Author Topic: The best player so far  (Read 66329 times)


  • Map Committee
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #120 on: May 31, 2018, 06:25:55 PM »
The most active period of the game does not equal the hardest one. It is simply a fact, players nowadays are better than players were back then. Just compare a demo from a match back in 2012 with a current one. There is a huge gap between the players skills. Just look at Smacker as an example - he might have been considered good back then, but nowadays he is below average.
Again, I did not say anything about them being the best right now. I even said that Squeeze, who was vac banned in CS:GO, is part of the best team right now. Read my post.

Anyways, so far no one was able to beat us. 50-0. And I do not think any team will be able to change that. They will rather stay on the forums, talking about history. Since they could not prove anything anymore. But if you decide to come back one day, we will show you how we are running the game. You keep looking at the kings.
Again, congrats to Squeeze for being #1 of 12 - and again, touching tips does not make you kings.

@Rick If myers wants to defend himself, he can do it alone. You shouldnt intervene in a subject that doesnt concerns you. (Check the title of the thread).
You do know you're being a hypocrite right? Telling me not to stand up for Myers whilst standing up for Squeeze? Also, you telling me to stay out of this thread because of the title is the best example of you guys trying to be self-assigned kings, haha.

I would respond to the rest of your post if I could understand it.


  • Autococker
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #121 on: May 31, 2018, 07:21:50 PM »
@Rick You assumed he had no friends and i couldnt prevent myself from answering such a comment.

The DP2 Charts clearly shows that the most downloaded years of DP2 were in between 2012 and 2015. And by following your logic, the best team of the game should be .vT. since they were the one dominating tournaments in the most popular era of the game.

(Yes I know that right before this era, Myer's team was the one leading the clanscene. But you cant blame newer players that were not even 10 years old back then from not competing at that given era)

Its the same as blaming the time of constantly flowing.

New era,new players.

Also, you telling me to stay out of this thread because of the title

I really doubt that i'd be able to see your nickname all the way down there on the opposite side of the scoreboard if you were to play.

Now if you want to argument about who have the biggest, then come and beat us then we might reconsider your opinion.

Unless you see a better way to get to know who is better in a video game.  Isnt it what is the thread about ?


  • Map Committee
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #122 on: May 31, 2018, 07:53:01 PM »
@Rick You assumed he had no friends and i couldnt prevent myself from answering such a childish comment.
You know I don't even know him in real life, right? I don't think he was even around when I played. I think you're over-analysing that comment just a tad. Also, you never even addressed that comment, so uh, I don't get what you mean by the rest of what you said.

The DP2 Charts clearly shows that the most downloaded years of DP2 were in between 2012 and 2015. And by following your logic, the best team of the game should be .vT. since they were the one dominating tournaments in the most popular era of the game.
Not sure what charts you're talking about, but downloads != more active matching scene - Isn't that what all of this is about? Am I missing something?

(Yes I know that right before this era, Myer's team was the one leading the clanscene. But you cant blame newer players that were not even 10 years old back then from not competing at that given era)

Its the same as blaming the time of constantly flowing.

New era,new players.
What are you talking about? I'm blaming new players? Where are you pulling this stuff from.

Blaming the time for not flowing? What are you on?

More like, new era - 12 players. amirite?!?!?!?!

I really doubt that i'd be able to see your nickname all the way down there on the opposite side of the scoreboard if you were to play.
Okie dokie, another omg i wood rek u dady comment. cool

Now if you want to argument about who have the biggest, then come and beat us then we might reconsider your opinion.

Unless you see a better way to get to know who is better in a video game.  Isnt it what is the thread about ?
Alrighty roo, seems like I've hurt some feelings. When you threw your own name out as the best player so far, what did you expect people to do? Go along with it so you can feel all warm and fuzzy inside or tell you you're wrong?

Any who, I'll let you get back to stroking your own ego. Send me a PM if you want to discuss further, I think I've made my opinion known.


  • VM-68
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #123 on: June 01, 2018, 03:43:16 AM »
When you threw your own name out as the best player so far, what did you expect people to do? Go along with it so you can feel all warm and fuzzy inside or tell you you're wrong?

And that's the point. All you guys do is talking, telling us we're wrong. Why could nobody prove us wrong? Why are you guys still sitting in the forums talking? By that time you could've easily installed DP and match us. Would only take 20 minutes, we won't take longer to 2-0 you. And you keep saying stuff about 12-players-era, we keep offering to send any player who used to play this game. We will make sure he won't ever come back.


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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #124 on: June 01, 2018, 04:07:32 AM »
@Rick you literally asked me "why i was defending him outa nowhere" so i made one simple and clear sentence that even you could understand.  

If you feel like you've hurt my feelings by actually using Myers's notoriety and not backing up anything from in game by yourself, then yeah you clearly destroyed me. LoL

The DP2 Charts i was referring too can be easily found on Just to remind you that you cannot jump in this conversation out of nowhere and claims that the most active period of the game was there with that team just because you said so.

Even if it was the case i literally wouldnt care. Im not looking forward to look who was better or who will be better in 10 years but im looking forward opponents that'd be brave enough to challenge us now using the actual game instead of their keyboard and nostalgia.

When you threw your own name out as the best player so far, what did you expect people to do?

Yes Sqz & zNt are clearly throwing their genitals on this forum to show dominance. But i love it. Thats actually  involving players opening the game to try and shut their mouths.

If this isnt the case then you are the ones at fault by argumenting instead of proving them wrong.

That being said.  Im not saying that SQZ was one hundred percent right but that the main reason of him talking actually make sense.

One thing that he did wrong for sure was to mix the game with actual "real trash talk" refering to him trying to bash Myers's appearance since its totally irrelevant in-game speaking.

I'm always available and so are my teamates on the DP2 Discord.

Feel free to PM us there if anyone want to actually grow a pair.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #125 on: June 01, 2018, 07:13:56 AM »
I don't give a fook what history says. If you talk about history, all you gotta do is look at What the clans couple of matches and tournaments. The last contest they had, nobody give a shlt about it. Every latest contest they were in, they mostly went into tie map to loose or barely win. Don't get me wrong, I like these kids, there is a respect between us, but so far what I know, only decent player from NA scene was shk. Their soul will be cracked.

You are talking about a man who got vac ban for bunny hop, you are talking about the same man who got into semi-pro scene in next year in csgo and got offers from pro scene teams.

There is a difference between old teams and us, make no mistake about that. Old teams were trying to win matches, trying to not go into tie map. What the fook is tie map? When we go into a match, it's insta win, no matter what happens, it's always same result 2:0. We do not play to beat enemies, it's boring to shlt on new players and old players coming back, we compete each other in our own team when we play matches, who will have more grabs, caps, kills, less deaths. We do not relax, we sit in dark room and plot out, plot out who's gonna be next. All the people who will join tournament at 4th August are next. We will take their heads clean off.

You said congratulations we are the best out of 12 active players right now. If you think we celebrate this you are highly mistaken my friend. I don't give a shlt about history rankings. As far as I'm concerned, we are number one and when all these people at 4th August will see on their screen consistently "You were eliminated by sqz-jeo-znt", they will realize, they will realize pretty soon. All these "I was good back then" players, when they did some decent shot or outplay, they stood still and didn't move inch, celebrated their "nice shot or a play". I love when player freeze and can't believe what he did. We do this on daily routine, we don't need to freeze, become braindead and think about shot, shots, outplays we did, we do this every round. That's the confidence motherfooker. People nowadays.. they don't play for the win, it's impossible against us. They brainstorm how to get over 10 points and when they do, they celebrate. Fear has got a stench, and they are reeking of it.

We are El Chapos in their prime.

I'm done talking, all I need is players to show up, a sacrificial lambs to show up...and I will demolish them at 4th August.


  • Autococker
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #126 on: June 01, 2018, 04:11:39 PM »
if you're so good and talented why not go to a new game and be kings there? just don't get VAC banned this time.


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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #127 on: June 02, 2018, 05:36:32 PM »
Rofl, I've never read so much bs in my entire life


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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #128 on: June 02, 2018, 08:35:16 PM »
@jeongwa I don't want to defend myself, though. At no point have I felt offended, or any desire to come back and play. I'm just trying to provide input on how to get people to play you. Because this game IS a great game in its basics, but people move on from it. I do hope you're able to find players to play against, which is why I suggested better methods of doing so.

@Sqz Congrats on being the best now. I can't confirm or deny it, cause I don't play, but everyone has says you've improved. So good for you, that's awesome. Those years of asking us all for demos paid off. I do find it funny the attempted trash talk, when you used to stay up all night watching my stream, talking in chat the entire time, and even donating to me almost every stream. You'd even snapchat me asking if I was streaming. Literally were the most loyal/dedicated viewer I had by far. Now, I get this thread is you trying to get a reaction, so I definitely don't think any less of you and am genuinely happy for you that you've become to best of the game now. You put in a lot of work for that. I wish the game was more active so you could get to play more and show that, and hopefully be a humble player that new players could look up to.

@Zenit People aren't going to download a game they do not play, nor enjoy anymore, because people on forums are telling us we are awful and the game is so much better now. That just does not make me go "OH WOW I REALLY WANT TO PROVE THEM WRONG!!" lol... If you, Sqz, or Jeongwa, messaged me saying "Hey man, the game's really inactive and we want to try to get a surge of activity. I know you don't like the game anymore, but we're running an event/tournament/something just to get a few people back. Do you think you could get shk/chem to come back with you for just a weekend event to help?" -- Then sure, I would try to come for that. Because I gave a lot of time to this game, and I'd love to see it still grow - however I do not plan on ever being active in it again. I grew up, I've got bills, I've got work, I've got various other commitments. The game got less active because the player base aged and the younger player base did not come in. It is VERY easy for each person to bring 1 friend back to the game - you just have to use the right method, and with an aging player base, immaturity is not the method. But I mean, I'm sure you all get off here and fist bump eachother saying how you showed these has-been's who the real kings are, and go to sleep with big smiles for the success of getting nobody to reinstall out of sheer fear.

@Rick one day Me/Chem/Shk/Tini and a few others are just going to do a couple hours of spamming some maps with an invite-only pickup. Let me know if you're interested.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 190
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #129 on: June 03, 2018, 06:08:17 AM »
Well, you've made some points there, MyeRs. Are you guys going to be around at the aniversary event? Maybe there will be some tournament.


  • Autococker
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #130 on: June 03, 2018, 08:05:50 AM »
Well, you've made some points there, MyeRs. Are you guys going to be around at the aniversary event? Maybe there will be some tournament.

Nope, I will not be attending. Your crew has removed any desire for me to play. The pure annoyance and immaturity trying to trigger peoples "competitive" side on a game they don't even play made me lose any desire of playing. At this point - if myself or anyone I could get to come back played, it would be purely for fun. If I have hours and hours of free time, I'd go boost in league again to make money, or try to get into scouting grounds - not come back and tryhard DP2 to boost my ego of winning/losing versus 3 active teams.

And the sad part of it all? 1 mature message like what Zenit just sent, and I wouldve come back for the odd game. And I easily can bring Shockwave, Tini, Chem, Reaver, Unrated -- and I have at least 5-10 others I could ask, which prob would get 2-3 of them interested. And if we come back, that probably triggers some others to come back. I could bring back easily 2 full teams, and potentially 3+. Maybe a few of them get addicted again, too. This is more than currently plays the game. Although the game will never be consistently active, could have made a small surge for the summer. Now, please continue the immature responses about how afraid we are all of the fookin kings - because thats definitely the most efficient way to convince people who don't care about the competitiveness or ego of a 3-team game and would only come back for nostalgia.


  • Map Committee
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #131 on: June 03, 2018, 09:18:27 PM »
And that's the point. All you guys do is talking, telling us we're wrong. Why could nobody prove us wrong? Why are you guys still sitting in the forums talking? By that time you could've easily installed DP and match us. Would only take 20 minutes, we won't take longer to 2-0 you. And you keep saying stuff about 12-players-era, we keep offering to send any player who used to play this game. We will make sure he won't ever come back.

You would obviously beat me... 400-600 ping on Euro server, 200-400 on US, I reached my peak and left years ago to play a game where there were more Australians.

@Rick you literally asked me "why i was defending him outa nowhere" so i made one simple and clear sentence that even you could understand. 
wot, can you quote it? Can you just start quoting in general, your posts are very hard to follow without any context.

If you feel like you've hurt my feelings by actually using Myers's notoriety and not backing up anything from in game by yourself, then yeah you clearly destroyed me. LoL
You guys are just taking this wayyyy to personal. Myers was better than you guys are now, NOT ME. Why would I backup myself? TY for noting Myers' bad boy attitude.

The DP2 Charts i was referring too can be easily found on Just to remind you that you cannot jump in this conversation out of nowhere and claims that the most active period of the game was there with that team just because you said so.
Oh yeah, nice stats. Have a look at the screenshot below... Any who, these stats mean nothing! The game was downloaded over 500 times today, um, do you have 500 more people in the matching scene?

Even if it was the case i literally wouldnt care. Im not looking forward to look who was better or who will be better in 10 years but im looking forward opponents that'd be brave enough to challenge us now using the actual game instead of their keyboard and nostalgia.
This whole thread is about who is the best player so far.

Yes Sqz & zNt are clearly throwing their genitals on this forum to show dominance. But i love it. Thats actually  involving players opening the game to try and shut their mouths.
excrement, this is how they're trying to get more people to play? lol.

If this isnt the case then you are the ones at fault by argumenting instead of proving them wrong.
'Isn't the case' of what, please quote something, you're hard enough to follow with the language barrier. Once again, this thread is about who is the best player so far. No one needs to jump in a server...

That being said.  Im not saying that SQZ was one hundred percent right but that the main reason of him talking actually make sense.

One thing that he did wrong for sure was to mix the game with actual "real trash talk" refering to him trying to bash Myers's appearance since its totally irrelevant in-game speaking.
Agree to disagree - but good on you for the last sentence.

I'm always available and so are my teamates on the DP2 Discord.

Feel free to PM us there if anyone want to actually grow a pair.
??? I assume this excrement is towards me? Once again....
You guys are just taking this wayyyy to personal. Myers was better than you guys are now, NOT ME. Why would I backup myself?


  • Map Committee
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #132 on: June 03, 2018, 09:30:41 PM »
Purposely stacking up posts - too many quotes in last one

Skimmed your post, nice read.

I don't give a fook what history says.
Well, the whole point of this thread is to find the best player so far, I think that constitutes bringing history into the mix.

You are talking about a man who got vac ban for bunny hop, you are talking about the same man who got into semi-pro scene in next year in csgo and got offers from pro scene teams.
Sorry, forgot that what you say is always the truth. omg i din't heck, i just cheted by usin buny hawp scriptz. We all definitely believe you, the fact is though, you cheated in the game resulting in a VAC ban.
LOL, why aren't you playing with these teams instead of coming back to this game? Open tryouts don't count m8. Did you let the open-tryout teams know of your VAC ban? I didn't think so. You have no career in CS:GO, it's been over since you cheated... no wonder you're coming back here and trying to make yourself feel better.

Not sure what the rest of your post is trying to say, it kind of sounds like a 13 year old trying to write a poem.


  • Autococker
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #133 on: June 04, 2018, 03:36:16 AM »
Thats why im not quoting. Quotes involves quotes and this becomes harder to read, but fine i'll do an exception.

wot, can you quote it? Can you just start quoting in general, your posts are very hard to follow without any context.
My first message, the first sentence. This one buddy.
@Rick You assumed he had no friends and i couldnt prevent myself from answering such a comment.

Oh yeah, nice stats. Have a look at the screenshot below... Any who, these stats mean nothing!
What do you mean these stats means nothing ? This is clearly in sync with the activity of the game and this is the only graphic that we can work with since there isnt any DP2 chart. This clearly demonstrate that 2011-2013 had the activity peak. And .vT. was the dominating team back then.

This whole thread is about who is the best player so far.
Actually this thread got started with a lost bet and wasnt meant to be relevant but people started argumenting which is fine.
The history of the game of course has it place in this thread but you are using it as an argument. And this is where you are wrong.

'Isn't the case' of what, please quote something
Oh, i got you buddy.
Thats actually  involving players opening the game to try and shut their mouths.
If this isnt the case then

??? I assume this excrement is towards me?

@Rick Tho i was reading up the chat and this is clear that zenit & squeeze were doing provocation. I did left a provocating sentence in my last message. And you jumped on it. Are you sure you arent the one taking up this thread personal ? ^^

Anyways not that i care. Im probably not gona look up your answer since i wana spend my time better rather than looking at this thread. But im still available @Discord if you wana talk there.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2018, 08:16:29 AM by JeongWa »


  • Map Committee
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #134 on: June 04, 2018, 06:18:13 PM »
Thats why im not quoting. Quotes involves quotes and this becomes harder to read, but fine i'll do an exception.
The only reason I didn't continue was that it made the post long, not that it was harder to read. Quotes make it ten times easier to understand what I'm responding to.

My first message, the first sentence. This one buddy.

What? I was responding to this...
@Rick you literally asked me "why i was defending him outa nowhere" so i made one simple and clear sentence that even you could understand. 
I never asked, or cared, why you were defending him. So can you quote where I said that? All I said was you're a hypocrite.

What do you mean these stats means nothing ? This is clearly in sync with the activity of the game and this is the only graphic that we can work with since there isnt any DP2 chart. This clearly demonstrate that 2011-2013 had the activity peak. And .vT. was the dominating team back then.
To me, downloads != activity in the clan scene. Obviously me saying nothing is an overstatement. This was also to show your fact that 2012-2015 had the most downloads, was incorrect. I'll attach another chart for a longer period, which shows that the active period of the game was from around 2007-2013. After 2013 the downloads just shot down.

Also, below you say this...
... were in between 2012 and 2015 ...
... Yes I know that right before this era, Myer's team was the one leading the clanscene ...

Actually this thread got started with a lost bet and wasnt meant to be relevant but people started argumenting which is fine.
The history of the game of course has it place in this thread but you are using it as an argument. And this is where you are wrong.
Again, you're just bring stuff up from nowhere. You quote me saying what the thread is about, and then you tell me about why it was started? Cool beans. Also, history is what this whole thread is about, of course it's going to be part of the discussion... nah u arnt alowd to use history, tht shuws we not best eva!!

Oh, i got you buddy.
Thanks - maybe try not separating linked sentences, it's so hard to follow your posts. I assumed you were trying to make some other, useless point again.

@Rick Tho i was reading up the chat and this is clear that zenit & squeeze were doing provocation. I did left a provocating sentence in my last message. And you jumped on it. Are you sure you arent the one taking up this thread personal ? ^^
Nope, not taking it personal at all. Just responding when I have down-time at work, it's quite relaxing responding to you kids, takes the stress away from coding.

Any who, it's nice that you've tried to defend your friends, it's a good skill to have when you grow up.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 190
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #135 on: June 05, 2018, 03:46:16 AM »
So, Rick, so far i do not understand how you could tell if we are the "best ewa" or not. Since you never ever played to see us in a match, I do not think you could judge if we are better or worse than history players. You did not say that directly, but you obviously mean it. The thread started about who are the best players so far (by a lost bet, but that doesn't matter). Since we do not think the players mentioned in this thread were or are better than us currently, we are simply calling out those who we think could prove us wrong.
You don't belong to these players, since as you stated earlier you had your peak a long time ago. I do not even remember seeing you ingame ever since i started. I've also never heard of you being a good player. And as I said, this thread is now towards the "best players so far", mentioned in this thread. I can not find your name anywhere mentioned. So why are you arguing in here? You try to act mature, while probably the most mature thing was to just ignore this thread, since it's not directed towards you (anymore).
In your words: When you are old enough you will learn to stay out of topics that are not meant for you. This will be an important skill to keep yourself out of trouble in the real world later, buddy!


  • Stingray
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #136 on: June 05, 2018, 07:50:49 AM »
Well in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking at this matter in a different way and without fighting and by trying to make it clear, and by considering each and every ones opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say.


  • PGP
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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #137 on: June 06, 2018, 01:51:41 AM »
I think Toxiic is the best player.


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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #138 on: June 06, 2018, 01:51:49 AM »


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Re: The best player so far
« Reply #139 on: June 06, 2018, 01:52:09 AM »
I meant the best player to ever exist.