I figured it would of been a video of you playing league of legends.
I'm not that bad
. When I play I become one with scarra. I flash to evade autoattacks. I teleport to backdoor when the whole enemy team is at their base. I try to 1v5 the team by saying "I got this". And ofc I get killed. Its not how you play that counts. Its who you think you are that really matters. I ignite only to KS. I KS. I steal KS. I use champs that dont require Skillshots. I sometimes counterpick myself. Just for a good challange. Im super friendly in game, i always ping to scare the players. I also let other people have my lane, since my favourite lane is FEED. Since its the easiest to play. Even though people react to my friendleness in a bad way, I tell them straight up "**** yourselfs your momma's your sisters your wifes". Rito is always helping me out with 3 permabanned accounts and my acc that had a 50 game or more chat restriction. But I never completely understood why the never nerfed blitzcrank or broad [what ever that new champ name is], and nerf all the OP champs. Yet they keep on nerfing teemo. Plox stop rito. I feel proud at the end of the day when players at the end of the game say "I see why his name is DR34M ToXiiC" and it really makes me feel unique. My favorite Champ is Teemo. Well cuz he can blind people, even blind lee see sin. Even though he's blind. Idk how that works. Yordle. Same with that champ that stays underground, rektasai. I'm also a good ward. There might be players who claim to be the "best vayne NA" or best "Best TrollCrank NA" or best any champ NA. But you know what.. I know for a fact that I m thee Best Ward NA in the game. #Best#Ward#NA. And at the end of the day, wards are the key factor for success. #TeamworkOP
I hope you realize my potential in the hell hole of ELO hell. I'm a serpant at the bottom of the well; But when I come out, I will come out hard and strong. With full potential. With lots of Shrooms ofc. But mostly whats important, I will come out as a Lion. Or a ape. Ape that rustles people. And evovle to a superior level of MOBA player and that is, as a Korean. My hair will be diyed that day. It might be purple or pink. But it will be colors of my powa.
Thank you.