The existance of a God is a matter of faith, period.
The existance of a God cannot be scientifically proven or dispoven.
Nothing can be proven 100%.
The theory that the universe was formed from a singularity is based on convincing evidence, but is, itself, unprovable 100%. That which we can hold, touch, and test can be proven with a high degree of confidence, yet is still not 100%. So that which we cannot examine so closely grows farther from 100% provable.
Everything is a matter of faith.
Red is red because you believe it is red. You have been taught it is red. And all evidence that you have been taught to compare red against tells you it is red. But, red cannot be proven 100% to be red.
I've been kind of day dreaming about a game environment.
A matrix-like game environment where you sit in a chair, have some probes attached to you, and the computer takes over your senses and injects you into a realistic game environment.
Then I thought of the computing power it would take to create such a thing.
I thought of a sort of harmonic vaccum chamber that oscolates attoms in a pattern that cause them to pass through a detector/effector machanism essentially becoming the ones and zeros of our known computer world. Then I thought this computer, if ever able to become real, could be infinately powerful.
This lead to me thinking of universe simulator programmed with the laws of life. Physical laws, chemicals laws, etc... Then, at the flick of a switch, a big bang that injects all these things into a virtual space and allows them to progress according to the laws we know and have programmed the simulation with.
Then I thought...what if? What if we could inject ourself into this virtual world. Maybe even having the simulation exist virtually on an accelarate scale? Maybe something to the order of 1 real minute equals 100 virtual years, or more. And what if our simulator was taught to program and adjust itself? And as our computer gained knowledge it became aware of something never thought of by its creator. It tells us that, as we have create a simulated universe accurately existing according to preprogrammed laws, we creators are also a simulation existing according to preprogrammed laws. Our universe is a simulated universe. In various parts of the universe various experiments in life simulation are taking place. And, when the simulated life becomes aware of its creator it is programatically eliminated in the form of a supernova that destroys those aware simulated people. This keeps the simulation running without the catastrophy of the realization of thier mere simulated existance.
Ok...wrote way too much.
Anyways...crazy, huh?
Not very provable either?
But my little story does, at the very least, have a greater than 0% probablilty of being true.
Would make a cool movie too!
I'm actually considering writing a book on it.
BTW, that whole thing above isn't something i've thought about on a lonely Sunday evening. It's been an ongoing set of thinkings that have expanded and formed over a pretty long time.