07, 2014, 09:13:19 AM »
Clipz, you cannot compare the current clan-scene with the clan-scene years ago. Most of us only had a pc with limited performance back then, perfect for a game like DP2.

Now you have games like Battlefield, consoles like PS4 etc., you have much more choice than years ago.

If today players could see what was going on in Mirc:P


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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #29 on: October 07, 2014, 03:19:53 PM »
I get your point but I personally hate consoles.

I hate to say this is the end but Hell the DP clan scene had an AMAZING run. From QWPB till recent, 17 years of players matching. If it is truly dead this time I can only sit here and tip my cap to Jitspoe and say thanks for developing a game that has lasted longer then the majority of pc/console games ever will.

Thank you Jitspoe!


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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #30 on: October 08, 2014, 01:46:33 PM »
The only thing I don't agree with is that I strongly believe the newer generation of maps has had a negative impact on this game. If people want to come play a paintball game they don't want to see someone like you or myself flying across a map in 5 seconds when it takes them 30. All these two flag maps with 50% ice did a number on this game and DID help it decline. Yeah its what the new active clan scene likes but look at this Active clan scene compared to the one we had before this one.
You are right, altho, i would say the problem is somewhere else. People developed their 'pro' gaming skills, so the 'pro' maps changed. Years ago player got applauded and bowed to the ground thousand times when he did DJ and everyone was like omg such a pro jumper. Nowadays you get laugh at when you fail DJ :p (of course i am exaggerating for those who didnt recognize it, but still, there IS a skill gap). The maps have adjusted to the matching scene -> ice maps, with tons of hard jumps.
Now, to actually get to the problem...we didin't have player/community base big enough to support both, newbie like scene along with matching scene. Look at for example CS 1.6, newbies would never play only on maps like de_dust2, because they would just die all the time to people who actually know the map, they rather played fy_icetown (or something lol, this rly small map, ice arena, i am sure everyone who played CS 1.6 knows it) or some other fy_, because they could get kills there easily and actually improve aim.
So yea, i think you are totally right, the downfall were in fact the maps to some extent. I just think the problem was slightly somewhere else.

And also what zimt said, who would pick PB2, where you actually have to learn some excrement to even have a chance in game. Also big point are the graphics.

And now to the reason i actually made this post. Dunno how i could forget but yea, i did.
Thanks to everyone, who contributed to this game, community or anything slightly related, big thanks to you.

And specially of course, huge thanks to jitspoe, he deserves it for all the work he has done!

PS:I don't think paintball is dead, it will just stay the way it is and won't improve. Thats how i feel about paintball. I am most likely not going to be active, but hell did i have fun playing these past 7 years ^^. Btw, i don't think i ever tried so hard in any match as i did in sPec tourney. That was probably the best moment of PB for me, to actually having to play to the peak of my 'skills' and i was really glad for that moment. For anyone who would be ineterested in seeing my peak, or just simply wanna remind themselves about the tourney, i uploaded all my demos from the tourney on
so you just clicked the link and wanna see my peak? fck you are naughty!
Anyway guys, was a great run, see ya.


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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #31 on: October 08, 2014, 02:49:38 PM »
Heh great post Prozajik, I guess the coolest thing for me was seing the game evolve and knowing all the players people have never met or that have been forgotten.


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Re: Reviving the DP Community
« Reply #32 on: October 08, 2014, 03:29:15 PM »
Like SKatER