Author Topic: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions  (Read 10630 times)


  • Autococker
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Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2014, 01:13:18 PM »
ONLY maps made in the last 24 hours AND are pure ice WITH 8 FLAGS


  • Autococker
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Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2014, 01:56:48 PM »
ONLY maps made in the last 24 hours AND are pure ice WITH 8 FLAGS
yey lets make italy on ice with 8 flags


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 383
Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2014, 07:16:56 PM »
The one thing I don't get about all of you and the major reason I don't ever play is because you all play the same excrement over and over and over. There are so many more maps to play yet all everyone plays are wob pfo duck pp1 ect ect... expand your horizon do something new. It might give lesser teams a chance of winning too. Other then prozajiks clan vs shks in the finals.

Not telling you how to run your own tourney but do something different for a change!

The league I was going to do is a bit different.  Perhaps fostering its success would have a greater and more positive impact on the community.


  • Autococker
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Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #23 on: December 11, 2014, 10:03:00 AM »

I'd recommend not putting Pbcup_Renoir (as great as the map is) because plenty of people still have horrible computers and get awful FPS on it.

Pbcup_Pforest is probably the most played current map, so I think it SHOULD be a part of it (I'm all for throwing some new maps in there if the list is released soon so people get a chance to try them out, but majority of people play pforest, making it a quality map for a tournament).

Also... 1 of: pp1/s22/air

Want to try to get a little for everyone, so one older map, maybe Castle or Sphouse

One "pub" map, like Daylight or something similar?

One less played map, like mystique? Or something along those lines.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 383
Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #24 on: December 11, 2014, 08:29:33 PM »

I'd recommend not putting Pbcup_Renoir (as great as the map is) because plenty of people still have horrible computers and get awful FPS on it.

Pbcup_Pforest is probably the most played current map, so I think it SHOULD be a part of it (I'm all for throwing some new maps in there if the list is released soon so people get a chance to try them out, but majority of people play pforest, making it a quality map for a tournament).

Also... 1 of: pp1/s22/air

Want to try to get a little for everyone, so one older map, maybe Castle or Sphouse

One "pub" map, like Daylight or something similar?

One less played map, like mystique? Or something along those lines.

Mystique will most definitely be in the list.  Its the one selfish thing I'm doing :D.

I checked out underhang or whatever its called that JMR made.  I haven't played it in a match yet but it was pretty nice from what I saw.  What do you think about that map?


  • Autococker
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Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #25 on: December 11, 2014, 08:38:56 PM »
Overhang does not play well, it is very awkward, texturing is boring, overall not a very good map. (JMR would agree to his own map not being very well, as it was an earlier map he made which he has improved at). There was only 1 map by him that had decent gameplay, sadly I can't remember the name of it but his team still plays it occasionally - none of the others got picked up in matches - not even by his own team.

Maybe throw in a Cusoman map (Sass4? Zephyrus? not sure).

The closer the date gets, the more common the maplist should get. Reducing time of learning/matching on maps people may have no experience on. If released only a week before the tournament, it should have common maps. If released 3 weeks before, it should have more variety (more time to match on less known maps).


  • Autococker
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Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #26 on: December 12, 2014, 01:58:09 AM »
Overhang does not play well, it is very awkward, texturing is boring, overall not a very good map. (JMR would agree to his own map not being very well, as it was an earlier map he made which he has improved at). There was only 1 map by him that had decent gameplay, sadly I can't remember the name of it but his team still plays it occasionally - none of the others got picked up in matches - not even by his own team.
I am not sure which one you mean, but i kind of enjoyed spcup_framework.

If you want some map ideas

i would love to see maps like:
propaint3_beta3 (or beta4 i dont really care, but beta3 is cooler),
zephyrus (pretty cool map),
grave (not sure if the nade bug is still a thing, if it is, just don't add any siege map then ^^),
pp2 (it plays pretty well, no idea why people don't like it),
oth (never played in matches nowadays),
tatras! (alright, i still love that map, but i will admit that the way grab fights work is kind of annoying, if both players are comparably fast, then its just bummer, because the map doesn't give you any simple way to fight over it, only by giving up your position or 'dog fights' over mid ^^),
sass4 (i wouldn't mind this map, but most people don't really like it, at least EU people, so i wouldn't include that one),
and lastly, the most brilliant map ever made in the DP2 history....nightmare!

PS:I honestly think that nightmare is the most difficult map in PB, if you think about it, given that both teams know the map comparably well, then the map would require you to adapt to whats opponent doing much much faster than any other map (there are ways everywhere, around the mainstream line to the flag, to your own flag, to the enemy spawn).


  • PGP
  • Posts: 30
Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2014, 10:54:13 AM »
sass4 (i wouldn't mind this map, but most people don't really like it, at least EU people, so i wouldn't include that one),

I beg to differ.

To the maplist though, we dont need new maps, old maps have great gameplay.




  • PGP
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Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #28 on: December 12, 2014, 12:25:44 PM »
Why not PP1 and wob? These maps are great


  • PGP
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Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #29 on: December 12, 2014, 01:12:51 PM »
Why not PP1 and wob? These maps are great

I'd rather watch paint dry. Overplayed. And awful.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 383
Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #30 on: December 12, 2014, 10:35:23 PM »
PP1 has been played a lot, but there's a reason for that.  It''s got a really good flow to it.  It was kind of the universal tie map in NA for quite some time.  It was something that usually both teams would agree to playing.  I'm a big fan of a lot of the maps suggested.  I'll release the map list soon, but I might keep one or two maps unknown until the day of the tournament and not even decide on which ones until the day of, just to have a little fun with it.


  • Autococker
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Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #31 on: December 13, 2014, 09:15:15 AM »
I beg to differ.
Surprisingly for me, you are right. Quite few people like this map now. Half a year ago mostly everyone was hating on that map, no idea what changed, but i remember people saying that the map sucks, but of course i wasn't asking everyone.
I personally kind of like that map, i just don't like the height difference there, low is way too disadvantageous for it to be 'main' capping way (or dunno how to call it, just that you go there pretty often and if you fall there without wanting to you are intercoursed pretty much and lose any chance on fighting over grab).

To the maplist though, we dont need new maps, old maps have great gameplay.

How does freedom have great gameplay, it has the worst gameplay from any map i have seen. Whoever survives lines on walls longer wins, such greatness.
Anyway, on a more serious note about some of these maps:
litt - decent map, but not sure how it plays for 3s, this map was made with speed in mind and you can see it. But for 4s/5s it was really cool map, so i guess why not.
pp_sw - not many people like this map, but has decent gameplay. There are some paths which are too good, but its not that easy to get there so its kind of balanced. I guess the spyder spawn sucks, but having carbine would just ruin this map.
ripXXXX_b1 - this map is confusing as hell, way too many paths new teams wouldnt have a chance there. Gameplay there is kind of good, but the way the map is built...well there are too many brushes everywhere. If the map got smoothed out, without 10k random brushes which block you, it would pretty nice map. I played this map at least 10 times in matches and i still haven't been to half the houses (or just one house?) and ways which are in the map.
zemer - this map doesn't have great gameplay, it was made purely for speed servers, without any regard to matching scene. High is ridiculously strong compared to low/normal. But its probably one of the coolest looking maps there are. If you fall to low, you can even lose match from that, its possible to cap twice if you are fast enough.
scoth_b5 - I don't like gameplay there, its just really weird. Mid pillar speed gives you way too much control if nobody covers it from base. Basically this map favors random rushes to tactical play, at least thats how i feel, but i know that a lot of new players love this map so yea why not.

btw, all these are just my opinions, feel free to argue with any of these.

It was kind of the universal tie map in NA for quite some time.
I think the official tie map is pbcup_renoir, at least i heard so from [kuc].


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1635
Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #32 on: December 13, 2014, 11:32:52 AM »
@Gonass: I agree about PP1, and in recent years that consistently played map transitioned to Pbcup_pforest, but both are still commonly played maps that get agreed upon for tie maps.

@Proza: Pbcup_renoir is good for better teams, but weaker teams always have had significant problems there. Not to mention a lot of people still have PC's that can't handle the map.


  • Autococker
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Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #33 on: December 14, 2014, 03:29:36 AM »
@Proza: Pbcup_renoir is good for better teams, but weaker teams always have had significant problems there. Not to mention a lot of people still have PC's that can't handle the map.
I was just kidding, back in days when kuc were active, everytime we would play them and wanted to decide on tie map, they would start spamming that the official tie map is pbcup_renoir and it was either play renoir or leave with them. So the only way to beat them 'normally' was to win 2:0 (ofc, play renoir, now it would be easy but it was like 4 years ago and i was even worse than now on renoir ^^). Oh the good old days


  • PGP
  • Posts: 30
Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #34 on: December 14, 2014, 04:28:34 AM »
Quite few people like this map now. Half a year ago mostly everyone was hating on that map, no idea what changed, but i remember people saying that the map sucks, but of course i wasn't asking everyone.

wonder why eh

^inb4 ban for aveiro for bright barrels which he already got lel

How does freedom have great gameplay, it has the worst gameplay from any map i have seen. Whoever survives lines on walls longer wins, such greatness.

jeez not my prob you cant play it or got no experience with the map if you think its just wall to wall linefest /and so do your german friends/
freedom would be perfectly fine if eX didnt play it, right?

but lets avoid the flamefest, thats the last thing we want in this thread amirite

to tie maps, what about some "tiemap pool" with 4-5 maps and then random generator picks a map? but the picking phase has to be done by someone competent


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 319
Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #35 on: December 14, 2014, 05:25:27 AM »
Freedom sucks plz no


  • Committee Member
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Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #36 on: December 14, 2014, 09:35:20 AM »
You guys can argue about maps, suggest maps, but at the end of the day its gonass's choice to what maps he wants played.

to tie maps, what about some "tiemap pool" with 4-5 maps and then random generator picks a map? but the picking phase has to be done by someone competent

I will not be playing in the tourney, I would have no problem with randomly selecting tie maps for matches.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1635
Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #37 on: December 14, 2014, 10:56:59 AM »
@Clipz: We're aware its Gonass' choice, but this thread is for map suggestions. He'll read this thread when making his map list, and this is the only way people can influence the list. Them pushing for/against maps will influence gonass' decision as I'm assuming he wants the community to support his map list rather than picking maps people are against. He already said mystique is his only selfish choice.

In regards to tie map:

- I disagree with random generator. I don't think a tie map choice should be left up to chance between two teams. It's the map that decides who moves on and who doesn't.
- I think teams should have a say, or for there to be an official tie map for the entire tournament (by have a say I mean elimination process, do not leave this up to 2 teams agreeing. Elim or chosen tie map is the best - chosen tie map allows all teams to have equal chance to "learn" or "practice" the map prior to the tournament).


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 319
Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #38 on: December 14, 2014, 01:06:55 PM »
It also rewards a team for knowing and having a larger mappool. Random brakes this.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 761
Re: Holiday Tourney - Map Suggestions
« Reply #39 on: December 14, 2014, 05:40:11 PM »
wonder why eh

^inb4 ban for aveiro for bright barrels which he already got lel
I said i wonder what changed, not why people hated it.

jeez not my prob you cant play it or got no experience with the map if you think its just wall to wall linefest /and so do your german friends/
freedom would be perfectly fine if eX didnt play it, right?
Nope. I don't care who plays the map, if the map is bad/doesn't have good gameplay i won't enjoy it even if i win it 50:0 against the opponent. It is built poorly, causing FPS lags. That's one reason.
Another is, as i mentioned, that most of the time you end up just lining the opponent trying to get 'lucky'(calculated or w/e you wanna call it) hit. There is pretty much zero potential for rushing as long as the opponent knows the map decently and positions themselves well, covering the possible paths. That's not kind of gameplay i would enjoy.
You say i am not experienced enough on this map etc etc, you are right, i am not. So, can you show me a demo where your team (or any other team) didn't sit on walls or somewhere in their base for the majority of time and managed to win? I would be surprised if you could, unless its against some speed clan, because that's how this map works. It's all about mid control and you get the best mid control from walls, so it only makes sense for the gameplay to be about that.

- I disagree with random generator. I don't think a tie map choice should be left up to chance between two teams. It's the map that decides who moves on and who doesn't.
- I think teams should have a say, or for there to be an official tie map for the entire tournament (by have a say I mean elimination process, do not leave this up to 2 teams agreeing. Elim or chosen tie map is the best - chosen tie map allows all teams to have equal chance to "learn" or "practice" the map prior to the tournament).
- yup
- I personally like elimination more, if everyone decided on one tie map, it could get kind of boring if there were too many matches with tie map. And if you let people decide, it might end up in nonending arguing about the map.

I will not be playing in the tourney, I would have no problem with randomly selecting tie maps for matches.
Clipz aka the random generator, way to go :p