The reason why eF1 is down permanently is because you, Toxiic, abused your admin power on it to change the gravity settings during a match. When I contacted Yori (Server owner) about the issue, he said he's tired of dealing with your childish behaviour and he shut it down.
eF1 is downz cuz DooCi crashed it. DAT hacker crashin servers. Never did such a thing, I don't even know how to strafe, and your saying I changed gravity? Lellel. We all know that only Jitspoe can change the physics of the game. Also yori doesnt care. Lol. I can ask him to put it up again, not going to though. But like I said, that's a different issue, so let us sip tea and munch on popcorn.
On topic: DooCi is a mutli, also a hacker. Also evading, its best that he is punished as stated by CheMiCaL, most suitable candidate for punishment is ddos'ing DooCi. He must be stopped. #DeezNutzForPresident2016
Just to reiterate:
dooci must be severely punished.