I don't understand this anymore... I hope Zenit and co are just memeing around trying to stir drama, and not genuinely seriously arguing about the best ever in a game that has had no quantitative data to actually confirm who the best is, and comparing now to other eras is just a joke.
You say "people back then couldn't jump!!! you should see us now!!" It's like sports - the game has changed. You know, back 10 years ago, the people who "sucked" also had dial up, ball-mouses, box monitors, and not these mechanical keyboards, 144hz monitors, custom made PC's, etc.etc.. You also realize, people didn't make maps like Prolandr, and whatnot, with the jumps? They never had the opportunity. Hence why often times when I played, old players would come back and play their maps (as they quit due to aging, getting full time jobs and families), and were still good on their maps. Sure, they were worse at jumping - but that was not the game they played. You can't say you're better than them, because it's NOT the same game. They did not play this iteration of DP2. And don't respond with "GAMEZ MORE SKILLED NOW" - because that's besides the point - that does not make you better for playing at a time where the game evolved - it is a different incomparable game.
In regards to who's better - I truly believe, after playing this game over a decade, seeing it change many times, the map pool change many times, and different iterations of teams come and go, that Shockwave is the best player to play this game in all aspects. The only thing he was missing was a brain, unfortunately really. I would argue Olbaid, Jeongwa, Fitz and a few others were some of the better movement wise (this is not jumping skill, this is purely movement in a real "match"). Bix, dd9 were some of the best aim. Priceless and Skyline were the best at Soccer. And Cusoman was the most genuine good person.
Who's the best today? I don't give a excrement lol. I've won some money, won some prizes (headset and a few others), and I had some fun as intercourse matches. I know there was a tournament where Reaver/Dystro/Superman won some pretty good prizes when I was pretty new, were they the best players? They were good, but probably not on anyones #1 list, but hey, they won prizes worth more than most of the players ever won. So, I'd argue they the real mvp's. I rather be bad and win valuable prizes, then "be the best" and get nothing.