Author Topic: Moderators  (Read 25238 times)


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 65
Re: Moderators
« Reply #60 on: December 09, 2014, 09:20:30 PM »
You guys live in the past...

and "considering 23 people are actively online daily, and I know nobody who supports your side" is the biggest bullEXCREMENT that you could've written cause if you guys would be a bit more active also ingame you would see how many people complain about the things that I pointed out.
And tini you wrote yesterday "You are the lions and we are the sheeps" which OBVIOUSLY says that we have nothing to say here.
Myers, open your eyes - it is like that. If you think with THIS community all this has any future you are more than wrong.
It will be stuck in your "Self-styled King" past for ever.

But anyways, good luck with this. I wonder what this game will look like in a year / 2 years.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 107
Re: Moderators
« Reply #61 on: December 09, 2014, 09:25:30 PM »
Yes, i repeat me with ever new points. Sry, that you cant see all the things. Thats what i say: you drive on one trail.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 65
Re: Moderators
« Reply #62 on: December 09, 2014, 09:30:38 PM »
Oh man, thx guys. I'm done with the Forums, have fun Kings laughing about your crude humor jokes and praise yourself as ignorant and arrogant as you wanna be!
Hats off, the lions teared another sheep - good luck to the next sheeps trying to say something against the lions. Good luck <3


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1635
Re: Moderators
« Reply #63 on: December 09, 2014, 09:32:51 PM »
Are you guys actually illiterate? Like come on...

The games not dying because you think some people are mean. First off, most new players don't make forum accounts (The forum account making process was messed up for over a year recently with the "what is the meaning of life" question in order to make an account, THATS why no new players ended up able to even post on forums, not because people were rude to them).

People ripping into Dooci and co's threads is because ALL THOSE THREADS ARE = "THIS AND THIS AND THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED FOR DP TO BE BETTER" -- Guess what? Those fixes aren't coming. You can make 100 threads stating them all, it's been said and done. Jitspoe doesn't have the time to make a major change even once a year. It takes this game about 3 years to see a major change. Look at how long you've played, what has changed other than maps? And maps aren't done by the developer. Jitspoe lacks the time. THATS why the games dying.

The community as a whole literally has such a minimal impact on the success of a game. The game itself will draw players in, and players will stay for the game and its activity. When I pub, I never see anyone being negative. In fact, since I've been an active player (likely longer than both of you) I've noticed the majority of any extreme insults comes from competitive scene to other competitive scene members, or whether in game or on IRC. NOT on the Forums or public servers. Therefore, where are the new players getting this idea?


1) New players leave because in the current day other games just out class DP in all aspects, and DP takes 3ish year gaps between substantial updates

2) DP relies on players to stick around years to even be active. If you remove anyone who has played 5+ years from DP from the game, the game dies right now. It is illogical to assume that fact means the community is at fault.

3) The community is the only reason this game has a present. The nostalgia of how the game was is what keeps the older players around, hoping it gets to that stage. But this game only is alive because of the community itself. I would argue that the community keeps/brings back more people than it makes leave. (Ie people bring their friends/old teammates back, more than they make people quit). I know I've brought more people back than I've made quit for certain.

4) Moderator on forums is irrelevant to future of the game, but it is relevant to the forum being a place people can post without fear of harassment. I agree one is needed, and mentioned my assumed criteria in a previous post.

5) Stop blaming the community. You've taken TiNi's comment so far that you became the bigger problem. Do you think your actions are killing the game? It may have annoyed people, but certainly didn't kill the game. That's all trash talk typically does, it rarely causes people to truly leave. (Trash talking isn't a DP problem, it's an internet problem - its unfixable, the only reason its under a microscope in DP is because if 1 person leaves that is a big hit to the activity as this game depends on every single current player just to have any servers filled).

6) As stated previously, you were the bigger problem in this situation. Don't blame TiNi for you leaving. TiNi's original comment did not make you leave, future comments caused you to. If you were mature and ignored his first comment, there would be no future comments, and you would not have quit. Like many others who "quit due to community members", they don't realize they were part of the problem. They provoked or aided in causing the problems to occur, as you did in this case. You caused yourself to leave by not being mature in the first place.

I tried to make it simple as it's clear English is not your native language. Please do not respond back in an argumentative manner.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #64 on: December 09, 2014, 09:34:01 PM »
Ok i'll continue this point-by-point format to indicate further how dumb l3vi is.

and "considering 23 people are actively online daily, and I know nobody who supports your side" is the biggest bullEXCREMENT that you could've written cause if you guys would be a bit more active also ingame you would see how many people complain about the things that I pointed out.

People complaining? Looks like you're the only one here crying.

And tini you wrote yesterday "You are the lions and we are the sheeps" which OBVIOUSLY says that we have nothing to say here.

Yah, I wrote that. So?  You made a verbal assault directed at Clipz FOR NO REASON, and that lion/sheep metaphore is saying hey clipz don't worry what a baby has to say to you. You are clearly a baby.

It will be stuck in your "Self-styled King" past for ever.

lolololol wtf does this even mean? this is third reference to it, im crying. like WHYYYYY


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 65
Re: Moderators
« Reply #65 on: December 09, 2014, 09:38:58 PM »
For me the theme was done - I didnt want to turn Neos thread "Moderators" again in this. But Toxiic, Tini and even YOU Myers came back with the theme, just read again from page 1 - I didnt say ANYTHING about this theme again cause I was done with it - you came back with it and with your ignorant stuff (mainly Tini & Toxiic).
Just look back:

"Re: Moderators
« Reply #19 on: Yesterday at 10:34:18 PM »
Holy excrement!!! Knoodle, L3vi and other people turned that tourney thread into a oven.  Better clean up those ashes by banning those players. They litteraly harassed clipz and tini althought the rage was real and was good entertainment;  what they said was personal attacks. I hooe you people are a shamed of yourselfs. Seriously, some people need to ride trains."

"Hahaha and here we go again...maaan, it's obviously that we kind of "crashed" into the tourney thread and also no question that things went out of hand - what I saw is that the spam comments and memes are deletet now (which took...hmm maybe a few clicks?). I also want to apologize to Gonass for the spam...that the argument happened in the wrong thread was a kind of collateral. At least the memes were quite funny in my opinion xd But reading things in this thread really really funny cause I see that Toxiic is actually a verrrry bad troll and the most stupid thing is that you (@Toxiic) are trying to stand there, like you did NOTHING wrong and everything was fine from your side ^^ You know...a troll / argument ALWAYS comes from TWO sides"

and Tinis ignorant comments follow, just read on the past pages...



  • VM-68
  • Posts: 107
Re: Moderators
« Reply #66 on: December 09, 2014, 09:41:10 PM »
Sry, myers all i saw is you are riding on one trail in a circle.
So tell me now only one thing. Is the start post a garbage or we need a moderator? you said both.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #67 on: December 09, 2014, 09:44:15 PM »
l3vi, but again you are WRONG.

Quote by Knoodle:

Just to make this clear: MyeRs is right, atleast in certain points. Tini and Toxiic are complete d*ckheads- even you nas admit it here and there.
Secondly, you guys refered to hitler/ghettos/gas chambers/nazis WAY too often. So please DON'T tell me we complained about ONE SINGLE line by Tini. This line just broke it all up.
I think you would understand this a little better if e.g your dear mom died in the Twin Towers, and I would constantly tell you how  nice the towers fell. If you liked the crashing of the first, or the second tower more. And you would be the lucky d*mb, fat, donut eating guy that survived. I'm sure you guys will just hate more on this post=> Do it, I find it rather entertaining now, bring on the show!
 (but don't feel offended if we bring up something that you guys don't like. Because at some point some of you may feel offended, just like we did.)

b2t: MyeRs is right, IF we need a mod, no1 from the matching scene should get that position.
We definitely need a non-racist mod (I thought this should be clear, but for you guys i repeat it) that does not support na/eu, OR we really need one EU and one SA mod. But 2 mods for 26 players would be a little bit... much.

And: I think these mod(s) should use their banhammer very often. E.G the spam in the tourney-thread should be punished with a ban.
This surely includes both sides (Tini, Toxic, levi, me).

My name was brought into this on a new thread.  Again, I was merely responding to another attack.  Please continue to make yourself look like an idiot. Conclusively, the only 'ignorant' person has been YOU, NEOTERRA and KNUDDLE. GG.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 65
Re: Moderators
« Reply #68 on: December 09, 2014, 09:46:21 PM »
"You made a verbal assault directed at Clipz FOR NO REASON"

Dude, we simply asked why Clipz as a committe member didnt delete or isnt doing something against comments like yours (which was OFFENSIVE!). And then the lion-sheep story began.

And no, its exactly NOT only me here complaining - its exactly Neoterra, expaint & me sharing thoughts from many dp players, also from teamspeak. But noone wants even to write here in Forums cause they OBVIOUSLY see that they wouldnt even get a chance - no sh*t I talked to jiz just a few mins ago and he underlined this again.

Green lines incoming by Tini - need attention again huh?
I'm out.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 65
Re: Moderators
« Reply #69 on: December 09, 2014, 09:49:22 PM »
lol if you agree to this "And: I think these mod(s) should use their banhammer very often. E.G the spam in the tourney-thread should be punished with a ban.
This surely includes both sides (Tini, Toxic, levi, me)." everything should be fine, no?

"Please continue to make yourself look like an idiot", said Tini...lulz


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 107
Re: Moderators
« Reply #70 on: December 09, 2014, 09:51:43 PM »
Tini i like the way how you thinking. You said we are ignorant.
But we can say sry where we make false... and you had here 2 fails and you are silent.

Tini thats not fair. You was crying that some guys bring the tourney thread to OT. So why you do it here?

PLEASE let write here over pros and contras for moderators.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1635
Re: Moderators
« Reply #71 on: December 09, 2014, 09:58:12 PM »
L3vi: If you're going to say you're out or you quit the forums, then meddling leave. Stop posting. What? You want to derail the forums some more before you leave and complain it was other people that caused it when your response to 1 comment you didn't like caused this entire thing? If you merely clicked "report to moderator" then TiNi's post would have been changed and potentially received punishment, and the issue would have been fixed. You made it worse, now you're claiming to quit over a reaction to your actions. You leaving is a cause of your actions, not the fault of the community, as you were the worst part of this fiasco.

And if you want to stay on the forum, then stop saying you're leaving, and stop responding. Try to be productive by leaving this topic alone. Don't respond to anything TiNi/Toxic or any post you dislike. Don't complain about a problem that you're a part of. Be the solution.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #72 on: December 09, 2014, 09:59:09 PM »
If you don't like my green lines, ill gladly change the color for you :) its just so that people can indicate that the color lines is when the smart person talks.  And you didnt notice that its all bold too! Not very perceptive of you..

Dude, we simply asked why Clipz as a committe member didnt delete or isnt doing something against comments like yours (which was OFFENSIVE!). And then the lion-sheep story began.

That is another lie.  How many must you tell? its getting rather tiresome.  This whole thing is rather tiresome, its been countless posts of me disproving everything you say lol.  

And no, its exactly NOT only me here complaining - its exactly Neoterra, expaint & me sharing thoughts from many dp players, also from teamspeak. But noone wants even to write here in Forums cause they OBVIOUSLY see that they wouldnt even get a chance - no sh*t I talked to jiz just a few mins ago and he underlined this again.

Players such as?  You know I talked to a few players about this too, CheMical, MyeRs, shk, Spook, carcoal, BeRseRk, ImpUlse, Capo, Warhead, iEATnoobs, Br55hit, zoogooz, MuFF aw man the list goes on! and they all think you're an idiot!

Quote: Tini thats not fair. You was crying that some guys bring the tourney thread to OT. So why you do it here?

I'm not doing it here, again, I am merely replying to personal attacks. GG. I can go for days boys.

lol if you agree to this "And: I think these mod(s) should use their banhammer very often. E.G the spam in the tourney-thread should be punished with a ban.
This surely includes both sides (Tini, Toxic, levi, me)." everything should be fine, no?

"Please continue to make yourself look like an idiot", said Tini...lulz

I don't even know what you're trying to say here lol, honestly how old are you?  You keep saying youre going to leave the conversation, but you still haven't, hm another lie? more credibility lost?


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 383
Re: Moderators
« Reply #73 on: December 09, 2014, 10:13:17 PM »
You should all just stop responding and play some DP instead with your hard earned free time.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 107
Re: Moderators
« Reply #74 on: December 09, 2014, 10:16:35 PM »

I saw facts and listen what players said. I can read and try to telling no lies. I can say sry, can make jokes over my self and that i can interpret something false.
Really its no attack but i cant understand your logic.

myerz and tini you want write something to the topic? If you can not, do not suscribe.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #75 on: December 09, 2014, 10:26:04 PM »
Who are the current moderators for one

and why haven't they banned Neoterra, knuddle and l3vi yet?

That's relevant


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1635
Re: Moderators
« Reply #76 on: December 09, 2014, 10:27:30 PM »
Jitspoe, Flip, Knack

Jitspoe being the most active of the group.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #77 on: December 09, 2014, 10:30:12 PM »
Didn't know that, thank you MyeRs for your very productive post.

I wonder what a reasonable ban time would be for such players.


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2190
Re: Moderators
« Reply #78 on: December 09, 2014, 10:52:21 PM »
The games not dying because you think some people are mean. First off, most new players don't make forum accounts (The forum account making process was messed up for over a year recently with the "what is the meaning of life" question in order to make an account, THATS why no new players ended up able to even post on forums, not because people were rude to them).

People ripping into Dooci and co's threads is because ALL THOSE THREADS ARE = "THIS AND THIS AND THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED FOR DP TO BE BETTER" -- Guess what? Those fixes aren't coming. You can make 100 threads stating them all, it's been said and done. Jitspoe doesn't have the time to make a major change even once a year. It takes this game about 3 years to see a major change. Look at how long you've played, what has changed other than maps? And maps aren't done by the developer. Jitspoe lacks the time. THATS why the games dying.

The community as a whole literally has such a minimal impact on the success of a game. The game itself will draw players in, and players will stay for the game and its activity. When I pub, I never see anyone being negative. In fact, since I've been an active player (likely longer than both of you) I've noticed the majority of any extreme insults comes from competitive scene to other competitive scene members, or whether in game or on IRC. NOT on the Forums or public servers. Therefore, where are the new players getting this idea?


1) New players leave because in the current day other games just out class DP in all aspects, and DP takes 3ish year gaps between substantial updates

2) DP relies on players to stick around years to even be active. If you remove anyone who has played 5+ years from DP from the game, the game dies right now. It is illogical to assume that fact means the community is at fault.

3) The community is the only reason this game has a present. The nostalgia of how the game was is what keeps the older players around, hoping it gets to that stage. But this game only is alive because of the community itself. I would argue that the community keeps/brings back more people than it makes leave. (Ie people bring their friends/old teammates back, more than they make people quit). I know I've brought more people back than I've made quit for certain.

4) Moderator on forums is irrelevant to future of the game, but it is relevant to the forum being a place people can post without fear of harassment. I agree one is needed, and mentioned my assumed criteria in a previous post.
Great post.


  • Global Moderator
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Re: Moderators
« Reply #79 on: December 10, 2014, 05:18:47 PM »
Jitspoe, Flip, Knack

Jitspoe being the most active of the group.;sort=ID_GROUP;start=105

Some positions seem to have priorities over others, like flip.