Author Topic: Build 44  (Read 10609 times)


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Build 44
« on: September 18, 2020, 06:08:57 AM »
Yep, still doing updates, though I don't have much time to dedicate to this.  This build should fix a few of the major bugs, such as players getting kicked for exceeding max FPS or hardware check failures plus a handful of other stuff.

Here's the full changelist:

build 44 (2020-09-18):
- Cvar: "mapname" now set on the client when connected to a server.
- Tweak: Increased memory allocation for maps so larger levels can be loaded. 3:19 AM 2/19/2020
- Tweak: Tweaked scoreboard sorting a little (grabs aren't worth as much now).  Now it's sorted by caps * 8 + grabs * 2 + kills.  You can use cl_scoreboard_sorting 4 for the previous behavior (grabs * 4). 11:45 AM 3/1/2020
- Tweak: Made missing texture grid texture less harsh.
- Tweak: Made snd_mixahead 0.08 instead of 0.2 by default.  This should reduce latency in sound effects and be stable as long as > 20fps in maintained.
- Media: Fixed names of maps overlapping edge of loading screen. 2:36 AM 3/14/2020
- Media: Several new or tweaked HR4 textures.
- Media: Jail bars now have alpha transparency channel (can be used by mappers with trans33+trans66 surface setting). 5:38 AM 9/18/2020
- Bugfix: If you spun in circles enough, you could mess up your aim and crash the game.  Angle now wraps at 360 degrees to prevent large, problematic values. 3:15 AM 5/25/2020
- Bugfix: 320x240 resolution works again and doesn't go to 640x480. 6:43 PM 7/7/2020
- Bugfix: Fixed some faulty kicks due to a buffer being too large. 7:49 AM 9/17/2020
- Bugfix: Fixed external server browser not loading server list with new server. (Thanks, richar:D)
- Bugfix: Disable caustic effects on doors and other dynamic objects underwater as this causes a crash when changing levels (notibly after 5p_school.bsp).

*** 1.933 build 189 ***
- Fixed broken roll angles at the end screen of some maps. 4:12 AM 9/1/2019
- Made deathmatch have warmup like the other modes. 5:27 AM 9/23/2019
- Entities can be given these targetnames which will automatically trigger: warmup_start, game_start, round_start (round_start_<color> for siege), round_end, game_end, overtime
- "timelimit_empty" cvar specifies a time, in minutes, a map will stay loaded in warmup mode with nobody playing.  This is to fix floating point issues (lag and framerate limit kicks) that happen if a map is loaded too long. 6:09 AM 11/19/2019
- Made "flagcapendsround" setting not end the round on "holdit" map (or other maps where flag cap = 0 points). 6:33 AM 11/19/2019
- Changed pong scoring message to "X team scored!" (Note: won't work properly if a map has more than 2 teams). 3:23 AM 1/17/2020
- fixed sv_votemapenabled 2 not actually stopping players from voting maps into rotation temporarily 7:08 AM 2/3/2020
- Normalized the map votes each map change, so maps that don't meet the proper player count don't accumulate massive numbers of auto-votes, forcing them to be played even when nobody voted for them. 7:11 AM 2/3/2020
- Changed default overtime from 2 minutes to 1 minute. 3:02 AM 2/16/2020
- Reduced bots walking into walls if they can't pathfind. 3:33 AM 2/17/2020
- Bots now have latency, so the player positions they have to aim with are now 400ms behind the current position, and they have to lead, so no instant reaction when you walk around a corner.  They'll also commit to shooting for a period of time instead of popping off single shots.
- Added a built-in delay to enemy player positions for bots so it's impossible for them to have instant reaction time.  They have to lead and predict like real online players. 7:23 AM 2/17/2020
- Bots go for objectives more, especially if they have a flag. 8:20 AM 2/18/2020
- added "trigger_teleport" entity.  Same as misc_teleporter, except you can use a brush to cover a larger area. 3:49 AM 2/19/2020
- elim_inc cvar.  Increases the respawn time for a team every time a player on that team is eliminated. 7:28 AM 3/11/2020
- Possible fix for paint grenate not killing players on direct hit. 6:43 AM 5/25/2020
- Possible fix for paint grenade priming and detonating in hands after throwing another grenade. 9:53 AM 7/10/2020
- Relaxed startsolid spawn checks for equipment and tried to better spawn things taking inverted gravity into account. 8/29/2020
- Fix for live players spawning in jails on maps that used -1 for the teamnumber, such as extreme.bsp and alaska.bsp. 3:23 AM 9/1/2020

Here are some Windows test builds.  Still need to do a Linux build.
Full install:

Edit: Linux files:
« Last Edit: October 01, 2020, 05:52:30 AM by jitspoe »


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Re: Build 44
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2020, 03:18:04 AM »
Edited the original post with the Linux files.  About to test them on the server for this Social Saturday.  Hope everything works well!


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 60
Re: Build 44
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2020, 03:31:04 AM »
- warmup_start, game_start, round_start (round_start_color for siege), round_end, game_end, overtime, [3:00 PM] FourthX: trigger_mapload, trigger_pregame, trigger_gamestart, trigger_roundstart, trigger_roundend, trigger_gameend [3:01 PM] FourthX: trigger_pregame goes off aftwer warmup ends but before the the actual 1st round, that time when you can't shoot any more

What are those? Entities, spawnflags (for what entities), ...? These ones don't appear in the build 44 bsp entity.fgd file.


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Re: Build 44
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2020, 07:21:52 AM »
What are those? Entities, spawnflags (for what entities), ...? These ones don't appear in the build 44 bsp entity.fgd file.
Haha, whoops, didn't mean to copy/paste FourthX's lines in there.  They're triggers that fire automatically, so instead of having a button or whatever, you can just give something (such as a door) that target name, and it'll trigger on those events.


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 60
Re: Build 44
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2020, 02:09:07 AM »
- Entities can be given these targetnames which will automatically trigger: warmup_start, game_start, round_start (round_start_<color> for siege), round_end, game_end, overtime

Wait do you mean entities can be given that *classname* or do you mean that you can trigger those events using entities (reverse causality than I assumed)?


  • Stingray
  • Posts: 60
Re: Build 44
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2020, 02:19:54 AM »
Oh this was probably no typo. Falsely assumed that the triggers you mentioned are literal trigger entities. If I may ask, wouldn't the Quake 2-ish approach be to add spawnflags to specific entities or to build entities for that? If you want an entity to be triggered by multiple events (e.g. game_start and round_end - which sound at least to me like a reasonable combo) you will now have to use one relay per event instead of having one trigger_multiple / specific trigger entity with two spawnflags set.