Author Topic: Moderators  (Read 25251 times)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #40 on: December 09, 2014, 03:40:32 PM »
The only real trolls that existed in the thread were Knuddle, L3vi and Neroterra.  - and Toxiic (sorry buddy).

Again, my original post was relevant to the to the tournament thread.  It stated how I was more than happy to be participating with old friends in a game I used to love.  It comes down to insecurities and a lack of intelligence within the minds of Knuddle, L3vi and Neoterra whom clearly took large offense to a simple joke.  After my respectful posts to these players stating how they were WRONG on all accounts, they continued to persist in harassment and in personal attacks towards myself in forms of childish memes. Which quite frankly, the comedy value of them were pretty terrible, the quotes didn't even match the pictures, which is what offends me the most.  If you're trying to be funny do it right.  I don't think anyone laughed at those memes other than your child-like mindsets.  You annoyed the likes of myself, gonnass, myers, clipz and other respected members such as coLa and so fourth.  Your apologies are insincere    and    are a quick attempt at establishing some empathy towards your actions.   I'm sure your antics will continue on this thread while having already name dropped my name twice for no reason.  

Last I played this game, I recall Neoterra and L3vi to be prominent spammers in matches, and also blamed everyone better than them (which is everyone) to be hackers. This clearly has been translated into the forums.  It is rather tiresome to have a thread created by the problem.  Irony at its lowest class.  I am very intrigued to how old all of you are, because through your comments you sound: unintelligent, simple-minded and unconventionally problematic/toxic in all fronts.

Any active moderators reading this, please delegate through the toxic players in the community which was partly a reason why I gave up on the game.  A game i've been in contact with since 98'.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 65
Re: Moderators
« Reply #41 on: December 09, 2014, 03:56:52 PM »
Hahaha Tini you are a joke xD

#1 "Last I played this game, I recall Neoterra and L3vi to be prominent spammers in matches, and also blamed everyone better than them (which is everyone) to be hackers"
- I have nothing to do with this, it was Neoterra & Extrawelt

#2 About the memes - I know that italian humor might be different, sorry for you then that you couldnt laugh about it, who knows if we even posted it to make you laugh ;*

#3 "You annoyed the likes of myself, gonnass, myers, clipz and other respected members such as coLa and so fourth"
- You do it again, you "respected" member. Whatever you wanna call yourself - after what you wrote yesterday the word "respected" should be more than wrong.

Well, and overall its darn funny how ignorant and serious you guys, like Tini, Toxiic or Ace take yourself - makin jokes about others is always good in your eyes but as soon as you get something back you start crying (even in a "formal" way). are one of these guys trying to look like a "professional" while calling others "unintelligent, simple-minded and unconventionally problematic". Well, I guess you are too narrow-minded to even open up your eyes. And also - only cause you play the game since 98 or whatever it doesnt mean you have a higher status than us - maybe you think like this (what is 100% ok), but writing 24/7 that you would like to be treated like a newborn is just silly xd

oh, and not to forget - "You annoyed the likes of myself" (If you want to write like a "respected" member please don't set your name at the front dear Tini - didnt you learn this in school?) - Well, Sir tini, with this sentence I would like to tell you that you annoyed the likes of expaint, neoterra , myself and other DISRESPECTED members in this community with your sentence yesterday.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #42 on: December 09, 2014, 04:49:51 PM »
#1 – Well thank you for proving my point that Neoterra is an idiot and a non respected member of the community.  I assure you, you are part of the same litter.

#2 With those memes you directly assaulted Italians , which was counterproductive to your position on not having racism in the forums.

#3  I’m not looking for respect from you.  

To the rest of the garbage you wrote:  please learn grammar      and      how to compile a proper argument that doesn’t make you sound like an idiot.

Yah, being in contact and having knowledge of the game from 98 actually does give me seniority over you, sorry pal.  Consider this simple analogy that I hope you can understand: you just joined the army, do you think you deserve as much respect as a war veteran from WW2?
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 05:10:17 PM by Tini »


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Re: Moderators
« Reply #43 on: December 09, 2014, 05:00:47 PM »
Do elections, let's see who is eligible or could be a potential candidat and make people vote for it. Of course this is not the most popular game, but atleast.. moderate the forum.
I believe Myers (or someone else) said this earlier, but this thread has been derailed to far for me to find it, but a position like this goes by a 'Don't ask us, we ask you!' model, so any voting of a sort is pointless, as the final say will always come down to the person who is going to give you control over their forum.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 107
Re: Moderators
« Reply #44 on: December 09, 2014, 05:22:06 PM »
Tini you want trolling me too? Like Toxiic? We played since some months no match and all what i said to you is that i played longer as 5 years in the tournament thread.
We had no conversation since 1 year?
Yes i call some guys that they use hacks. And i know that some use it. And everybody called it to everybody. I am not alone.
So i cant understand your problem with me.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #45 on: December 09, 2014, 05:47:01 PM »
My eyes and brain are bleeding from trying to make sense of your posts, to start.  

My problem with the 3 of you, is that you blew up my post, took it in dark directions and ruined a thread.  
Secondly, having to defend myself due to the accumulation of 3 scrubs constantly harassing me with malicious statements that hold no barrings in any forum setting causing the defamation of my character.
Thirdly, you now have recognized that you spam matches and call people hackers and you justify it by saying "oh well other people do it too, so I guess its okay for me to do it."  Grow a pair make decisions for yourself and don't follow a group mentality. 

My prior knowledge of what I remember of you has certainly been confirmed.  If you can't understand these statements then go back to school.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 107
Re: Moderators
« Reply #46 on: December 09, 2014, 06:22:24 PM »
Tini i am sry to abort the discussion with you.
Because i never had to do anything with your post. Yes i write Ingame hack or something else like you and other (examples enough in my logs) but not spam.
And your 3. meaning is thoughtless you put a sentence in "" that i should said that i am hacking? RLY??????

AGAIN i have nothing to do with you in any thread and you ask below (google translate; german word: unterstellst) that i would use hacks? RLY???

sry. you telling lies and telling lies. All can see it so i abort the conversation.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #47 on: December 09, 2014, 06:36:56 PM »
"Because i never had to do anything with your post."

Unfortunately, i can't directly quote you because the previous comments in the thread were deleted.

You were a direct cause and had an influence on the spam in the previous thread.
In fact you were so directly involved that you even made a new thread titled Moderators in hopes of someone would listen to you cry for something you contributed too.

Stop lying, it further strengthens your lack of credibility.  

I agree, and suggest you finalize your decision and leave the conversation.  


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 107
Re: Moderators
« Reply #48 on: December 09, 2014, 06:49:19 PM »
I read now again, and need to say sry.
Thirdly, you now have recognized that you spam matches and call people hackers and you justify it by saying "oh well other people do it too, so I guess its okay for me to do it."
You mean i think it is ok than other say hacker, so i can say it too. Its not ok but  i am only a human. I interpret it fals. Sry

AND ASK ALL OTHER (everybody saw it) i had nothing to do with it.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #49 on: December 09, 2014, 06:56:56 PM »

In fact you were so directly involved that you even made a new thread titled Moderators in hopes of someone would listen to you cry for something you contributed too.

Stop lying, it further strengthens your lack of credibility. 

"You mean i think it is ok than other say hacker, so i can say it too. Its not ok but  i am only a human. I interpret it fals. Sry"

So now your justification is that you're only human and that gives you the right to call people hackers? Last time I checked the rest of the people in DP are humans and they don't call each other hackers.  lol idk does this make sense to other people? how old are you?


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 65
Re: Moderators
« Reply #50 on: December 09, 2014, 06:57:59 PM »
lmao Tini I think you are lost between all of these arguments. Neoterra got NOTHING to do with the spam stuff etc - he opened this thread to try to get an active, helpful mod - this mod should be there to stop things like yesterday.
haha Tini and you call us "unintelligent, simple-minded and unconventionally problematic" - you cant even keep like 10 posts in mind and sort out who did Tini you are a real King in the forums i see you smart boy


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 107
Re: Moderators
« Reply #51 on: December 09, 2014, 07:03:49 PM »
You want see my logs? I can give you examples with pm. Everybody say it.
And PLEASE PLEASE ask any other. I am no friend of temaru but he can see the facts.^^

Our discussion is the best example why we need mods. Your are OT all time with a "Calling hacker story". THX

And look to the startpost why i opened the thread.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #52 on: December 09, 2014, 07:18:41 PM »
Again l3vi, your relevancy in these posts are abysmally redundant.  

Well really, all of yours are.

You are unintelligent, simple-minded and unconventionally problematic. Your consistency in your idiotic posts are evidence of that.  

l3vi you displayed directed attacks at the italian community, WHILE trying to be on the side of being anti-racism.  

All of your credibility has been shot.  Sorry that your 16 y/o mind cant comprehend this.

Neoterra, again I suggest you leave the conversation.  Your broken english is hard to understand and I have referenced the "hacker story" because it is an elaboration and alludes to how your personality is.

L3vi don't call anyone dumb.  Toxiic is clearly trolling (which i dont approve of), however you blatantly lack a brain and he's probably smarter than you.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 65
Re: Moderators
« Reply #53 on: December 09, 2014, 07:37:03 PM »
Tini and you are still posting only stuff that is so untrue. Wow, seriously are you really that narrow-minded??

#1 "WHILE trying to be on the side of being anti-racism."
- It was sadly too obvious that being on the anti-racism side isnt really tolerated in the "RESPECTED" community.

#2 "Sorry that your 16 y/o mind cant comprehend this"
- I am NOT 16 ^^

#3 "Toxiic is clearly trolling"
- Toxiic:"You are the reason for the confusion"
- that means I should be thankful for his comment? According to you Tini Toxiic says I did everything correct? Niiice

Tini, so many people are saying that its only dumb what you and Toxiic write over here and you know what...I even feel better being "DISRESPECTED", if you only can be "RESPECTED" when you find things like "go take a ride on a train. It will help you calm down. You are the reason for the confusion. You are a nazi baker. Jew bake and bake till the thread is left in ashes." funny and when you need to be a arrogant, ignorant and narrow-minded person. Wow, btw did you ever re-read what you write Tini? Doesnt seem so...

But in one thing I agree to you Tini - I should have never even visited the forums.
You know what - the elder players, the "self-styled Kings" wont let the newer players say anything anyways according to what you write Tini. Its no wonder that so many people leave the game and that this game has no future - cause of guys like you Tini.
JMR did a lot for this community and is  such a nice person but he was bullied out of this by azzholes, Dooci tries to post something about the community and to make people think about how to make the game grow again in a constructive way....what happens? Prozajik comes and everyone flames Dooci for it - he is 100% right - this community is rotten and will die out, no question anymore!
Same thing btw with Neoterra.

I wonder if Jitspoe even gave up on this game and just waits until the community destroys itself.

And dear Tini - this is not only MY point of view - I know a lot players thinking like that.
I will stay away from Forums in future - bunch of idiots in here...

Oh and at least:"you displayed directed attacks at the italian community,"
Dear Tini:"you displayed directed attacks on the EUROPEAN and espcially german community", so dont try to play the role of the gentle sheep. And you were right, we should have displayed directed attacks maybe on the american community, no?

I'm done


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 107
Re: Moderators
« Reply #54 on: December 09, 2014, 07:47:32 PM »
Tini... well i think we can end this. It looks you asked anybody now and you know  i had nothing to do with you.
The "hacker story" is a never ending story off all and said nothing about my personality. If you have a different opinion you can give all and you my personality.


  • Autococker
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Re: Moderators
« Reply #55 on: December 09, 2014, 08:28:01 PM »
@L3vi, you know I'll agree tiNi's comment started the entire thing, but you all made it 10x worse than his comment. If I were a moderator of a forum, both sides would receive some form of punishment, but you'd receive a more severe one than TiNi. Both sides made racist remarks, but you also spammed continually whereas he made 1 comment. You should have stayed away from the forums a while ago, instead of continuing your pointless spam. You respond = he'll respond, if you just stop being stupid and realize if you don't say anything they have nothing to respond to - then issue is solved. Don't be so conceited.

Also "a lot of players think like that" - considering 23 people are actively online daily, and I know nobody who supports your side, I think you have a mathematical error in assuming your statistics lead to the conclusion of "a lot of players think like that"

And to your comment about things like: "guys like you are why this game will die"

How naive of you lmao. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. TiNi, along with his brother MuFF and a few of their friends played and held a competitive-active team for over a decade. This game has no future because new games are significantly better, and most home computers are good enough to run those games. New games update quicker, and are better quality. DP is a small community that is only alive today because of people like TiNi who took the time to learn the game, and continue to play for a full decade or more.

This game has always, and will always, be reliant on people staying around for years to survive. It may get a fair amount of downloads, but people do not stay. As seen by html's post, there's an average of 28 users this month, and 23 last month.

TiNi may be a troll now, as he has put 10+ years into playing this game competitively, but he was a reason this game lasted. New games, people come and go daily, but the base is so large nobody notices. People claim "oh its the community that causes that!!" - That's a naive and incorrect statement. League of Legends is known to be one of the most toxic games ever, with way more severe threats, yet it's the most active. Certain people can't handle trolling/verbal abuse and will leave from it, but the majority of the activity comes from the game itself. Something TiNi put years into.

A side note, Dooci brings on all the trash talk he gets. He rages harder than anyone, and is extremely rude. A lot of the trash talk to JMR came from his arrogance. When he started mapping and was very bad at it (as he admits now) he was very cocky towards it, rejecting feedback, considering himself better than known mappers like Cusoman etc.. which lead to people gaining a dislike towards him. That initial stigma stuck with him. He still is a very arrogant/proud person, which will always cause people to have issues with you. He doesn't do well with criticism. He deserved the arguments that came from his rudeness towards criticism, but he did not deserve anything insulting his physical attributes (unless he made a comment about another persons physical attributes first, as its internet where eye for an eye rule applies).

Lastly - Neo/L3vi, you guys continually responding to the trolls show you're just as at fault. And you're derailing your own thread. You think Jitspoe will actually read through this garbage now to really view community opinions?



  • VM-68
  • Posts: 112
Re: Moderators
« Reply #56 on: December 09, 2014, 08:38:41 PM »
Alright let me begin to rip through everything you refer too in a point-by-point format.

#1 "WHILE trying to be on the side of being anti-racism."
" - It was sadly too obvious that being on the anti-racism side isnt really tolerated in the "RESPECTED" community. "

You were on the anti-racism side while being racist to Italians? LOGIC?

#2 "Sorry that your 16 y/o mind cant comprehend this"
- I am NOT 16 ^^

I never said your age was 16, i said you have a mind of a 16 year old. GG

#3 "Toxiic is clearly trolling"
- Toxiic:"You are the reason for the confusion"
- that means I should be thankful for his comment? According to you Tini Toxiic says I did everything correct? Niiice

I made that comment because even when toxiic is trolling he is smarter than you are. AND, i have said numerous times i dont approve of his troll. GG again.

Tini, so many people are saying that its only dumb what you and Toxiic write over here and you know what...I even feel better being "DISRESPECTED", if you only can be "RESPECTED" when you find things like "go take a ride on a train. It will help you calm down. You are the reason for the confusion. You are a nazi baker. Jew bake and bake till the thread is left in ashes." funny and when you need to be a arrogant, ignorant and narrow-minded person. Wow, btw did you ever re-read what you write Tini? Doesnt seem so...

I have not been in relation to ANY of those racial comments. GG. AND, you are bringing in unknown people that aren't saying anything in this thread, why? That's like me saying "hey i've talked to everyone in DP and they all side with me." Which i'm sure anyone with logic is.  GG again.

But in one thing I agree to you Tini - I should have never even visited the forums.
You know what - the elder players, the "self-styled Kings" wont let the newer players say anything anyways according to what you write Tini. Its no wonder that so many people leave the game and that this game has no future - cause of guys like you Tini.
JMR did a lot for this community and is  such a nice person but he was bullied out of this by azzholes, Dooci tries to post something about the community and to make people think about how to make the game grow again in a constructive way....what happens? Prozajik comes and everyone flames Dooci for it - he is 100% right - this community is rotten and will die out, no question anymore!
Same thing btw with Neoterra.

 I never told you to not visit the forums. GG. Self-styled kings? lol. GG.  Where have I said that newer players aren't allowed to write in forums? GG.  Bringing in JMR's Harassment is incredibly irrelevant, on a few accounts.  This topic has been about racial dispute. GG.  I have never made a comment directed at JMR being handicapped and have been polite to him since i have known him. GG. In accordance to proajik and dooci, i have no prior knowledge of it neither do i really care because it has no relevancy with what we're discussing. GG.  Welcome to DP this game has always been dying. And more so to players that are as stupid as you. GG.  Everytime, i have been active i've either taken a leadership role in creating a team and recruit members or play with myers and shk. GG.

And dear Tini - this is not only MY point of view - I know a lot players thinking like that.
I will stay away from Forums in future - bunch of idiots in here...

well if you leave the forums there's one less idiot! yay! GG.


Oh and at least:"you displayed directed attacks at the italian community,"
Dear Tini:"you displayed directed attacks on the EUROPEAN and espcially german community", so dont try to play the role of the gentle sheep. And you were right, we should have displayed directed attacks maybe on the american community, no?

 I didn't attack the german community.  It was one line in a 50 lined paragraph that was all one big joke, that you, the insecure stupid donkey took out of proportion.  I've said this before, develop social skills.  The difference in your post, was that it had the INTENT to hurt in retaliation (also created a excrementt load of spam in the thread and killed it).  My post was healthy, comical and relavent to the thread.  I've said this over and over again but sorry for your lack of comprehension. GG And, if you want to make fun of Americans feel free to do so, it doesn't matter to me because I am Canadian.  However, if you make fun of Canadians, I would probably tell you to come to Canada, stay with me in my private igloo where we can pour maple syrup on our bacon and share a beer with me. GG.


and there yah go folks, a point-by-point post of how irrelivant and idiotic l3vi's posts are.

Cheers. GG
« Last Edit: December 09, 2014, 09:07:55 PM by Tini »


  • Map Committee
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Re: Moderators
« Reply #57 on: December 09, 2014, 08:39:11 PM »
I said I would apply, if jitspoe started accepting applications for moderator. Lets not turn this into a "JMR for mod?" thread.

I shall continue this discussion through a pm.
This is a discussion about a Moderator possibly being chosen, you put yourself forward and I stated my opinion about why I doubt you would be a good moderator. This seems pretty relevant to the discussion. You seem to think I'm on some sort of witch hunt or something, I'm not, I just put my opinion in this thread so Jitspoe could consider it, not to offend you.

Btw, calling me rude and telling me I have a twisted perception in a PM shows me that my opinion of you is right, you can't handle negative comments towards you. There is always going to be opinions out there that you don't agree with, it's your choice on how to handle it. If you actually want to continue this via PM, please do so and don't try to harass me.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 107
Re: Moderators
« Reply #58 on: December 09, 2014, 09:16:14 PM »
"Certain people can't handle trolling/verbal abuse and will leave from it"
One reason for a moderator.

"considering 23 people are actively online daily, and I know nobody who supports your side"
Hmm i see enough too

I think what Levi means with: "Its no wonder that so many people leave the game and that this game has no future - cause of guys like you" is:
I play this game since 7 years. I had many friends here and many good times. But some of them going with Levis statement.
In the first years i matched only 1 time in a month. Sure it was hard. Some guys tried to reach the lvl and saw the arrogance and "bigotry"? and the trolls from players they think they are the best in every sense.
Yeah they are really good players, but thats all. Than the new players left the game. Not because they can`t handle this. They don`t want.
Ok that is not the only reason... but it is one.

You think it is garbage here myers? Well... this is your meaning i accept this. But open your eyes and saw. You think some are crying?
We don`t want that the game dies. And we try to make it better. But it cant. Over all the years i saw good ideas. And a group of 10 players want have the game and community how it is.
And they trolling and say this garbage or come with hammer like dooci`s thread.
And if you like that how it is, you can have it and only this 10 people.

A moderator is a good begining.


  • Autococker
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Re: Moderators
« Reply #59 on: December 09, 2014, 09:19:24 PM »
Neo is clearly confused and doesn't warrant the time of a real response. You can't comprehend things and just repeat yourself stupidly.