k....i cant see targets. tobiantifa said he would pay, but why he dont pay.....
and M1nitor scared for have to pay,
others want to pay, what is the target why nobody pay and sont talk about.
and others talk about how jitspoe can become money.....
and you dont saw the donate link....
please make if its possible for those questions like who want to pay how much an poll no discussion......
if the donate links money go to jitspoe, give him money and dont talk. if you are not sure, jitspoe can make a list that everybody know for what and how much he need. And you can talk about for what he need money to develope the game, but better he say that, example of way:
1 jitspoe tell for what he need money at the moment and how much
2 you and jitspoe too talk about what all here wich in future for the game, modes, graphics, sound usw
3 jitspoe find out the different ways(buy pro, buy sounds, pics, programming usw. gamemodes, textures, in future 4k support, better mapmaking system) how these targets can be true and how these different ways cost
4 you all tell wich ways you want
5 and last jitspoe and you know around how much time and money it cost