So I'm trying to setup a server but once it's running if i try to change the current map from whatever map is set to load when the server starts to a different map the server responds by acting as if it is going to load the requested map but then just reloads whatever map is set to load at server start up
From how I understand this first post of Zentrae, this is his problem:
server starts fine -> initalmap is loaded
newmap/map requestedmap
server prints "loading requestedmap"
initialmap gets loaded instead of requestedmap
Now I don't quite see how a faulty map rotation would make a command to load another map not work - I often load maps that are not in the rotation and I've never had an issue with that. Also the server should definitely be verbose about it if there are any issues. I've never created a faulty rotation file on purpose though, so it this really is a bug, ignore my post. Still, that should be fixed then.
@Zentrae: Could you copy and paste the output of your server in here so we can take a look at it? The server should write it to a text file called "qconsolePORT.log" (most likely "qconsole27910.log") in the pball directory if it is running in dedicated mode, you could take it from there. Also, clear instructions on how you are starting the server and how you are trying to change the map should make us able to reproduce the error and fix it, so please try to describe what you are doing, what is happening and what is not happening a little bit more precisely.