Author Topic: Interview with the best - CheckMate!  (Read 6322 times)


  • Map Committee
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Interview with the best - CheckMate!
« on: March 31, 2015, 03:49:21 PM »

Today I decided to interview CheckMate, the best team in the game and the team that has won every single tournament of the series.

CheckMate team member prozajik was kind enough to give some of his time for me to interview him about him and the team.

JMR: What does it feel like to be the best active team in the game and possibly even in dp2 history?

prozajik: Well first of all it feels pretty great I won't lie, knowing that I achieved something I was going for the whole time playing DP2, secondly it feels sad, since I know there is nobody to challenge us/nobody to learn from. Yea it's nice we can win and beat anyone, but where is the fun in coming into tourney knowing you should have it :p

JMR: Is there any game which you thought you would lose, but pulled it back?

prozajik: Yes there was, I can't recall which exactly, but I think it was the one where i got capped (in one of the first/second tourney) on pforest. I think we won by 1 point there.

JMR: Who would you say your strongest player is?

prozajik: I don't think I can say anything to this, since you can't judge player solely on his K/D. Each player fills slightly different role/position and I think I can pretty confidentally say that we have the best players in each position.

JMR: Choose. grave or twiling?

prozajik: grave

JMR: If you could pick one thing you'd like there to be in series 2, (can be a feature, or anything) what would it be?

prozajik: Website countdown ^^ first thing that comes to my mind, on a more serious note tho. Probably some kind of challenge added/motivation. We tried doing that with our bounty (which is  still sitting at 50$ and ready for next series), but something which would be motivate other teams to practice and play in the series.
If you want something more specific i would say detailed team ranking with prizes.

JMR: What advice would you give to new teams starting out?

prozajik: Teamplay and overall team communication is much more important than individual skill. Your aim/movement will come sooner or later, but even if you can topfrag on any pub server you go to, you might not be able to win, if you don't communicate with your team/plan strategy for the round. Strategy 101 always talk, let your mates know where you saw a nade or where you saw single bullet come out, decrypt where the oponent was based on the bullet angle and let your mates know, just keep talking about anything even slightly relevant to the game and obviously enough, listen to what your mates are saying ^^

JMR: What is your team's favourite map?

prozajik: TATRAS! Naw, I would probably say its pforest, after that, closely behind is tatras with renoir (rockitude doesn't like renoir, so I can't place it in first place)

JMR: If you had one thing to say to all the teams that lost to you, what would you say?

prozajik: Teams lack practice, training. Any sort of skill level could be overcome if the teamplay is good enough. While your team (x^5) probably had the best out of any other team we faced, it still wasn't enough. That being said, I don't think there is enough competition around to easily organise scrims/motivation to practice hard in this game anymore, but it is definitely possible.

JMR: If you could pick the best moment, what was the best moment of this series for you and your team?

prozajik: I would probably say when we got knocked into losers brackets, since we got motivated to just stomp it back up for the win.

JMR: Thank you for taking this interview, prozajik! Do you have any final words?

prozajik: No problem it was nice interview ;). If you are new team looking for an improvement, you can come watch my stream, where I stream our team matches every time there's a tournament;

prozajik: Finally I would like to say: Come challenge us for 50$ (and increasing by 10$ every consecutive win), its still up guys and we aren't going to cancel it, we won't back down, will you?!

That's it for this interview. Don't forget to read the latest news article found here:


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 328
Re: Interview with the best - CheckMate!
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2015, 03:59:19 PM »
Hmm to make it more interesting for you if you ever lose the bounty then you have to split up into individual teams, like myers and shk tried a few times.
Completely agree with all of prozas points there. Also as he said in one of his streams "it is always my fault if I die" which i think is a good quote to play by. There is little excuse for not knowing what the enemy is doing if you analyse angles, past rounds, past matches and imagine the enemy as yourself in their situation.
The smartest player is the better player in this game. 20 ping and gunskill helps lots though.


  • Autococker
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Re: Interview with the best - CheckMate!
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2015, 04:05:37 PM »
Hmm to make it more interesting for you if you ever lose the bounty then you have to split up into individual teams, like myers and shk tried a few times.


We did that in an attempt to increase the matching scene, and all it did was make some competition for a week or 2 then get boring. You team with people you like, and enjoy playing with. If the game can't sustain activity whilst you team with those you enjoy, then it's not worth playing. The reason it always failed is myself and Shk enjoy playing together more than against eachother.


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  • 68 Carbine
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Re: Interview with the best - CheckMate!
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2015, 06:47:16 AM »
renoir (rockitude doesn't like renoir, so I can't place it in first place)

I really like pbcup_renoir. I let my mates play this map and sub, because I have fps spikes on mid.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 383
Re: Interview with the best - CheckMate!
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2015, 06:44:44 PM »
The best team in the game is the team of blaa.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1635
Re: Interview with the best - CheckMate!
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2015, 06:58:44 PM »
This topic is a little misleading.

The topic claiming "interview with the best" - would be more suitable to have: "Interview with the best Europeans"

NA teams don't play in your tournaments and I see no proof that cm8t is better than NA teams. I've beaten Cm8t twice (both times they used a ringer, Panofolix - so doesn't really count) - but have yet to lose to them. I've matched every day the last week, and only took a few weeks of not playing at all due to school. Please fix your topic.


  • Map Committee
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Re: Interview with the best - CheckMate!
« Reply #6 on: April 02, 2015, 07:23:23 PM »
I thoroughly enjoyed the interview with the well deserved champions of DP history. These guys are so high profile that I definitely couldn't have asked them any of these questions myself, this community is huge!


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 748
Re: Interview with the best - CheckMate!
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2015, 12:15:05 AM »
*Toxiic thinks: it says interview with the best, but its not a interview with me......*

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 383
Re: Interview with the best - CheckMate!
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2015, 04:39:24 PM »
This topic is a little misleading.

The topic claiming "interview with the best" - would be more suitable to have: "Interview with the best Europeans"

NA teams don't play in your tournaments and I see no proof that cm8t is better than NA teams. I've beaten Cm8t twice (both times they used a ringer, Panofolix - so doesn't really count) - but have yet to lose to them. I've matched every day the last week, and only took a few weeks of not playing at all due to school. Please fix your topic.

I was actually thinking of making that point, but they did win my tourney so I didn't say anything.