Author Topic: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying  (Read 11030 times)


  • Stingray
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Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2016, 03:55:11 PM »
Why should I delete my post? Everything I wrote is FACT :D And all your listed points even make sense, and I also know that this game has seen more & better active times than today, but believe it or not - this game is not going to die, even if it's just me and some friends playing & bringing new friends to the game, cause as soon as we're unbanned we are going to play it again, thats a save call already ^^
But yea, sorry for interrupting your doomsday conspiracy bud ^^


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 283
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2016, 04:20:06 PM »
Who cares, people still play this game, if it ever dies so what. Get over it. We're playing this game to have fun, if everyone stops playing it must mean we all found something we appreciate more. Jitspoe is still improving the game, and people are still playing, end of story? I don't get it


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 406
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2016, 04:48:40 PM »
16)Unskilled players: Alot of unskilled players+ More trash talk=Less hype. Examples: Jeo. Shock. Jigz. Whaley. Chemical. Tony Montana. Myers. These players always get carried. Talk trash as if they were the garbageman. Driving a garbage truck doesnt help the game, nor does the garbage machanics in the game going to help you be the best.

Btw. You don't want trashtalk and similar stuff to that, but you just did it now. What is the point of that?

How can you say on couple of these players that they are unskilled? Example after match: Shk's KD: 20/5, MyeRz's KD: 5/11, CheMiCal's KD: 6/14, these numbers doesn't mean anything. Just because one player of team has great KD, grab/cap ratio doesn't mean that he is the best. Of course it is about individual skill, but how you will "shine" infront of others depends on your team. If Shk is "carry" of the team it can be because of the team precise recon and predictions of movement of enemies reconed, also dead person in team can think for you a lot better than you by yourself and he can "shot-call" or give you tips what to do, because he doesn't have to focus on his own gameplay. To this example, the captain of team can have even bigger impact on the game than the carry of the team, in this case MyeRz. Tactic, positions, rushes, defending positions, timing, shot-calling, and a lot of other stuff depends mostly on him.

How can you say about Jeongwa that he is unskilled player, pls. In my opinion he is probably one of the best players, if not the best, due to his mindset ingame and his outplaying mechanics. I really like his playstyle and focus + sportsmanship. All named players are great, no doubt so that you said that they are unskilled doesn't make sense.

Maybe some of these players trashtalk ingame, but it's just game god darn. How can something what is wrote/said online ingame by person who you doesn't even know hurt you? This is internet, not real life.

Steve Jobs

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Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #23 on: January 13, 2016, 05:21:46 PM »
Btw. You don't want trashtalk and similar stuff to that, but you just did it now. What is the point of that?

How can you say on couple of these players that they are unskilled? Example after match: Shk's KD: 20/5, MyeRz's KD: 5/11, CheMiCal's KD: 6/14, these numbers doesn't mean anything. Just because one player of team has great KD, grab/cap ratio doesn't mean that he is the best. Of course it is about individual skill, but how you will "shine" infront of others depends on your team. If Shk is "carry" of the team it can be because of the team precise recon and predictions of movement of enemies reconed, also dead person in team can think for you a lot better than you by yourself and he can "shot-call" or give you tips what to do, because he doesn't have to focus on his own gameplay. To this example, the captain of team can have even bigger impact on the game than the carry of the team, in this case MyeRz. Tactic, positions, rushes, defending positions, timing, shot-calling, and a lot of other stuff depends mostly on him.

How can you say about Jeongwa that he is unskilled player, pls. In my opinion he is probably one of the best players, if not the best, due to his mindset ingame and his outplaying mechanics. I really like his playstyle and focus + sportsmanship. All named players are great, no doubt so that you said that they are unskilled doesn't make sense.

Maybe some of these players trashtalk ingame, but it's just game god darn. How can something what is wrote/said online ingame by person who you doesn't even know can hurt you? This is internet, not real life.
First off, good job sqz, you have made some valid points, but your last statement is ignorance,  and I thank you, unlike your friend. What you say is somewhat true, but here is the deal. You speak about teams. If a team in a FPS games with influence from maps( so basicly depending on maps) has the best individual players in the game, they will win. Espeically in Digital Paintball 2. Since this game gets an highest of 3v3 matches, team syngery or team machanics are not the factoring reason for a win. Yes plays can be made. But its not that plays are made, its that the individual players capability to performin the game. FPS games mostly known for individual skills, unlike other games. Its not like the you have a book/list of plays you can make in FPS games, unlike other esports or sports in general. Once again it doesnt prove anything. KDR and caps/points per round matter. I would believe you if myers still won after that kdr. But guess what? They obviously mean something signficant, and thats why they lost. Now aside from that, you have heard of toxic or cyberbullying? Well guess you need to do some research. Beacause its real. Like Newtons law states: ever action has a reaction. It also applies to well everything. You do anything, it has consquenses. You say to someone something weather it be on the net or in real life, it has effects. Thats not me saying this, its research stating this. Its a fact.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 406
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #24 on: January 13, 2016, 05:39:44 PM »
First off, good job sqz, you have made some valid points, but your last statement is ignorance,  and I thank you, unlike your friend. What you say is somewhat true, but here is the deal. You speak about teams. If a team in a FPS games with influence from maps( so basicly depending on maps) has the best individual players in the game, they will win. Espeically in Digital Paintball 2. Since this game gets an highest of 3v3 matches, team syngery or team machanics are not the factoring reason for a win. Yes plays can be made. But its not that plays are made, its that the individual players capability to performin the game. FPS games mostly known for individual skills, unlike other games. Its not like the you have a book/list of plays you can make in FPS games, unlike other esports or sports in general. Once again it doesnt prove anything. KDR and caps/points per round matter. I would believe you if myers still won after that kdr. But guess what? They obviously mean something signficant, and thats why they lost. Now aside from that, you have heard of toxic or cyberbullying? Well guess you need to do some research. Beacause its real. Like Newtons law states: ever action has a reaction. It also applies to well everything. You do anything, it has consquenses. You say to someone something weather it be on the net or in real life, it has effects. Thats not me saying this, its research stating this. Its a fact.

Individual skill does count. Yeah it is about it, but mostly about teamwork, communication, preparation, etc. For example when I matched prozajik last time on his best map rome: It was pretty even, score like 45 to 45. You can predict moves, and show your individual skill and confidence. But in 2s/3s it is a lot harder to beat them. Last tournament I played, I saw great teamwork from cm8t I have to say. They played against old i6 and prozajik timed (flag restore) and grabbed flag under one second after flag got restored. I also saw support tactics and grabbing setup positions, changing tactics and a lot of teamwork stuff that managed them to win the games.

You are talking about FPS games, the same applies to CS:GO (example). Teamwork, tactics, smokes, rushes, ways, opening frags, the way how they beat sides A/B and how they defend it. Yeah sometimes one person can shine (that's why I said individual skill is important too), but it is MOSTLY about teamwork and setups.

EDIT: Flusha from Fnatic in CSGO was known as the best player in the game for some time. His mindset was amazing, but they were not winning games. His individual skill was great but teamwork was really bad. So he sacrificed his main position and took "supporting and lurking" one to allow his team to do better. And that happend. Fnatic was and still is the best team after changing of positions and improving teamwork in that game.

+ to that cyberbully... No, nothing can hurt me thru the internet. If I don't know person personally and that person is trahtalking about me or making fun of my weakness I just don't care. It's simple. Then it will become really funny for me and I will be even more confident to play against this person.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 404
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #25 on: January 13, 2016, 07:22:46 PM »
look you immature fools. the statements made by steve jobs are constructive and demonstrate his caring for the game that many others fail to show(as seen in most of these useless posts).  however, I'd like to point out that one of this game's issues is not the game itself, but the people who play it, run it, and use these forums. First of all, most of the current players are people whho've played in past years. just as the number of people playing the game has significantly decreased, the amount of trash talk has increased these two things have occured because the amount of boredom has increased. with boredom, players have nothing better to do other than trash talk others. for example, poor mr. steve jobs written a 1 page document describing this games faults, and the members of this ignorant community pinpoint the one sentence detailing their skill level, and spend 3 pages ignoring the post's facts arguing over how much skill they have. a topic is made for the well being of the game and all the community cares about is the talent, and the popularity associated with themselves, further increasing the amount of trash talk and killing the game more, even in a topic created to fix the game. the above example shows the results of boredom. However, the causes of boredom are what matter most. steve jobs' post explains all the causes of boredom. almost all of the causes for the boredom are  a result of the people who run it. first of all, the guy who made it seems to be inactive and into other games more than the one he created himself. as a result, nothing beneficiary is being done for the game. he needs to realize that others can help with the development/advertisement of the game, and trust them to help do what needs to be done.  there are hundreds of maps that have been created, there are about 35servers and at most 30 people playing the game at one time. Across all public servers, there are very few played intotal. a player gets nothin but bored as a result, so they start trash talkin or quit the game. also, players talk about what the committee does, etc.  what should be talked about is what the committee doesnt do. none of the committee even plays the game, so they dont even know the issues of the game. well i could go on and on with pages and pages explaining why dp is dead, but ik u fools cant comprehend and will create more pages of trash talk instead

Steve Jobs

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Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #26 on: January 13, 2016, 08:00:03 PM »
look you immature fools. the statements made by steve jobs are constructive and demonstrate his caring for the game that many others fail to show(as seen in most of these useless posts).  however, I'd like to point out that one of this game's issues is not the game itself, but the people who play it, run it, and use these forums. First of all, most of the current players are people whho've played in past years. just as the number of people playing the game has significantly decreased, the amount of trash talk has increased these two things have occured because the amount of boredom has increased. with boredom, players have nothing better to do other than trash talk others. for example, poor mr. steve jobs written a 1 page document describing this games faults, and the members of this ignorant community pinpoint the one sentence detailing their skill level, and spend 3 pages ignoring the post's facts arguing over how much skill they have. a topic is made for the well being of the game and all the community cares about is the talent, and the popularity associated with themselves, further increasing the amount of trash talk and killing the game more, even in a topic created to fix the game. the above example shows the results of boredom. However, the causes of boredom are what matter most. steve jobs' post explains all the causes of boredom. almost all of the causes for the boredom are  a result of the people who run it. first of all, the guy who made it seems to be inactive and into other games more than the one he created himself. as a result, nothing beneficiary is being done for the game. he needs to realize that others can help with the development/advertisement of the game, and trust them to help do what needs to be done.  there are hundreds of maps that have been created, there are about 35servers and at most 30 people playing the game at one time. Across all public servers, there are very few played intotal. a player gets nothin but bored as a result, so they start trash talkin or quit the game. also, players talk about what the committee does, etc.  what should be talked about is what the committee doesnt do. none of the committee even plays the game, so they dont even know the issues of the game. well i could go on and on with pages and pages explaining why dp is dead, but ik u fools cant comprehend and will create more pages of trash talk instead
Best post so far in the whole thread. The rest of you should all learn from this guy on how to make a constructive and progressive comment, and still be on topic. Thank you for your words Mr.Dooci. Its valid statement, with valid explainations. Its consistent and comprehensive. Know if only majority of dp community where like this.

Individual skill does count. Yeah it is about it, but mostly about teamwork, communication, preparation, etc. For example when I matched prozajik last time on his best map rome: It was pretty even, score like 45 to 45. You can predict moves, and show your individual skill and confidence. But in 2s/3s it is a lot harder to beat them. Last tournament I played, I saw great teamwork from cm8t I have to say. They played against old i6 and prozajik timed (flag restore) and grabbed flag under one second after flag got restored. I also saw support tactics and grabbing setup positions, changing tactics and a lot of teamwork stuff that managed them to win the games.

You are talking about FPS games, the same applies to CS:GO (example). Teamwork, tactics, smokes, rushes, ways, opening frags, the way how they beat sides A/B and how they defend it. Yeah sometimes one person can shine (that's why I said individual skill is important too), but it is MOSTLY about teamwork and setups.

EDIT: Flusha from Fnatic in CSGO was known as the best player in the game for some time. His mindset was amazing, but they were not winning games. His individual skill was great but teamwork was really bad. So he sacrificed his main position and took "supporting and lurking" one to allow his team to do better. And that happend. Fnatic was and still is the best team after changing of positions and improving teamwork in that game.

+ to that cyberbully... No, nothing can hurt me thru the internet. If I don't know person personally and that person is trahtalking about me or making fun of my weakness I just don't care. It's simple. Then it will become really funny for me and I will be even more confident to play against this person.
Like I said before you have valid points, I cant argue with your opinion. Its valid. But I have my opinion about FPS games. As I stated before, I think teamwork is a factor to winning, it certianly addes more chance to winning a match. But I believe that teamwork in FPS games is not the major factor that allows a team to win. Unlike other teambased games, where teamwork is the key to winning, but individual skill level helps with the chances of winning games.

As for toxic and cyberbulling, everyone is affected. Either you or someone will get affected. You have learned to deal with it. Not everyone has. Everyone has different level of effect. You think it doesnt, but it still does effect you. Its just that you have learned to deal with it. Cyberbullying is a real thing. Google it and do some research.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 283
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #27 on: January 13, 2016, 11:09:25 PM »
Dookie do you not mention your own trash talking because you don't want people knowing or because you suck at it so you consider it non existent?

If people are so worried about there being 30 servers with 30 players, get rid of your servers. The hosts know they can do that at any point. Not gonna be judged for it. I think


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1635
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #28 on: January 14, 2016, 02:15:21 PM »
Not even going to waste time going through and reading all the posts in this - "this games dead" - "adds trash talk of unskilled players - "continues replying to everyone" ---> Hey everyone, it's Toxiic on a new account. You can tell by his attempt to be grammatically correct, but failing. Also, his mention of league of legends, poor attempt of trash talk, and the way he writes.


Now, in terms of "when was the last time these players played with nonames" -- Well, let's just say hypothetically they don't. Hypothetically they are unskilled. In a game over 3v3, where Shockwave is "above average" as you stated, and Myers/Chemical are bad. How does that 3v3 team win consistently against most teams? And the teams that have beaten them, they have beaten too. That would mean, either Shockwave is the best player in this game and can carry 2 awful teammates in order to beat everyone else, or his teammates aren't bad. Now, further to argue your skilled points - you literally named some of the most relevant names in the matching scene to call out as poor. Skill isn't a numerical thing in DP, its subjective, but, "good" is based on competing with others. In terms of competing with other players, every player you mentioned is in the top 10% of the game, therefore are skilled. Myers/Chem/Jeo etc..

Also, your comment about league of legends and toxicity is wrong. League is 100x more toxic than DP2, more excrement talk. Sure, it's bannable. But only about 1% of that game gets perma banned, and most of the time its not for toxicity. Larger games with larger communities actually have more toxicity. The things I say in DP2 would NOT BE BANNABLE in any other game. And, to be honest, people probably wouldn't get butthurt. The only things in League that can get you banned is if you make death threats or very racist remarks - arrogance isnt bannable.

In terms of why the games dying, they weren't "smart points" or "researched points" - they were common sense that have all been stated numerous times by numerous different people. Everyone has a theory for why the games dying. People say "OH THE excrement TALK" have clearly not played other competitive games. You said some good points as to why the games dying, but every point has been said before. Congratulations, you're not smart, you're a noname whos hiding behind an alias because you know that if you wrote on your main account (if its not banned) you'd get no credibility - If you just left your first post as is, instead of showing your true colours, maybe your topic would have been taken seriously.

PS: Your analogy about the committee was hilarious at best. You don't understand the purpose of the committee, and given you mentioned their job being voting on bans, it furthers the awareness that you're a banned player, hence ToXiiC.

@DooCi - If it was constructive and showing his caring about the game, it wouldn't be a permanently banned player writing it. Clearly his caring for the game went wrong somewhere. A guy who intentionally hacked teams? Yeah, I think he must really care. He also hacked teams of the people he claimed were unskilled, just so he can pretend he was a part of their teams.... odd? I always avoided having teams of bad players on my formers.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 283
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #29 on: January 14, 2016, 03:08:17 PM »
Trash talk is always going to be a thing, every game, every aspect of life you'll find it.

I agree with myers' post.

Look at the bigger picture. A team with high caliber players means the team probably has the best chance of winning. But individual skill goes beyond point-and-click KD ratios. As mentioned above by Sqz, sometimes after a player is eliminated, they still contribute a ton to the team because their recon and advice to the players still alive makes for the winning play.

Besides, even if 'shk is good' and 'myers and chem are bad' in a match, you can't deny their overall skill level when you see the team play as a whole. Sorry Myers not trying to boost you up too high haha but I will admit, teams like theirs are able to set up grabs and cap scenarios better than any other team I've played.

^^saying this I consider myself a good individual player, I think I have good aim sure, but I definitely have been outplayed by teams like this in 2v1 situations where their ability to steal a flag on me and catch me out of position, and always be in good position themselves, is evident
« Last Edit: January 14, 2016, 03:48:53 PM by shockk »

Steve Jobs

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Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #30 on: January 14, 2016, 04:54:55 PM »
where does toxic live in Canada?


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1635
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #31 on: January 14, 2016, 06:14:55 PM »
FYI - if anyone actually cares about who the author of the post is, whether or not I'm correct about Toxiic - it's a North American player who lives in an area that is central time.

Considering the size of the community, and that he "knows enough to know average people in the matching scene" , should be pretty easy to find who this salty man is.

@Shockk - irrelevant to gameplay and individual skill - his logic didn't make sense. To say Shockwave is average, myers and chemical are bad - then how does this roster continue to win the majority of their games even when coming out of inactivity? What would be good in that case? Since, skill is measured by how you compare to your opponents, and all 3 of us are able to win, and we choose to team together cause we find it a strong roster. So, if 1 or 2 of the players are average/bad, 1 of them must be just the best player in the game no doubt to be able to carry them to victory. Just a silly statement by an uneducated idiot.

PS: you can also know by the players he listed, he's someone who has been around the matching scene recently. Listing names like Whaley etc... and not seeing any "older" players listed. Probably someone recently banned, from CT.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 283
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #32 on: January 14, 2016, 07:38:05 PM »
No Myers, I'm just saying, one of these guys said earlier that one person has skill because they get a lot of kills, while others are bad because they don't and get carried. I'm saying they have to look past KD ratios and see that teamwork and communication is part of skill, and whether or not he says 'you get a lot of kills or not' you guys play exceptionally well and have teamwork most do not have.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 283
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #33 on: January 14, 2016, 08:39:25 PM »
dp isn't dying tho

Steve Jobs

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Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #34 on: January 14, 2016, 08:41:33 PM »
FYI - if anyone actually cares about who the author of the post is, whether or not I'm correct about Toxiic - it's a North American player who lives in an area that is central time.

Considering the size of the community, and that he "knows enough to know average people in the matching scene" , should be pretty easy to find who this salty man is.

Answer the question. Which part of Canada is toxiic from?


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 690
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #35 on: January 14, 2016, 10:28:18 PM »
the bad part


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 67
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #36 on: January 14, 2016, 10:54:37 PM »
Answer the question. Which part of Canada is toxiic from?
He is from Edmonton.

Steve Jobs

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Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #37 on: January 14, 2016, 10:57:37 PM »
He is from Edmonton.
Bingo. Where M i from?


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 67
Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #38 on: January 14, 2016, 11:01:37 PM »
Bingo. Where M i from?
Edmonton aswell.

Steve Jobs

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Re: Why DPB:2 is dead/dying
« Reply #39 on: January 14, 2016, 11:13:27 PM »