What about having a large list of maps that I select from each week?
This way, every single week has a different map list, but teams can still learn the maps prior to each tournament.
Sounds cool to me, good way to keep the maplist interesting for as long as possible.
Another possibility would be using 'themed' maplist. Eg.:
Old maps:s22, c1, pp1, pp2, tlc, ruggedcountry (dunno how old it is),....)
Fresh maps: Some recently released beta, don't really keep up with what came out, but if i think more back in time Rassy's planet/elise/one more, or Selda's destiny comes to mind
Siege: siegecastle, grave, aldi, can't remember any other good siege map
Fast paced: napalm, shock, northmines, oddjob, dhemap (ikr, just came to mind)
poor maps: nightmare, nightmare, .... snowbong, nightmare
PGP:pgptrain, oddjob, any map with expert 8
Funny: airtimeoi, ub_icecliff, theice, spcup
etc etc you get the idea, thats something i posted like thousands time ago in my google docs ^^