Author Topic: Linux installer  (Read 6769 times)


  • PGP
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Linux installer
« on: July 23, 2006, 10:01:30 AM »

Well, i'm working in the linux side pb2 develop, let me know if there is interest in an installer so i'll upload the one i've created with the last cvs code.

Would be nice linux users to start using cvs binaries in order to report linux bugs related.

Big thanks to Jitspoe to give me full access to the cvs tree.


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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2006, 10:05:36 AM »
It's good to have you around.

I think an installer would be great for the emerging crowd of Linux players.  A lot of people get discouraged when their sound doesn't work or the game won't start because it can't find

Keep us posted on what bugs you fix or changes you've made.  I've got no problem using cvs versions to help along the way.


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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2006, 09:14:48 PM »
If you don't already have anything planned for making the installer, Loki Setup is handy, and the loki team is usually very nice in helping out on their forums or on their irc channel.
Also, it'd be really nice for the linux version to use ~/.paintball2 directories for user files, that way the game could be installed in /usr/local/games/ and there would be no permission problems.
Thanks for getting into this!


  • Stingray
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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2006, 06:39:39 AM »
Sounds like a lot of work!

You would have to make binarys for:
Red Had / Fedora,
and Solaris!

Are you up to the challenge?
BY THE WAY, if you happen to have wine on your distro, or have installed wine, you can run the windows version just fine provided you have OpenGL drivers installed.


  • PGP
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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2006, 07:09:21 AM »
Red Had / Fedora / Seus?Suse / Mandravia?Mandriva / Slackware / Ubuntu / Debian are distros and all of them are linux, so the same binary will run.

Ok, the installer can be downloaded temporaly from here, i'll keep for a few weeks

Note that the run file is big (~30 mb) in size because i've added loki setup tools, this is usefull for updates but is required a txt file yet, sources from today and all the required data, if desired loki tools can be removed in a next updated installer if this fails.

Notes to Paintball2 linux distribution:

All the changes are present at this time in the cvs so following the instructions from the pb2 sourceforge site  it'll have exactly the same than the included sources in the installer.

Added SDL video driver.
Also there is some updates to video drivers like hardware gamma working in both, glx or sdl, fullscreen or windowed mode.
Modified the sound system ala quake2forge, this is, works as video drivers so you can load your desired sound driver with the paintball2 client.
Available sounds drivers: OSS, ALSA and SDL, defaults to OSS (fixed).
Once installed the game you can modify the start script located in /usr/local/bin/paintball2 to select your preferences.
Writes data and configs to ~/.paintball2 in the user home dir, no problems with permissions.
Started compatibility with *BSD so some linux references were renamed to unix, in a future the linux folder in tjhe sources will be renamed to unix.
No more for now i think =)

Let me know.


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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2006, 05:20:36 PM »
Also, it'd be really nice for the linux version to use ~/.paintball2 directories for user files, that way the game could be installed in /usr/local/games/
I'm not much of a linux user, but personally I hate that.  I like having everything self-contained in one directory.  It's so much simpler to just unzip it and run it than to have to log in as root, install some stuff, get all the permissions configured, etc.  Then you run into issues like: where do downloaded maps and custom content go?  If you put them in them in the user directory, you could have conflicting versions between what's in the games directory and what's in the home directory.  Which one do you use?  If you put them in the games directory, then everybody who plays will need root access.

But anyway, kudos to QuDos for helping out on the linux side of things.  I appreciate the help.


  • Autococker
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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #6 on: July 24, 2006, 06:22:10 PM »
Almost any game you install from a .run file will install to /usr/local/games/xxx and make a ~/.xxx directory when you first run the game with normal user privleges, /usr/local/games/xxx is always readable by all and executable, so like when I installed quake 4, I just copied the .pk4's from the CD into there using sudo, ran the .run with sudo, and then played the game as my user, and downloaded mods and put them in ~/.quake4/, I like this A LOT because I usually have multiple accounts on my computer because other people come over and play games on it often and all that, so they just log in and use their own configs and files off of their home directory, that way they don't mess with my configs or save games for anything.

And I tried running dpball in wine once, didn't work, I forgot what the dumped reason is, but q2evolved ran fine, so it must not be something too big.

and afortier, the .run installer is universal, you can run it with bash on any linux distro kernel and dependencies willing for the game, I like this idea a lot, its how almost all games are installed in linux and it does away with the different packages for each distro. And FreeBSD will run linux binaries as long as you install linux binary compatability from the ports/installer CD...this game could use an OS X port though   ;)


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 86
Re: Linux installer
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2006, 06:19:57 AM »
All the installer packages are DIFFERENT, the binarys are the same. How did you miss interperate that? Oh excrement, i did write "binarys" My bad. If you gave the people a .tar.gz and told them to extract to root, half the people would get access denied errors.


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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2006, 11:44:22 PM »
I found a bug! If I hold down the tab key to see the scoreboard, it displays shortly, then disappears, and because I'm still holding down the tab key, it repeatedly makes that noise that plays when the score board comes up.


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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2006, 11:44:28 PM »
I just now got around to testing this installer out.  Some questions/feedback:
- Why does it install the installer twice?
- Why does it default to /usr/local/games when all of my other games are installed to /usr/games (on debian sarge) and my binaries are installed in /usr/bin, not /usr/local/bin.  Are there environment variables for these kinds of things like Windows has so it will default to the proper locations?
- How do I uninstall it?  After I installed it (to the wrong location, I later discovered), it wouldn't let me select a new location to install it to.  I went to /usr/local/games/Loki_Uninstall and ran loki_uninstall, but it said there was nothing installed.
- The game didn't get added to the menu (probably used the wrong directory again).
- The base option was disable by default, when it's required for the game.  It should be enabled by default, or not even an option.
- When I tried to install a second time, not only was the install path greyed out, but the SSE optimized binaries was, as well.
- SSE should be the default because the non-SSE has floating point inconsistencies with the windows version.
- I got a couple warnings: ** WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'setup_button_cdkey_continue_slot'. and ** WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'setup_cdkey_entry_changed_slot'.
- If I try to run the game as root, I get "Segmentation fault".  It works under my regular user.  My last build doesn't crash while running under root.  I really don't know what that would have to do with anything, anyway.


  • PGP
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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2006, 11:36:25 AM »
I just now got around to testing this installer out.  Some questions/feedback:
- Why does it install the installer twice?
- Why does it default to /usr/local/games when all of my other games are installed to /usr/games (on debian sarge) and my binaries are installed in /usr/bin, not /usr/local/bin.  Are there environment variables for these kinds of things like Windows has so it will default to the proper locations?
- How do I uninstall it?  After I installed it (to the wrong location, I later discovered), it wouldn't let me select a new location to install it to.  I went to /usr/local/games/Loki_Uninstall and ran loki_uninstall, but it said there was nothing installed.
- The game didn't get added to the menu (probably used the wrong directory again).
- The base option was disable by default, when it's required for the game.  It should be enabled by default, or not even an option.
- When I tried to install a second time, not only was the install path greyed out, but the SSE optimized binaries was, as well.
- SSE should be the default because the non-SSE has floating point inconsistencies with the windows version.
- I got a couple warnings: ** WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'setup_button_cdkey_continue_slot'. and ** WARNING **: could not find signal handler 'setup_cdkey_entry_changed_slot'.
- If I try to run the game as root, I get "Segmentation fault".  It works under my regular user.  My last build doesn't crash while running under root.  I really don't know what that would have to do with anything, anyway.

Hehe, nice to see you trying

1 .- What is this installing twice? Maybe you have an only click for execute or something .

2 .- /usr/local/games is the default loki installer path, you can modify the path but the binaries were built with /usr/local/games/paintball as the execute path, so probably you can get some errors or just doesn't run, anyway is possible to hack the paintball2 start script to match the path.

3 .- The right way to uninstall a game installed with a loki run file is through loki tools (loki_update, loki_uninstall) , so running loki_uninstall , if this tool was  installed, will show the games installed and ready to uninstall.

4 .- The thing with menus is a few difficult, works in some systems (distros)  and not in other because the paths.

5 .- Yeah, the path was grayed because is already installed and also the same for SSE binaries, so the only option is install the NO installed component.

6 .- SSE was optional because the readme says that these binaries can cause crashes or something so i set non-sse binaries by default, no problems here, i can  set SSE by default in the next installer.

7 .- No matter with these warnings, it's because the glade project used.

8 .- No it's a good thing to run no system apps as root, this is the main advantage on linux/unix, anyway i'll take a look but i think i did nothing extra about this.

I have a new installer on the way with some fixes and also gtk2 support,  i can even do an extra installer if the user wants to install in his home and not globally.
The data will be as an optional complement. 



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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2006, 01:53:18 PM »
The last one isn't a big deal.  It's just odd, and I don't know if what causes it to crash there could cause other potential crashes.  By the way, good work with the OSS sound.  It works perfectly on my system now.  ALSA is still choppy, but it works better than it used to.  You did a good job cleaning up the makefile, too (might want to credit yourself on that in the comments).  Thanks for helping out!


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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2006, 01:53:02 AM »
For future releases, I just noticed that the Google Earth installer was made with MakeSelf, its almost the exact thing as the loki installers, but it may be useful to make future installers if you don't want to attach the loki tools, although I do like the loki tools, some people might not.


  • PGP
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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #13 on: September 08, 2006, 05:46:38 AM »

Yeas TinMan, Makeself is just for "compress" the installer created with loki setup.

Ok, there is a new installer ready at the same place, the first one was removed.

Note that the installer will ask the root password for loki_update tool, loki_uninstall and paintball2 installation,
just cancel and will continue as user that you are, or type the root password and install it globaly, it's also possible to select different paths than /usr/local/games.

This time will support gtk2 only, FreeBSD native installer, tools and pb2 binaries are included too.

There is an issue with locales so atm only english is available.

gud lac


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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2006, 12:49:46 PM »
Thanks again for helping out.  It'll be a few days before I can test it out as I'll be gone this weekend.  What all is involved in compiling the installer?  Think you could commit any necessary files to the CVS, just in case you disappear (hopefully not, but just in case)?


  • Autococker
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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2006, 09:55:12 PM »
Good job on the new installer, I just downloaded and ran it. Something of note: it still has the "SSE Optimized Binaries" selected by default.


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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2006, 01:40:32 PM »
Good job on the new installer, I just downloaded and ran it. Something of note: it still has the "SSE Optimized Binaries" selected by default.

I think that should be selected by default, because the un-optimized binaries (made for non-sse processors) causes the prediction misses with Win32/SSE binaries.  We're trying to assist every linux player with a processor built in the last 5ish years avoid unnecessary prediction issues. :P


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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2006, 06:22:20 PM »
"Still"?  It wasn't the default before and I requested that he make it the default.


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Re: Linux installer
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2006, 06:51:43 PM »
O'RLY? Strange, when I installed with the original installer on AMD64 it didn't run in GTK mode (just ugly term), and was defaulted to SSE binaries.

P.S. O'RLY is in the spell check dictionary, I like it.


  • PGP
  • Posts: 14
Re: Linux installer
« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2006, 02:06:14 PM »
Hia, sorry, i was very busy the last 2 weeks.

Jitspoe, i don't understand your request about add the loki files to the CVS, loki_setup has its own CVS, just these binaries in the installer were compiled to run with gtk2 support, except loki_update.

Btw, the symplecrypt code in the current pb2 CVS is not *nix friendly :(

TinMan, SSE binaries are the default because Jitspoe requested in another post, or maybe i didn't understood it. In other hand, i'm stucked in a non 64 machine, so feel free to build loki_setup for 64, let me know if you want to try it.