Author Topic: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 7  (Read 18507 times)


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 4
« Reply #20 on: February 22, 2015, 06:44:25 PM »
The sauna is so pimp. This map is unreal


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 4
« Reply #21 on: February 22, 2015, 07:20:46 PM »
Those blue tiles are perfect!  I see what you mean about the edge, it is a little funny being that white colour.  I think it would look better if it wasn't as wide.  Also looking at the wood, are you able to scale the texture down and post a screenshot of it like that?  The grains look to big at the moment which is why it looks unrealistic.


  • Stingray
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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 4
« Reply #22 on: February 22, 2015, 07:34:59 PM »
Haha because I coudn't get fast reply for my post and I have time to work on my map I made exatcly what you just wrote D: Make grain 0.5 scale and it looks perfect now! Also I totally retexture swimmingpool - I think it looks 100 times better now ;) You have to download new textures here (or again download all texture pack):

-ONLY new Textures for BETA 5 Kurwahouse

What's new in beta5?
- So basically I remodeled some brushes that was wrong align etc
- Retexture swimming pool
- Retexture front taracce
- New ladder to swimming pool :P
- Optimize map that now r_speeds in croners are 27k (before it was 38k!) so I think it's the best and the most great improvment from BETA 4. It adds additional 10-12 FPS on my GTX 570 (stable 46fps in garden and stable 60fps in all house)
- Some smaller fixed that you propably don't notice but they are here :D

So here is download link:


Some screenshot of the pool (sorry Cameron for delete black line :< )

I also didn't add anything on balcon :< Max_patches error =/

Very thx everybody for map testing and good word! Especially for Cameron with his demos :D It helps a lot! And this WC on second floor - you can get here by teleporting from garden :D In this "circle" hedges in the middle is teleport ;) But mayby I will add moving toilet in the second bathroom :P


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 5
« Reply #23 on: February 27, 2015, 09:15:24 PM »

Wow, this is pretty impressive.  I'm surprised you could even get this to compile.  It's a shame the engine isn't really designed for this level of detail in brushes and kind of makes even high end gaming machines struggle in some locations.

I see you're using the standard low res textures in your screenshots, even though all your custom textures are highres.  You should grab this texture pack: – perhaps some of those textures will cover your needs and you won't need as many custom textures.

On the note of custom textures:
All of your textures are .png files.  You should really use jpg files with high quality compression to keep the file size down, unless you actually need transparency.  Some of the textures have visible jpeg artifacts, so it's kind of weird to have lossy images in a lossless format.  When someone goes to play your map for the first time, they'll be spending a long time downloading textures.  That can probably be cut down a lot!
You have some textures that are the same texture but flipped.  You can actually flip textures in the editor by scaling by a negative value (sx -1 will flip the image horizontally).
Could you please replace the porn site texture with something else?
You should also provide low-res versions of the textures.  People with lower-end machines that have the high-res textures disabled will see no textures.

On the lighting:

Notice the splotchy colored lighting in some places (ex:  That means your lighting is probably too dark.  As the lighting gets near 0, you end up with RGB values like 2,2,2 followed by 2,1,1, so there's twice as much red when it shouldn't be that extreme.  Your screenshots look much lighter than the map looks for me in-game, so I'm guessing you've cranked up your lighting/gamma/brightness settings.  Keep in mind not everybody will be playing with settings that light.  You should tone your settings down and brighten the map.  That should reduce the color splotches and make the map more visible for other players.  Try gl_lightmapgamma 1 and gl_brightness 0 (and vid_restart if the map is loaded) and try to make the map visible with these settings.  The default gl_lightmapgamma value is .6.  If you need to scale all of the lighting in the map, you can customize the batch files and add something like -scale 2 to the rad stage.

Yeah, there may not be a whole lot you can do about these, but there are some areas that might be able to be improved with some hint brushes.  I've attached a screenshot showing a possible hint brush placement to help block the visibility of the pool area.  Reducing that I think would be your biggest win, since it has the reflective water, and minimizing the visibility of water goes a long way. :)  The hint brush is at ground level and angles from somewhere around the corner of the pool area to the edge of the door frame.  It might be better to break this into multiple hint brushes, but that's the general idea.

Other misc stuff:
I noticed a few of the box textures were misaligned.  It would be nice if the stairs up to the flag had another step or 2 (maybe have a landing and 90 degree turn) so you don't have to awkwardly jump onto them.  Also, you should put a clip brush near near the top so you don't get hung up on the angled wall.

Keep up the awesome work!  I've uploaded your map to the beta server as well.  I'll PM you the details.


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 5
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2015, 11:37:00 PM »
I can't stop _watching_ the computer screen. And sometimes I get some comic relief from the TV. Gotta calculate those black personwatts.


  • Stingray
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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 5
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2015, 07:32:43 AM »
Thx Jitspoe for advices.

I had hr4 pball textures, but I don't know why it didn't worked :D I reinstall Paintball and now evrything is fine :O Hr4 is really nice haha :D Didn't know that untill now.

Also I wanted to use JPG textures, but always get eror like "no png file" :O Didn't know it will work good with JPG. After reinstalling DP2 JPG textures are working :D So soon with beta6 I will upload it instead of PNG. It will reduce file size enormous.

Didn't know about fliping textures :D (this is my 3 map after 2 jump maps :P ). I will definitly use it in beta6!

With this lighting you are right - I last played pb2 4 years ago and my settings was for some darker jump maps - I had gl_brightness 1. With gl_brightness 0 map is much darker becuase I set all lightings to be goodlooking with my settings :< Too bad for me :D Have to change it now. What do you mean by "batched file"? BSP? Open it in notebook or how to make all lights lighter with one click? If there isn't any easy fixed I will just change all lights value by hand in bsp editor :P

Hmm I will try use this hint brush like you said, but it will be hard, because there is a lot of transparent windows. I was asking in another topic how to hint brushe but you said it didn't work :D I will make hint brush like this red lines and see what will hahppened.

I know about this crates and boxes with wrong aligment :D I will change it in beta 6 (in fact, I already done that :P ). In Italy.bsp some creates are still wrong align :D

Hmm will do sth with this stairs. I already used clip brushes on it to be climbable jsut by walking not jumping but the first stair is little to high. Mayby I will add some clip ramp and it will work fine.

Thank you for advice! I get your PM now :)


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 5
« Reply #26 on: February 28, 2015, 10:25:50 PM »
In the bsp\pball2\bats directory, there are the batch files you see under the "Export" menu in bsp.  You can take one and modify it.

For example, you can take "final compile.bat" and copy it to something like "kurwahouse compile.bat" and customize it however you need to.  For example, change this line:

call ..\compilers\rad -extra %1


call ..\compilers\rad -scale 2 -extra %1

That should make it twice as bright.

You can also use the -chop <value> command to help reduce the max patches error (at the loss of some lighting quality).  I'm not sure what the default -chop value is, but -chop 256 might help.


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 5
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2015, 04:34:57 PM »
Here's a full list of what params you can pass them in the batch files.


  • PGP
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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 5
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2015, 05:47:23 AM »
 8) amazing, magnific map.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 64
Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2015, 09:25:11 AM »
So finally I could finished BETA 6. You should really download FULLPACK!

- Now all textures are JPG files, so they take less space
- New environment sounds! Download fullpack to get it. It's not that much but adding some more fun to gameplay
- Some all new textures (piano, lightbeams, HR4 ENV moonsky (pbsky3) - I realised that there is no HiRes SKY for pbsky3 (starry sky). I made all new sky so you can add it to all hires pack on forum if you want... Just made some photoshoped stars and moon in highres. It just looks better.
- Aligment all textures I could find. I properly made all brushes in the map and stuff that you propably won't see :P
- Better outdoors lamps and lighting - now this ugly lamps are replace with better ones ;) You should see it!
- Trying to work with HINT brushes. Numportals drop from 3200 to 2060. Can't do anything more about it...
- Added LOW RES textures for very poor pc.
- Piano looks even better :P
- Added mappics etc.
- Some minor updates, that I can't think about it now...

- FULL KURWAHOUSE PACK it include H4 JPG textures, models and sounds and of course NEWEST KURWAHOUSE_B6.BSP file

- TEXTURES&SOUND pack - only textures, models and sounds, no BSP file. Big update after BETA 6 so you should download it! LowRew texture support, jpg files! You should replace all your PNG files with this!!!!!!


<copy from 1 post>

So what do you think about it? Could it be the final version or should I change something? Guns type etc?

Please for some feedback :)
« Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 09:52:02 AM by KURWAJAPIERDOLE »


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2015, 11:42:12 AM »
I have already a hr4 version of pbsky3 (tga files). You can find them here. So i would like to see another name for that sky.

The ingame sounds are very quiet for me. Maybe anyone else can check this?

There are a few black places (mostly outside or in cupboards).

Can you rotate the trees a bit? So that each one looks a bit different.


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2015, 03:27:23 PM »
b5 is available on Deathmatch Poland, going to update to b6.


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #32 on: March 08, 2015, 06:11:22 PM »
The lighting looks much better!  I've uploaded it to the ev1 beta server.  Played it a little, and I feel the flag is way too easy to defend in siege mode.  Are there supposed to be gaps you can see through on the couches around the flag?


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 64
Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #33 on: March 08, 2015, 06:47:02 PM »
I added "jumping couch" to fast jumping on the flag floor. Also there are few roads on the roof:
- From here. Use chains to climb to the vent door. Also you can climb tree to jump on the window frame than to the vent door up to roof.

- You can (I think this is the easiest way) jump on roof in fornt of house. Climb on left tree (only tis one in front of house is climbable) than jmp on the lower roof, than jump on the lamps and you are now on the roof

- You can use chimney or glasswindow:

- Here is jumpin couch. Just walk/jump on this part that i shoted. You will be "shoted" to the flag floor.

- You can also jump to the flag room by using another balcony. Just jump close to the wall.

Also there is tele in garden to the second floor bathroom.

Should I add some more ways to the flag? Make curent way easier? Mayby I will also reduce amount of autocoocker/automag in the house. It will be harder for defending team to aim shot properly.

Yeah, the couch meant to be with this gap, but this gap didn't mean to be that big to shot throguh it. Mayby I will add wood, or nodraw brush inside to block balls.


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #34 on: March 08, 2015, 07:35:12 PM »
You should make it into a neighborhood and make it ctf :P personally hate siege


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #35 on: March 09, 2015, 12:46:08 AM »
You should make it into a neighborhood and make it ctf :P personally hate siege
It's impossible,  he can't add more brushes.


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #36 on: March 09, 2015, 11:17:40 AM »
It's impossible,  he can't add more brushes.

-chop 100000 whats up


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 64
Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #37 on: March 09, 2015, 11:37:15 AM »
-chop 100000 whats up

I will try that ;)   ;D


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #38 on: March 09, 2015, 12:25:59 PM »
Copy like freedom style, have 2 houses facing eachother, with a bridge in the middle and some cool jumps.

Make it like sexually promiscuous personhouse (i mean kurwa house) versus Conca's mudhut.

Instantly most played map in DP2.


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Re: Newmap: Kurwahouse SIEGE/DM map - BETA 6
« Reply #39 on: March 09, 2015, 02:32:11 PM »
Kurwa house = sexually promiscuous person house :D
Fajny burdel stary xD