Why has this thread moved from talking about ma niqqah navy to talking about why this gem is dead? Its a fact this gaem is dead. Congrats for letting us know why this game is dead. Not the issue here though. Issue is this game is dead we still have playerz account on a dead games forum banned when they aren't even banned in the game anymore. Who have served there time, who are a active player in the community. I don't need no bullexcrement from players who I have yet to see play tell me that this guy deserves a perma ban on a forum of a dead game. Myers and proza that's not to you.
Here's a fact: this game's community hasn't growen. Why do people think that it has? It's actually dropped. The game had more active players who actual could play in the clan scene, 10 years ago. Even 5 years ago. Sure some of them comeback. Majority of them haven't. Majority of them left. Even with common sense we can conclude that this game is on a decline, hence the community dropping. More players are leaving then players sticking around. For every 100 new accounts made only a few come and regularly play on a server. Out of a 1000 new accounts made only 1-2 players coming to the clan scene. Out of 1000 they are most likely a Euro player. Rarely have new players came to the clan scene. And by the time some do, other old players have left the game. Some do return, only to find there is 10x less players in the game they thought at that time was "dead". Its pretty obvious that this game has not moved upwards; but downwards. As for Jitspoe not been ing able to development this game and etc. Well he should just sell the game, and when selling make a contract that he will still have administration to the game and development. This game could of been sold 7 years ago easy. We understand that this game is his hobby, his creation. But, he also needs to understand and balance out the needs and wants of the game and what is best for this gem.
I love how you guys bring in "cs" into this. The game is 1000x bigger then this game. Game has been keeping up-to-date. Even with new versions of the game, its continuously growing. If that franchise decided to leave 1-3 servers open for just CS they would have a 10x larger community. Q2 community is larger then paintballs. I love how we don't talk about older games that have a larger community then this game; but use examples that don't even make sense, one-sided with minipulated information to prove a point. This gem gets zero people in a server a lot of times. Q2 on the other side, haven't seen such a phenomena.