Author Topic: ub_shazam beta  (Read 867 times)


  • Autococker
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ub_shazam beta
« on: March 31, 2019, 04:36:05 PM »
will be working on this after im done with rooftop


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Re: ub_shazam beta
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2019, 01:06:46 AM »
Technical stuff:

1) Please name your filenames something like ub_shazam_b1.bsp or something until its final.  It's confusing when there's 10 versions of the map with the same exact filename.
2) How did you manage to misalign every single crate in the whole map?  The original had aligned crates.  How did you misalign the ones that were even originally aligned?


1) The visuals don't look like an improvement over the original.  No tweaks to make the rocks look more natural or polish up the bunkers or anything.  With the addition of a bunch of various wedges/blocks/etc. and the misaligned textures, I'd say it's a visual downgrade from shazam33 in its current state.
2) You should use _sun_surface for lighting instead of _sun_ambient, as that will give you much more natural results instead of having everything in shadow uniformly lit.


1) I don't feel like the second flag adds anything.  It just makes it more difficult to get into and out of the base with the objectives.  Generally second flags are placed in locations that prevent somebody from easily sitting in one location and defending.  This just seems like it's there to allow experienced players to score even more points on newbies.  You can't even get to it without some trick jump.  Objectives should be accessible to people playing for the first time.  They should also be easy to grab when you're moving backward firing at an enemy.
2) Lots of new jumps/paths added that seem to be almost secretive.  Little ledges barely visible on the walls and such.  The original had this, and I would say to move away from that.  Make the ledges clear and accessible to new players.  Again, this just seems like its a way for pros to ruin new players days even more.  We need the opposite.  We need maps that are easy for new players to navigate so they'll enjoy the game and stick around.

Sorry to be so harsh on you, but I know you're better than this.  You know how to map.  This map doesn't seem like you.