You are wrongs, cs:go and Dota2's matchmaking are moslty about 5vs5, based on elo and players " hided elo ".
The matchmaking i'd like to see on dp, would just be something for smaller scrim like ( 2vs2 / 3vs3 and even 1vs1 would work). That would be really useful, and you wouldnt need to go on everyserver and leave a message every mins to find a match. It would probably makes pub players starting to teaming up and easily find matches. If we are actualy able to find matches just on pubservers, why wouldnt it work if teams that want to match register to that ONE matchmaking?
And also, for the tutorial part, i really think this game actually need more players before making feature for it. So no Rockyar, i really do not want jitspoe to work on advanced tutoriats, but to start working on something that will improve the amount of players rather than making the small amount of players better.
To my knowledge Matchmaking means having equally strong teams but what you proposed is of course possible. And like I said before, one would have to use something like ELO points for that, if you actually want a rank system with that as well. So some player with, idk maybe, 2000 ELO plays against someone with 300 ELO. 2000 ELO guy loses, 300 ELO guy gets rewarded 50 points, 2000 ELO guy wins he gets 5 points (with balanced figures of course).
Also I agree with you on most points anyway. So no need to discuss further.