Author Topic: wallhack caught on tape  (Read 19093 times)


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #40 on: February 24, 2004, 04:18:39 PM »
I want the last WORD


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #41 on: February 24, 2004, 05:09:33 PM »
well you won't get it



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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2004, 05:13:16 PM »
I am curious, though -- why don't you use the new standalone client?


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #43 on: February 24, 2004, 05:36:28 PM »
I was using the Alpha 6 which is an awsome peice of work.  I would play it and quake 2 pretty much equally.

The Alpha 7 and 8 name stuff is extremely annoying when people are trying to join to the point I was wishing there was a way to ban it from our servers. Spamming the names one letter at a time until the full name is there makes no sense to me.  I run my game in a resolution made for a blind man... as big as it gets and its like a mass flood of text when someone joins.   It also sucks because the names ONLY look good to those on the standalone.  Many people still choose to use Quake 2 and the name thing should be as it always has been... User Friendly - meaning we've been using the old names for years and now you can't without them looking like jibberish.  Do you plan to fix that?

BTW can you send me a copy of the full 6 please?

And thanks for all your hard work on the Alpha's



  • VM-68
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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #44 on: February 24, 2004, 06:40:28 PM »
Well, im pretty sure jit said that the old funnames are fubar for new versions. And also, when he releases a final version. Quake2/old builds will be obsolete and not be able to be used. Not 100% tho :D But it would cut down on usage of quake2 hacks ect... So i think its a good thing. Whoever still uses quake2 for some odd reason (the standalones are beautiful), i think might just leave =[


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #45 on: February 24, 2004, 07:25:34 PM »
well that suxs cause with my system everything is perfect with the colors and such
i do love teh way the new builds look nad everything but i my self ( which i do not cheat ) perer the q2mod aver the standalones as things are right now
i have used the standalones quite often but still go back to the orignal q2dp i my pretty much dont care for the standalones because i cant see anything like on most maps its to dark or to bright even with toggleing overbright and i cant see were teh balls are going


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #46 on: February 24, 2004, 07:26:00 PM »
jits you got that spellchecker working yet?


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #47 on: February 24, 2004, 08:55:57 PM »
Um, what's the last version you tried?

And no, I haven't had time to implement a spell checker.


  • VM-68
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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #48 on: February 25, 2004, 08:11:48 AM »
maybe to stem people who are really cheating you shouldnt allow the quake 2 builds to be compatable anymore.(BTW i know you plan to do so, but im implying do it earlier to keep the community going)  because i have a feeling that there are more quake 2 cheat apps than you can shake a stick at.  And that way make a lot of them obsolete, idk, just IMO.  Im hoping not to see more of this with other people, cause it will turn into a situation were everyone is going to start accusing and make the already small DP community smaller(if thats possible??).
« Last Edit: February 25, 2004, 08:12:36 AM by meat »


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #49 on: February 25, 2004, 02:29:47 PM »
quite frankly as of now i assume anyone using the old version of DP has it for some clandestine purpose. Frkq2 is very easy to get and even easier to use. there is no other point to using the old version of q2 rather than gaining an advantage over someone using the alpha. Anyone smart would use the alpha anyway purely based on the fact that it saves so much disc space compared to q2. Plus im sure when a final version of DP is released maybe the airheads running servers will implement version checking so frkq2 cant be used. So yea all you old version users are hackers hahaha i iwin gg


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #50 on: February 25, 2004, 02:42:13 PM »
lol ok i think anyone that is better then me cheats :)  and as far as the q2 mod goes for about 1 month i used that one before i got the stand alone ver because i was not used to the stand alone ver yet but i slowly wined myself off of the q2 one and on to the standalone ver.


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #51 on: February 25, 2004, 03:16:25 PM »
well the last version of the standalone i used is build 7 and when i get a better comp and or moniter i might be going to the standalone but for now i use the q2mod and i feel it looks better and runs better ( with my set up) and if you accuse me of hacking i will laugh at you because i totaly suck 90 percent of the time !!!!!!!! AND as soon as i talk to Xbain we will be having the ncservers on the server so i hope that will relax some small part of everyones minds...


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #52 on: February 26, 2004, 11:42:59 AM »
Try using build8.  A dark monitor is all the more reason to use the alpha -- you have a lot more control of the brightness and such.  Quake2 is really dark (unless you cheat -- I consider high gl_modulate values cheating).

btw: sv_minclientbuild 8.  Set that on the server and people with old versions won't be able to connect.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2004, 11:45:17 AM by jitspoe »


  • VM-68
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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #53 on: February 27, 2004, 10:16:26 AM »
well the last version of the standalone i used is build 7

Build008 now has gamma mapping ect.. So lighting of maps is alot better then quake2/old builds. It can make a huge difference on dark monitors.

AND as soon as i talk to Xbain we will be having the ncservers on the server so i hope that will relax some small part of everyones minds...

Well, we have tested the nocheat server on a couple pdepot servers and we have still been able to get around it with quite simplicity. The only way to stop hacking is if jit uses version checking. This would enforce players to use the latest version. This should cut down any hacking vigorusly (sp?). Anyways, the only way someone could hack, is if they downloaded the source and changed it. Which i think alot of the people in this community are too lazy to do. And if they do, then its just extremely lame that they would ruin the fun of this game. And do not deserve to be a part of the community.

btw: sv_minclientbuild 8.  Set that on the server and people with old versions won't be able to connect.

Thats a toughy, because probably about 50% or more of the community still uses Quake2. I have no clue why, there is no excuse to. The new alphas play/look better and have tweaked netcode. I lag out in quake2 all the time, but with the standalone i never do. It just doesnt make sense to use the old versions. If the game seems choppy set cl_cmdrate to 80 and you should be fine. Im running on a p2 450, 96mb ram, and a 16mb riva tnt and the game plays absolutely fine. Also to note that im on a 56k modem and have no trouble playing the standalone. EVEN with the high-res textures.
The only reason someone would use the old quake2 is for access to hacks, other malicious things, or have a comp crappier then mine.
The control in the build is also easier to jump ect.. because of the tweaked netcode.

i have a feeling that there are more quake 2 cheat apps than you can shake a stick at

this statement is also extremely true. we found this out when we were testing hacks against our servers/ncs

Frkq2 is very easy to get and even easier to use. there is no other point to using the old version of q2 rather than gaining an advantage over someone using the alpha.

We found frikq2, and it HAS nocheat EMULATION. so someone using it, would look like they have nocheat when they really do not, and are hacking. We tried it, and it works.

The poiint is, the quake2 version is darn ugly, is VERY hackable, and also produces more lag for netplay. So all you quake2ers better change over sometime soon. Or you will be obsolete. If you leave because you say the standalone sucks, its incoherant and sounds mailicious, and gives the community the idea that you ran quake2 for hacking reasons. Its better looking, has new lighting, and tweaked netcode. The only reason to use quake2 is if you have a EXTREMELY crappy computer or for other mailicious reasons. If you do, its time to friggin upgrade. you can buy a comp that will run the standalone fine for like $50 these days.


« Last Edit: February 27, 2004, 10:18:25 AM by Xile »


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #54 on: February 27, 2004, 11:44:46 AM »
/me 2nd's xile


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #55 on: February 27, 2004, 12:08:23 PM »
The only reason i would contradict my self is becauase I have friends who enjoy playing the mod...(the have macs).  So the only reason i would say not to do it is because of that.  I can't blame jit for not compiling/programing pball on mac, seeing as he doesnt have one.  other than that i totally suport servers that choose to disallow the quake 2 mod.


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #56 on: February 27, 2004, 02:45:07 PM »
Well meat, im sure if people spoke out and there was a high demand for a mac version jit would do it. I just dont know hardly any people with a mac. Maybe 2, but they also have a PC. I have vc++ but i have no clue on how to compile to the mac-os nontheless anything besides windows. Ill check it out though.


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #57 on: February 27, 2004, 03:23:03 PM »
It would be nice to have a mac build.  Mac users are a bit limited in the games they can play, so if promoted correctly, we could probably get a lot of hardcore fans that way.  Maybe once I get a job I'll invest in one...


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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #58 on: February 27, 2004, 03:31:00 PM »
Right, well, i offered them the same alternative, they however are not in the mood for pc's, for finacial and personal reasons. If there is an eventual beta, im all for testing it, i do have a mac, but i only use it for recording.


  • 68 Carbine
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Re: wallhack caught on tape
« Reply #59 on: February 28, 2004, 11:21:51 PM »
quite frankly as of now i assume anyone using the old version of DP has it for some clandestine purpose.

Well, there are certainly legitimate reasons (IMO) to favor the original quake2 mod over the stand-alone alpha. First of all, I find the new player models/skins particularly annoying. The contrast of team coloration is greatly reduced, which inevitably lead to me second guessing a friend/foe (at times shooting at everything within range). Perhaps one would argue that such insecurities are a legitimate part of paintball strategy and therefore should be considered a welcomed addition to the game. Well, perhaps. Perhaps, though, after familiarizing ourselves with a particular form of gameplay over a period of years, we are not exceedingly ecstatic about making fundamental changes in our style of play.

Secondly, there is a small (but significant) difference in the jumping ability between the modification and standalone. Currently (mod), you possess a slightly extended vertical, which provides you (depending on the map) a slight advantage in manuverability.

An additonal hinderance that currently exists is a mismatch between server and client side model bounding boxes. Essentially, the new models are larger (at least while crouched) than the previous quake2 version. Thus, it's quite possible to shoot through someone's head while playing with the standalone. On a side note to a point made eariler, I don't believe the space you save is significant enough to worry about (considering you can run the mod with the quake2 demo, and maps take up the majority of the space anyway).

Essentially what it comes down to is that change is often difficult to accept. Thus, when presented with an older/more comfortable version and a new build as interchangeable methods, I myself prefer to side with the former. Let it be clear, I am extremely glad that the game is being enhanced and revitalized, but certainly we should not denounce those who choose to side with familiarity (at least, not yet! ;)). One might then counter my implication by presenting the drastic change in ball-speed that occured some time back. I fully agreed that the previous speed was somewhat ridiculously slow; however, at some point the line must be drawn. I find the recent discussions of "realism mode" and "falling damage" to be on a level that would critically alter the game's structure. If you are going to implement such features in the name of 'enhancement,' the least you can do is make it a seperate game. I'm here to play a quake 2 based paintball modification -- nothing more; nothing less. The day I am no longer able to glide 20 feet through the air and reign down upon DirtyTaco is the day that I walk away from this community.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2004, 11:25:32 PM by Blitz »