Author Topic: The best player so far  (Read 56309 times)


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 190
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #180 on: June 14, 2018, 02:02:02 AM »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 253
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #181 on: June 16, 2018, 02:53:51 AM »
I honestly admire Rick and Myers for their patience to discuss there since the "McGregor" goal is not to make the game more active, but to offend and disgust as many people as they can. Behavior worthy of everything but not a good player. Just shut up for once and show some respect to people who spend time playing with you.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 190
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #182 on: June 16, 2018, 07:46:18 AM »
I honestly admire Rick and Myers for their patience to discuss there since the "McGregor" goal is not to make the game more active, but to offend and disgust as many people as they can. Behavior worthy of everything but not a good player. Just shut up for once and show some respect to people who spend time playing with you.
You are still an irrelevant barking dog that doesn't know anything, so
Stop barking and sit, dog.
and please
Just shut up for once.

You were a good boy and managed to stay out of the conversation for so long and relapsed. Bad dog! I might consider giving you treats if you are a good boy again though.
Anyways, we allow you to bark at us ingame, right after the 3v3 you lost against us, Rengar. Until then we pee at you to assert our dominance.


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 1635
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #183 on: June 16, 2018, 08:49:33 AM »
@Ranger - Get a team together and join my tournament thread! Don't worry, they wont be present, you don't need to worry about them at all.

@Zenit - Nice copying how Rick's post that destroyed you and nice insults that are what elementary school kids would use. Calling someone a dog and offering treats, wow we really going back in time on the child-train


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 190
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #184 on: June 16, 2018, 08:56:18 AM »
@Ranger - Get a team together and join my tournament thread! Don't worry, they wont be present, you don't need to worry about them at all.
Yea Ranger, go play at the tournament, you are save there, no need to worry about McGregor being mean to you! :)

@Zenit - Nice copying how Rick's post that destroyed you and nice insults that are what elementary school kids would use.
Using quotes equals copying Rick's posts? uw0tm8? Also, rather see it as a metaphor rather than as an insult.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 51
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #185 on: June 18, 2018, 04:45:15 AM »
Bad dog! I might consider giving you treats if you are a good boy again though.
Anyways, we allow you to bark at us ingame, right after the 3v3 you lost against us, Rengar. Until then we pee at you to assert our dominance.

bro, no.. thats not how you do it


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 190
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #186 on: June 28, 2018, 12:01:32 AM »
darn boy, the forum traffic really stayed up high since we stopped posting in here. Can't be coincidence tho, because tRaShTaLk NeVeR HeLpS creating and increasing activity. Can't wait for MyeRs' tournament to happen!


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 67
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #187 on: June 28, 2018, 04:15:00 PM »
 tRaShTaLk NeVeR HeLpS cReAtiNg aNd InCrEaSiNg AcTiVitY


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 67
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #188 on: July 11, 2018, 03:02:28 AM »
+1  Henrod.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 406
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #189 on: July 15, 2018, 12:53:32 PM »
Legendary oXz, butchered like a fookin fishes. Great tutorial.


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2190
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #190 on: July 15, 2018, 08:13:22 PM »


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 406
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #191 on: July 17, 2018, 10:22:48 AM »
Yeah, that hurt me so much, now, I will wipe my tears with my money and carry on. rofl

You are just another broke bum trying to say some shlt.


  • Map Committee
  • Autococker
  • Posts: 2190
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #192 on: July 17, 2018, 06:13:47 PM »
Yeah, that hurt me so much, now, I will wipe my tears with my money and carry on. rofl

You are just another broke bum trying to say some shlt.
That was easy...


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 406
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #193 on: August 03, 2018, 12:57:25 PM »
Where is the competition at? Not even wallhackers can beat us in 3v3, where you hidin weasels?


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 253
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #194 on: August 04, 2018, 01:57:45 AM »
Everyone can beat you sqz, its not hard to play good with no laggy connection. In fact it is so easy, that you even dont have to try hard as Im sure this is exactly your case.   When I told Jeongwa and sqz that aiming is not about skill but about what connection you have got, they almost got mad... lol


  • Autococker
  • Posts: 554
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #195 on: August 04, 2018, 03:58:56 AM »
Since you mention my name i'll answer you. Connections has for sure sure a role to play in aiming but an insignificant one.

I'd say the most important factors to aim in video games are crosshair placements and predictions. You most likely will improve both by playing and gaining experience.

If after reading you still think that connection is what makes the better players then explain me how are you not up there knowing that myself have 70 average ping ? With 20 ping by following your logic you should be on top no matter what.

Only if you reach a hundred ping that it will start really turning slowly from an insignificant factor to a disadvantageous one obviously.

You got it wrong, i was laughing when you made your point exactly as you just did because this point is not even questionable to me.
How should i react to somebody questioning my in-game skills when this person cannot prove herself to be better ?.. With laughter.

This is not the first time that you mention my nickname for a topic such as 'lol only good cuz of XXX' publicly. If you want to prove such a thing, beat me in-game, one versus one me with a positive win ratio with your 20-ish ping-connection and i might start consider your claim.

We can gladly announce the results here if you want, just so everyone knows if you actually managed to prove your point or not.

#Back to topic.

This thread is just a clown fiesta to me.

Most of the players that spoke here hasn't gain my in-game acknowledgement. There is only one mean to do so and its by playing the game like two knights would fight each other for acknowledgement. See you in game !


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 253
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #196 on: August 04, 2018, 06:39:53 AM »
Ping number is insignifficant, not connection. You should sometimes exchange chair with someone "bad" who has ping 30 (Eddieprice for example), that would cure your delusion. He would smashed you in 7 rounds.


  • VM-68
  • Posts: 190
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #197 on: August 04, 2018, 07:06:48 AM »
Everyone can beat you sqz, its not hard to play good with no laggy connection. In fact it is so easy, that you even dont have to try hard as Im sure this is exactly your case.   

You should sometimes exchange chair with someone "bad" who has ping 30 (Eddieprice for example), that would cure your delusion. He would smashed you in 7 rounds.

Comedygold over here. Your excuses are getting boring, you already talked about the "connection" bullexcrement earlier. Try to think of something new.

Btw, do you also believe the earth is flat?


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 406
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #198 on: August 04, 2018, 07:14:55 AM »
Everyone can beat you sqz

But, nobody is doing it. How is that?

Btw on aiming, it's not about ping at all. European player can play on NA, he will be delayed but can aim properly and predict moves. Aiming is about muscle memory and how hard you train with your mouse to aim pixel perfect. You probably does not have laser mouse, but this one , so you have to ignore the fact about mouse and talk about ping.


  • 68 Carbine
  • Posts: 253
Re: The best player so far
« Reply #199 on: August 04, 2018, 07:28:16 AM »
But, nobody is doing it. How is that?

« Reply #194 on: Today at 02:57:45 AM »
Read it again, then maybe again and again  :D